【注意事项】报名开始时间2023/9/23 10:00,截止时间2023/9/25 20:00,名额有限,报满即止。本次活动将作为《形势与政策2》课程选修讲座,同时作为本科新生始业教育环节(三个书院各有一讲,至少择其一)。
Invitation to the Master Inauguration Ceremony of the Laitong College
Dear Students:
Residential College No.3 will be renamed “Laitong College”, taking the name from the lyrics of the Zhejiang University anthem. We sincerely hope that you can cultivate a profound sense of responsibility for the country while working collaboratively to shape a brighter future.
The Master Inauguration Ceremony of the Laitong College will be held on the evening of September 27th. We are honored to announce that Professor He Lianzhen, the Vice President of Zhejiang University, National Outstanding Teacher, and Special Expert in Zhejiang province, will serve as the Master of the Laitong College.
We are delighted to invite Professor XU Jun, a distinguished professor of Zhejiang University and one of the most famous translators and translation theorists in China and the world, to present an exciting lecture “Literature and Life - From the Unbearable Lightness of Being”.
Exquisite souvenirs will be available at the event, and we look forward to your attendance!
Event Participant: All the residents from Residential College (Limited to the first 500 based on venue capacity, with priority given to students from Laitong College in case of exceeding)
Event Date: 18:30, September 27th (Wednesday)
Event Venue: The Auditorium, Zhejiang University International Campus
Event Language: Chinese (Simultaneous interpretation will be provided)
[NOTE] Registration opens from 10:00 on September 23rd to 20:00 on September 25th. Limited places are available. This event will be a part of the orientation schedule for undergraduate freshmen. Three Residential colleges will hold one Master Inauguration Ceremony respectively, you should choose at least one of them to attend.