Bring your food, bring a gift made from idle things, and have a romantic date with the grass!
这里有有趣的小伙伴,这里有友善的氛围,来这里你可以认识很多可爱的小伙伴。人生就是一场一场的邂逅和相遇,也许你收获一个知己,一个懂你的人。伴着微风,满眼绿意,耳边是爽朗的笑声,轻快的音乐,慢下来,听听你我他的人生的故事,也许给你一个启发,一丝感动,也许...有很多的可能,只需要你走出自己小小的空间,投入到大的世界里来。我们拉好了天幕,点上了星星灯,放起了音乐,只期待你的到来,我们承诺给你一个美好的夜晚 :)
There are interesting buddies and friendly atmosphere here, where you can meet many lovely friends. Life is a series of encounters and meetings, and perhaps you will gain a confidant, someone who understands you. With the breeze, greenery, cheerful laughter, and lively music, slow down and listen to the stories of your own and others' lives. Perhaps it will give you inspiration, a touch of emotion, perhaps...there are many possibilities, you just need to step out of your own small space and immerse yourself in the bigger world. We have set up the sky, lit up the starry lights, and played music. We are waiting for your arrival, and we promise to give you a wonderful night :)
In order for buddies to better meet new friends, we will group them in the WeChat group before the event. Each group will have a leader in charge of the affairs of the group, such as preparing a program for each group and selecting buddies willing to share their stories. So, you will definitely meet more friends, don't worry about being alone!
【ITINERARY 行程 10 AM - 6 PM】
16:30 AM - Gathering 集合
17:00 Warming up dance with music 活动开始,开场热身舞蹈
17:10 - 18:35 Group show up and selected member share his/her story about environment change 选中的小组上台亮相,成员分享自己生活里的环保故事,中间穿插小组表演
18:40- 20:00 Exchange second hand stuff and socialize with others 旧物交换,自由交谈
【Meet up 集合】
16:30 @ Exit C of Qian Wan Park 前湾公园C出口
【Ticket Price 费用】 Exclude food&drink 不含餐饮
50rmb 包含有限的水果和小食 Include limited fruits and snacks
请大家自带食物和小伙伴们分享 Please bring your own food to share with us :)
【绿脚丫简介 Green Foot Introduction】
绿脚丫成立于2015年,总部在深圳,并在珠三角片区的拥有广州,东莞,惠州分部, 省外先后成立了上海,西安,成都分部。现在这8个城市以生活化、社交化的方式倡导和践行环保理念。绿脚丫亦是一个国际社交平台,聚集了来自美、德、英、印度及东南亚等30余个国家的环保爱好者,通过线上线下的活动累计辐射人数达10万余人。绿脚丫立志链接更广泛的人群,为一个绿意盎然的世界持续努力!
Green Foot established in 2015 with headquarter set in Shenzhen and branches covered PRD Guangzhou, Dongguan, Huizhou while Shanghai, Xi'an, Chengdu and Zhuhai were swiftly established in the past half year. Through the offline activities and media reports, we have reached and influenced over 100,000 international audience. Our mission is to connect more people and built a greener world together.
【绿脚丫精神 Green Foot Spirit】
Living the Green Foot Spirit - 活出绿脚丫精神
Its cleaner when you leave.
Money is yours, resources are ours.
Nobody stands alone.
Bring your smile and open heart.