杭州Hangzhou | Ladies Who Tech Walkie Talkie走着瞧不如走着聊
In today's workplace, pressure is ubiquitous for every young professional, and almost all employers require candidates to possess certain "resilience" abilities. However, women are perceived as more emotional than men in the workplace. When women express emotions, they may be seen as weak and lacking control. Therefore, they may need to work harder to control their emotions to avoid being labeled as "emotional," which can lead to more negative effects on their emotional management in the workplace.
Emotional stability does not mean having no emotions, but rather having rich emotional awareness and digesting emotions in a healthy way, treating emotions calmly and gently. Correct emotional management is a vital skill that can help us better control our emotions and reactions, reduce internal friction, achieve workplace goals, and promote personal and team success.
2023年5月7日(周日)Ladies Who Tech 杭州团队邀请了三位不同背景的女性榜样,在边走边聊的过程中,与大家共同探讨如何在职场中利用情绪的力量,以更好地管理我们的职场情绪,培养自身心理韧性。
May 7, 2023, the Ladies Who Tech Hangzhou team will invite three female role models from different backgrounds to share their experiences and insights on how to harness the power of emotions in the workplace and better manage our emotional resilience, while strolling and chatting together.
活动流程 Rundown
9:30 – 10:00 集合签到Registration
10:00 – 10:20 嘉宾介绍和活动介绍Introduction of Mentors
10:20 – 10:40 边走边聊 Walkie Talkie
10:40 – 11:30 自由分组交流 Group Communication
活动嘉宾 Our Mentors
刘樟美 Zhangmei Liu
高级健康疗愈师 Senior health and healing therapist
国家注册心理咨询师 National Registered Psychologist
高级家庭教育指导师 Senior family education instructor
梵歌杭州分公司负责人 Manager of the Hangzhou branch of Vangoo Health
With 17 years of experience as a private enterprise executive and multiple entrepreneurial ventures, Liu is currently the founder of the Xin Xin Psychological Health Service Center in Binjiang District, Hangzhou and the manager of the Vangoo Health Hangzhou branch of the Yuxin Group. She has experienced marriage breakdowns, physical and mental health issues, and parent-child relationship problems. In 2015, she left her high-paying job as a private enterprise executive and began working in the field of psychology from scratch. In 2018, she founded the Xin Xin Psychological Studio, focusing on counseling for teenagers' academic difficulties, emotions and interpersonal relationships, as well as parent-child relationship and family education guidance, and marriage and family guidance. She has provided pro bono one-on-one counseling for teenagers in multiple primary and secondary schools, with a cumulative counseling/healing service time of over 2,000 hours.
占海花 Haihua Zhan
杭州枫惠六和桥创投科技有限公司 副总经理
VP, Hangzhou Fenghui Liuheqiao Venture Capital Technology
杭州鹄宇科技有限公司 执行董事
Executive director, Hangzhou Huyu Technology
Haihua Zhan previously served as Vice President of Zhejiang Zhongzheng Intelligent Technology Co., Ltd., a well-known high-tech company in China, and participated in the company's establishment and IPO. She has accumulated many years of experience in corporate management and has rich experience in company investment and financing, capital mergers and acquisitions, and internal operations management. She currently leads and manages two billion investment funds, focusing on investing in high-tech enterprises in the fields of 5G, intelligent manufacturing, cloud computing, and other fields.
七天 Seven Days
畅销书作者 Best-selling author
我想开了青年社群主理人 Founder of "I Have Decided" Youth Community
Seven Days has worked in brand marketing and content marketing at NetEase and Alibaba. She has served as a Double 11 Public Welfare Baby Upgrade Project Manager at Tmall's Social Responsibility Department and has been involved in Tmall's Green 618 project. She is passionate about public welfare and has published two books: "Big City, Small Me" and "Don't Choose Mediocrity When Growing Up". She has appeared on the Dangdang Bestsellers Newcomer List, gave a TEDx talk, and curated the "I Have Decided" graduation exhibition. As the founder of the Hangzhou-based "I Have Decided" youth community, she is a woman who is always interested in youth issues and has a great curiosity about women's power.
活动细节 Event Details
日期 Date: 2023-05-07 星期日 Sunday
时间 Time: 10:00-11:30
语言Language: 中文 Chinese
集合地点: 杭州市拱墅区霞湾巷8号富义仓遗址公园(北门)
Address: Fuyicang Ruins Park (North gate), Xiawan Lane, Gongshu District
门票 Registration fee: ¥60(包含饮品一杯includes one drink)
Route: Fuyicang Ruins Park (North gate) - The Moon and sixpence cafe - Dadou Road Historical and Cultural District(North gate)
She Rewires是中国最活跃的科技女性社群,它的使命是转变现状和重塑 一个更加多元和包容的STEAM 的未来。它全球有 70,000 多名会员与130位志愿共建者的社会创新初创企业。 She Rewires, China's most active women in STEAM community , a social enterprise with the mission of rewiring and transforming the status quo and reshape the future of STEAM for good. It connects more than 70,000+ members with 130 dedicated voluntarily co-builders around the globe.