BELFAST is a movie straight from Branagh's own experience. A nine-year-old boy must chart a path towards adulthood through a world that has suddenly turned upside down. His stable and loving community and everything he thought he understood about life is changed forever but joy, laughter, music and the formative magic of the movies remain.凯特瑞娜·巴尔夫、朱迪·丹奇、杰米·多南、塞伦·希德和新人裘德·希尔主演,讲述1960年代末动荡时期,一个在贝尔法斯特长大的男孩的故事。
多南和巴尔夫饰演一对富有魅力的工薪阶层夫妇,他们陷入了混乱局势中,丹奇和希德饰演诙谐活泼的祖父母。Hi, my name is Quin, I’m an editor in the company focusing on Arts and Culture. My habbits are reading books, watching films & listening to musics. Nice to meet U all.
Film and self introduction
People in insurance sales, MLM, direct selling and P2P... are banned from attending.禁止保险销售(比如AIA),传销,直销,p2p等人员参加活动Please sign up in advance, or pay extra ¥30The event will be cancelled if the number of participants is less than 1/3 of the expected number报名人数不足期望人数的1/3活动自动取消,请务必报名,谢谢If you're unable to attend, please postpone the participation on the registration page. If refunded, deduct 10% registration fee.因特殊情况无法参加,请自己在报名成功页面点击延期参加;如果退款,扣除10%报名费。