英国日(深圳场)British Day (Shenzhen)
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Autumn Carnival | British Day Is Coming, Let's Enjoy a Date with Britain!
金秋嘉年华 | 广深英国日来袭,一起来"邂逅英伦"吧!
British Day 2021 - "A Date with Britain" has created an unprecedented buzz around the place! Authentic British cuisine, intriguing booth games; a rush of booth applications and a surge of ticket sales. Booth application quota is insufficient; tickets are on sale. What are you waiting for? 2021 英国日——"邂逅英伦"盛况空前!特色英伦美食,趣味互动游戏;摊位申请踊跃,门票购买高涨。摊位余量不足,门票火热售卖,你还在犹豫什么? How to Participate in British Day In-Depth? 如何深入地参与英国日? Use your imagination and show the creative "tailor" in you. Put on your hat and bring it to our BritCham Booth to sign up the "Crazy Hat" competition and win prizes. 发挥想象,当"裁缝小将"。活动当天,请带上你的创意帽子来到英商会摊位报名参加最佳疯帽子大赛,用你的创意赢取大奖。 1. Please put on your DIY hat and bring it to the event and register at BritCham's booth to participate in the competition. 请自行设计帽子并带往活动现场的英国商会摊位登记参赛。 2. Registration cut-off time: 15:00. 比赛报名截止时间为 15:00。 3. The final 10 shortlisted entries will be contacted via telephone before 15:10 and will be invited to the stage to receive their prizes at 15:30. 工作人员将会在 15:10 前电话通知10名入围选手, 并于15:30 上台做最后评选。 4. BritCham reserves the rights of final judgment for this competition. 广东英国商会对本次比赛拥有最终解释权。 BritCham is always committed to supporting charity. This year's British Day, BritCham will also support "Hopeful Heart". Not only we, but also you can make contribution to charity by purchasing the raffle prizes. Proceeds from the raffle will go to Hopeful Hearts to help children in need of urgent heart surgery. With your help, we can make those young hearts keep beating. 英国商会一直致力于支持慈善事业。今年的英国日,英商将会继续支持"心的希望"。不仅我们,你们也可以为慈善事业一起贡献自己的力量。购买慈善奖券,奖券收入将会用于帮助患有心脏疾病儿童的医疗费用。有了你们的帮助,我们可以一起让这些年轻的心灵,继续跳动。 About Hopeful Hearts 关于"心的希望" Hopeful Hearts is a non-profit charity run by local Chinese and expatriate volunteers. Their aim is to raise awareness and funds in order to provide life saving heart surgeries for children of low income Chinese families. "心的希望"是由国人和侨外志愿者运营的非盈利性慈善机构。他们的愿景是希望能唤起大众关爱心脏病儿童的意识,并为低收入中国家庭的患有心脏病的儿童们筹集善款,解决医疗费用问题。 How to Buy Raffle Tickets? 如何购买慈善抽奖礼券? Come and buy your raffle tickets at the BritCham Guangdong's Booth or Hopeful Hearts's Booth. 可以在广东英国商会摊位或在"心的希望"摊位购买慈善奖券 One raffle ticket = RMB 20 A strip of 6 tickets = RMB 100 20 元 / 一张慈善抽奖礼券 100 元 / 六张慈善抽奖礼券 Raffle Prize Award in Previous Years 往年抽奖活动现场 Date & Time Guangzhou: 11:00-17:30, Saturday, 20th November Shenzhen: 11:00-17:30, Saturday, 27th November Dress Code Casual / Comfortable / British / Crazy Hat Venue Guangzhou: Outdoor Garden, Shangri-La Guangzhou, No.1, Hui Zhan Dong Road, Hai Zhu District, Guangzhou Shenzhen: Nanhai Lawn, Hilton Shenzhen Shekou Nanhai, No. 1177, Wanghai Road, Nanshan District, Shenzhen 日期 & 时间 广州场: 11 月 20 日 (周六)11:00-17:30 深圳场: 11 月 27 日 (周六) 11:00-17:30 建议着装 休闲 / 舒适 / 英伦风 / 疯帽子 地点 广州场: 广州市海珠区会展东路一号广州香格里拉户外花园 深圳场: 深圳市南山区望海路 1177 号深圳蛇口希尔顿南海酒店南海翼草坪 Already Want to Buy the Tickets? 内心蠢蠢欲动想要购买门票了? At British Day, you can taste authentic food, beverage and play games from four areas of the UK. 在英国日,你将体验英国四大地区的好吃的、好喝的、好玩的传统新鲜事物。 You must be very familiar with American football: protective equipment, helmet and gloves. But Rugby players wear minimal protection. Warriors, do you dare to try? 美式橄榄球相信你一定很熟悉:盔甲护具、安全装备。但是英式橄榄球的运动员可是赤手空拳,什么护具都不带就上场了。勇士们敢来一战吗? Scots are well-known for their courage. They are fond of nature, whisky lovers and experienced Ceilidh dancers. The kilt is a frequent costume for important occasions. Ceilidh is an influential social dance, which enables strangers to let go of all inhibitions and get stuck into lively dancing. Ceilidh not only prevails in Scotland, local couples across the UK will often include it as a centerpiece at wedding celebrations. Let's dance Ceilidh together at this Guangzhou British Day! 苏格兰人以豪爽淳朴著称,他们热爱自然,爱喝威士忌,在重要场合穿毛呢裙(Kilt),擅长跳凯利舞(Ceilidh)。这是一种具有感染性的社交舞,让人放下对陌生人的戒心,全身心投入在欢快的踢腿蹦跳中。凯利舞不仅风靡苏格兰,英国其他地区的新人也会把凯利舞作为婚礼的压轴活动。今年的广州英国日和我们一起跳凯利舞吧! Chinese and foreign guests mingle to form a team. Let's see who will be Mr. Hercules? 中外游客混搭拔河,看谁才是最终的大力士? Plots hidden along the route? See who can dissolve all the puzzles, find the treasure and win the prizes? 闯关游戏,却暗藏玄机?看谁能破解重重关卡,赢取最后神秘大礼? British Day is one of the British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong's (BritCham Guangdong) flagship events. Since 2010, British Day has been one of the most anticipated annual events in Guangdong Province. The event has been held for 9 years in Guangzhou and 4 years in Shenzhen respectively, 60+ brands for participation and welcomed 1,000~4,000+ guests each event, co-branding with media partners with 1,000,000+ online and offline exposure. 英国日是广东英国商会的旗舰活动之一。自 2010 年起,英国日就已经成为广东省年度活动中的重要一环。该活动已 9 年成功在广州举办、4 年在深圳举办。每届超过 60+ 品牌参与,参与人数超过 1000~4000+ 人,合作媒体、品牌联动,线上线下曝光 100万+ 。 British Day celebrates British culture, offering you a relaxing day with family and friends with fun activities, music, prizes and great food and drink. Locals and other nationalities are all welcome. 本次广深英国日,我们不但邀请珠三角的英籍朋友,也欢迎当地和其他国籍的朋友一起参与,活动当天来宾们可体验到最纯正的英国食物,参与到多个活动游戏,乐队现场演唱震撼全场,与我们一起共享欢乐与阳光! More opportunities await. Interested in collaborating with us? 更多合作形式等你来探讨。想了解更多合作细节? Interested in being one of our co-creators at British Day 2021? Please feel free to contact us. 如果您有兴趣成为 2021 英国日的共创伙伴,请联系我们。 Ms Chris Chen 陈思敏 Executive Manager 执行经理 chris.chen@britchamgd.com 020-8331 5013 ext. 605 Ms Echo Ji 纪佳瑶 Events Manager 活动经理 echo.ji@britchamgd.com 020-8331 5013 ext. 601 BritCham Guangdong is looking forward to connecting, promoting and sharing with you across the Greater Bay Area. 广东英国商会期待与您在大湾区对接商务,推广品牌、共享资源。
广东英国商会(英商会,www.britchamgd.com)是一个会员制的非政府、非营利组织。英商会成立于 1996 年,是珠三角地区(现为大湾区)最为活跃并最具影响力的商会之一。通过组织活动,提供社交机会、 介绍及推荐,英商会充当着公司及个人之间的桥梁纽带。我们的使命是通过提供一个平台,通过活动连接并为我们的会员提供支持,通过我们的营销渠道帮助会员进行推广,并通过行业工作小组让会员可以分享各自的见解。作为遍布中国的英国商会网络的一个组成部分,我们致力于为您提供商业支持、行业领袖的培训和精英社交机会,助力您的业务发展。
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The British Chamber of Commerce Guangdong (BritCham) is an independent international organisation in China, helping members with business development. BritCham has offices in Guangzhou and Shenzhen, with the ability to serve our members across the PRD. BritCham organises many business events from training, seminars and workshops to networking and business referrals events. Established in 1996, BritCham is one of the most active and influential chambers in the PRD.