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TekTalk 004 Untangling the stories behind the masterminds of China’s rising Digital Twin Star
数字城市、智能制造、智慧交通……6大应用场景背后的万亿级市场……这些沸点的主人公便是孪数科技 —— 数字孪生及空间计算领域的行业翘楚。而它背后的男人,刘凌超(Eric Liu),放弃硅谷 NVIDIA 的高薪工作,离开最前沿的科技创新润土,毅然决然地回国,将久久萦绕在脑海中的创业想法落地。在这心心念念的故土上,连续创业者的他,坚持一步一个脚印,正引领着一场人机交互的革命,打通物理世界和虚拟世界间的连接,为企业数字化转型提供重要抓手,实现高效和可持续的双赢。数字孪生时代已来,聆听这位「永远在线」的创业者分享:
Imagine that you had a perfect digital copy of the physical world at hand. What you’ll get is a digital twin. The concept has been around since 2002 for bridging the physical and digital and now has become so imperative to business that it was named as one of Gartner’s Top 10 Strategic Technology Trends.
Digital twins are powerful masterminds to drive innovation and performance. The market - worth US$3.8 billion in 2019 - is projected to reach US$35.8 billion in value by 2025 (data by MarketsandMarkets).If you wish to untangle the stories behind the masterminds of China’s rising digital twin star, join us on June 24th, Thursday evening for our 4th TekTalk with Lingchao (Eric) Liu, Co-founder, and CTO of DIGITWIN Technology, spearheading the digital twin and spatial computing revolution in China.With a career of extensive IT experiences, Eric has made his mark in 3D visualization and human-computer interactive technologies. He was one of the pioneering figures who worked with industry leaders to bring the latest innovation into real life.So, are we on the cusp of a digital twin technology explosion?Come and find it out from the serial entrepreneur. And learn more on
- the very 3 things that changed his life when he’s in Silicon Valley
- the tough decisions behind his pivoting moments
- from 1 to 100, how to lead an innovation revolution in a VUCA era
- how to lead an international team with empowerment
- “Tang Ping (laid-back attitude)” or “Nei Juan (Involution)”
Time: June 24th, 6:30 to 9:30 pm
Location: XNode 静安空间
语言 Language
英文 English
6:30 观众注册、酒水和轻食晚餐
Networking, Drinks and Light Dinner
7:20 开场介绍
Opening Remarks
7:30「三分独白 · 春风化雨」菁华分享
7:50「七分走心 · 秋实飘香」深度对话
Deep Dive
8:10「十分通透 · 润物无声」有问有答
8:30 自由交流环节
Discussion and Networking
在三维可视化、人机交互及 AR/VR 领域深耕 16 年, 曾就职于硅谷英伟达 NVIDIA 等知名 企业,与业界顶尖人才共同致力于计算机图形学及 GPU 技术研究及未来发展。自 2015 年 回国后持续创业并创办孪数科技, 通过对技术与市场的深入了解, 将数字孪生技术运用到 国内智慧城市及智能制造领域, 并持续将所学投入其他行业, 帮助合作伙伴与客户加速数 字化转型。孪数科技目前已成为国内数字孪生及空间计算领域的佼佼者, 并将在这一行业 持续发力。Eric has over 16 years of IT experience focused on 3D visualization and human-computer interactive technologies, including Virtual and Augmented Reality. During his tenure at NVIDIA in Silicon Valley, he worked with the world’s largest hardware and video game developers to define the future of computer graphics and GPU technologies. In 2015, Eric moved to Shanghai and saw the need for advancing digital twin technologies in the smart city and smart manufacturing industries. Today, DIGITWIN Technologies is at the forefront of the spatial computing revolution.About Digitwin Technologies孪数科技(Digitwin Technologies)是一家专注打造全栈自主可控数字孪生平台的科技公司。致 力于打通物理世界与虚拟世界跨时空连接,结合人机交互技术为人类创造无可比拟的数字孪 生世界。基于对底层硬件 CPU 和 GPU 的优化以及跨操作系统的支持,对多源异构空间大数据及仿真 AI 算法与多终端三维渲染引擎的深度融合,孪数平台可支撑全要素、全生命周期数字孪生应 用搭建,以满足跨场景、跨行业客户的不同需求,同时不断赋能合作伙伴进行二次开发与创 新,共同推进全球数字化升级。
孪数科技总部位于上海,拥有来自世界 500 强的国际化创新团队。公司已于新加坡、俄罗 斯、美国、北京、河南、江苏、浙江等地设立分公司,可满足跨地域市场需求,并持续提供 专业的产品与技术服务。DIGITWIN Technologies is a high-tech company focused on building full-stack autonomous and controllable digital twin platforms. We are committed to opening up cross-temporal connections between the physical and virtual worlds, strengthening human-computer interaction, and constructing unparalleled digital twin environments.
Our technology relies heavily on the underlying hardware CPU, GPU optimization and cross-operating system support and is integrated with multi-source, heterogenous spatial data, AI algorithm simulation and multi-terminal 3D rendering. This allows us to provide full-life cycle digital twin applications that help our clients solve various problems across different industries. Our technology also permits secondary development and innovation, allowing our partners to promote global digitalization alongside us.Headquartered in Shanghai, China, DIGITWIN is made up of a talented and innovative international team from the world's top 500 companies. With established branches in Singapore, Russia, the United States, Beijing, Henan, Jiangsu, and Zhejiang, DIGITWIN is well prepared to meet the growing demand for new and innovative digital solutions across the globe.XNode 是创业者和大企业的创新加速器,同时也是优质的创业空间,为企业、创业者提供开放、灵活、舒适的办公及活动空间。XNode 空间一直致力于打造多元化、高质量的创业创新社群,通过对接丰富的行业资源、帮助不同阶段的企业快速发展。2021年,入驻 XNode 空间有更多福利,在与不同行业跨国公司、创新机构和成长型公司的创业伙伴们交流的同时,更有机会获得创业扶持政策支持,享受房租减免、社保补贴、贷款贴息等。XNode is a community of entrepreneurs, innovators and startups who are driven to succeed and create value for each other. We are here to connect, facilitate, and empower the China innovation ecosystem. To us, our space is the hardware that enables our community to flourish. Come be a part of it! weHustle是个位于上海的创新增长平台,是一个以目标为导向的组织,旨在帮助本地和国际团队在中国创新行业取得成功。通过与初创企业,孵化器,公司,投资者,技术社群,学术界和政府实体的广泛合作和伙伴关系,weHustle在创新生态系统资源的交汇处享有独特的地位。我们提供数字营销,企业招聘,会展策划执行,社群建设,创新创业服务和筹款等多项业务。weHustle, a Shanghai-based platform for innovation and growth, is a purpose-driven organization helping local and international teams succeed in China. Through extensive collaborations and partnerships with startups, incubators, corporations, investors, tech communities, academia, and government entities, weHustle holds a unique position at the intersection of the innovation ecosystem resources. We offer digital marketing, recruitment, event management, community building, entrepreneur-related, and fundraising services.OpenTEKr 是一家以推广开源软件和开放硬件技术为核心的非营利开放式组织,致力于构建一个可持续发展的开放科技生态圈。我们憧憬科技普惠的美好未来,帮助个人和组织通过变革性技术创新来成就其远大抱负。为此,我们布道开源正念、宣传开源开放文化,通过联接开源市场、开源社区和开源人才,以用促产、以产促研、以研促学,形成开源生态的正向循环,来推动开源开放科技的研发、应用和合作交流,从而推动人类科技文明的进步。 OpenTEKr is a non-for-profit open organization with advancing open source software and open hardware technology at its core, dedicated to shaping a sustainable open technology ecosystem. We envision a better tomorrow for all mankind with individuals and organizations inspired and empowered to realise their aspiraions through transformative technologies and world-class innovation. Toward this end goal, we advocate open source culture, and nurture and foster the collaboration between multidisciplinary talents, open source communities, and end users in our ecosystem to advance the human civilization.