
中非文化沙龙 China-Africa Cultural Salon - Beijing Africa Week Edition

Sun, 06 Jun 2021 14:00:00 GMT+08 ~ Sun, 06 Jun 2021 16:00:00 GMT+08


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    中非文化沙龙 China-Africa Cultural Salon

    Date: Sunday, June 6th 

    Time: 14:00 to 16:00 PM 


    Chez SOI 叁珩森林法式吧/Bistrot français ,


    No. 16 Gongti east road, 

    Cost: Free (Spaces are limited)


    中非文化沙龙是致力于增进中国与非洲文化交流和推动中非文化比较研究的公共平台。 China-Africa Cultural Salon is a public platform dedicated to promoting cultural exchange and comparative cultural studies between China and Africa. 非洲大陆是人类的起源之地,中国是人类文明的摇篮之一。对于许多中国民众来说,非洲是一片遥远广袤的大陆,远隔重洋充满未知;而中国在不少非洲人民的眼里是一个物产丰富,名字不断映入眼帘却仍然陌生的国度。国之交在于民相亲,民相亲在于心相通。人与人之间的直接交流是加深中国与非洲各国相互了解最基本的形式。 

    African continent is the birthplace of human beings, while China is one of the cradles of human civilizations. For many Chinese people, Africa is still a distant and vast continent, full of unknown stories. In the eyes of many African people, China is a country with abundant products, whose name keeps coming into view but is still a familiar stranger. The friendship between the nations lies in the relationship between the people. Direct communication between people is the most basic form of deepening mutual understanding between China and African countries.


    第 3 期:中非文化比较中的家庭观 Session 3 A Comparison of Family Values in Chinese and African Cultures 


    The family is the basic unit of human society. In different cultures, the forms, sizes, and values of the family have their own characteristics. Understanding the diversity of family values with the perspective of comparison and inclusiveness is an important dimension to enhance cross-cultural communication and interaction. 


    Whether it is the widespread phenomenon of constructing social networks based on families in Chinese society or establishing mutual assistance organizations

    Listen to a variety of speakers share in an intimate surrounding with new opportunities to make better connections in the Africa-China space. based on family relationships that are popular in many African countries, they both reflect the important role of family in traditional Chinese and African societies. With the rapid changes in society, family values also show new characteristics in the new era, while traditional family values are rapidly adjusting to adapt to new social situations. 



    The deep interaction between China and Africa is an important background in the era of mobility. How will the traditional family values affect the interaction between people from the two sides? And how will the interaction reshape the new family values?


    This salon mainly focuses on the concept of family and related issues in the comparison of family values in Chinese and African cultures. Speakers from China and Africa are invited to discuss and share their views. Participants interested in the interaction between China and Africa are welcome to share their stories and insights about the exchange between the two sides.


    沙龙简介Salon Profile 

    中非文化沙龙是致力于增进中国与非洲文化交流和推动中非文化比较研究的公 共平台。主要面向对中非交流及研究感兴趣的学者、研究生、留学生、相关企业和机构的从业者、研究人员和民间文化交流人士。沙龙每次集中讨论一个议题,邀请 1-2 位主讲人做引导性发言,来自非洲和中国的听众共同参与评议和讨论。希望通过面对面的深入交流,增进我们对中非文化和交流的理解,并基于此构建一个中非比较研究与交流协作的网络,促进中非命运共同体的建构。

    China-Africa Cultural Salon is a public platform dedicated to promoting cultural exchange and comparative cultural studies between China and Africa. It is mainly aimed at scholars, graduate students, international students, researchers, and cultural exchange practitioners who are interested in China-Africa exchange and research. The Salon focuses on one topic at a time, inviting 1-2 speakers to give introductory speeches. A diverse audience from Africa and China give comments and participate in the discussions. It is hoped that through in-depth face-to-face communication, we will enhance our understanding of China-Africa culture and exchange, build a network for China-Africa comparative research, exchange, and cooperation, and promote the construction of a community of shared future for China and Africa.

    Register here! 

    Date: Sunday, June 6th 

    Time: 14:00 to 16:00 PM 


    Chez SOI 叁珩森林法式吧/Bistrot français ,


    No. 16 Gongti east road, 

    Cost: Free 

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