赞助招募 | 携手共创美好未来
Call for Sponsors & Speakers | 2025 AmCham China Women's Summit Stronger Together: Building Towards a Better Future 2 PM - 7 PM, March 18, 2025 北京 Beijing 中国美国商会女性峰会通过打造多元开放的平台,汇集了女性企业家、高管、商业领袖、媒体及投资人等互动交流,旨在提高人们对女性在全球经济发展及社会影响力中发挥关键作用的认识。峰会强调了支持女性领导人和女性企业家的重要性,鼓励她们与热衷分享前沿趋势且乐于实践的女性组织、公司合作,倾听和学习前沿趋势和实践经验。 The Women's Summit is one of AmCham China's Signature Events, among the most important dates on the calendar. This conference acts as a platform to gather women entrepreneurs, corporate leaders, business experts, media and investors in the AmCham China community, with a mission to raise awareness of the key role women play in global leadership development and social impact. The Summit highlights the importance of supporting women leaders and women entrepreneurs who are keen to share cutting-edge trends and best practices, and it is designed to be an energetic and bold experience packed with personal and professional development power for women. 此次峰会内容包括主题演讲、小组讨论、互动研讨会和社交酒会。它将汇集职业女性、企业领袖、商业专家、女性企业家、政府官员和学术界人士,共同庆祝并支持中国乃至全球范围内的商界女性。 This Summit will feature inspiring keynote speeches, panel discussions, interactive workshops and networking opportunities. It will bring together professional women, corporate leaders, business experts, women entrepreneurs, government officials and academia to support and celebrate women in business around China and globally. *赞助招募 *Become A Sponsor To Address a Keynote Speech: Join our Diamond sponsorship, and deliver a 15-minute keynote speech with highly customizable content. To Become a Speaker in a Panel: Join our Platinum sponsorship, and participate in a thematic panel discussion. To be Featured in AmCham China's Quarterly Magazine: Join our Diamond sponsorship, and have your featured article published on our Quarterly magazine and thought leadership articles on AmCham China website.
For more information, please contact Lily Sun at:
13701329357 (same as WeChat).
2025年中国美国商会供应链领航员计划报名正式开启 Application for the AmCham China Supply Chain Navigator Program is now open! Applause Rate (好评率): 95% Referral Rate (推荐率): 100% About The Program AmCham China Supply Chain Navigator Program 中国美国商会供应链领航员计划包含一系列高规格专属工作坊。项目致力于为对制造业及供应链感兴趣的青年职员及领导提供更多机会,在全球顶尖企业高管的丰满羽翼下成长,深入学习及切身体验供应链行业及个人的成长路线、成功战略。今年,中国美国商会领航员计划将招募20-25名候选人参加项目。 The AmCham China Supply Chain Navigator Program is an exclusive, high-profile, six-month program. The program aims to prepare the future generation of manufacturing and supply chain leaders and professionals who are interested in exploring success strategies within the industry. In 2025, AmCham China intends to select 20 to 25 of the best-suited candidates to participate in the program. 候选人有机会沉浸式体验真实的美中商业社群,特别是制造业与供应链行业。每月一次的研讨会会涵盖包括“工业4.0,数字化转型,本土化,运营战略”等热门话题。完成项目的候选人会在七月的领航员计划晚宴上获颁证书。 Candidates of the Navigator Program will gain full exposure to the US-China business community, especially in manufacturing and supply chain. Each month there will be one 1.5-hour session covering topics such as operation excellence, industry 4.0 and digital transformation, localization partnership, future energy strategies, etc. Successful candidates will be awarded an "AmCham China Supply Chain Navigator Program" certificate of completion at the End of Program Dinner in July 2025. Six reasons to Apply 报名项目的六大理由 AmCham China Supply Chain Navigator Program 中国美国商会领航员计划 与国际顶尖企业的高管建立强链接 Develop deep relationships with a network of aspiring international senior leaders in Manufacturing & Supply Chain 结识中国美国商会高级领导及其他会员组织 Collaborate with AmCham's top community leaders and organizations 从中国美国供应链产业领导者获得最专业且实用的前沿见解 Gain valuable insight and expertise from leaders of the U.S.-China supply chain community 发挥个人领导力,项目管理能力,沟通能力,问题处理能力的综合实践机会 Opportunities to develop leadership and project management soft skills, such as communication, problem-solving, multi-tasking, arrangement, etc. 纵深探讨热门话题,使您在人群中脱颖而出 Gain a deeper understanding of vital topics that distinguish you from the competition 在多元化社群中茁壮成长,发展人脉及朋友 Benefit from cross-sector learning and cross-industry network 滑动查看更多图片 Swipe for more photos Program Agenda 项目时间表 AmCham China Supply Chain Navigator Program 中国美国商会领航员计划 项目要求候选人参与二月至七月每月一次的研讨讲座(晚上7:00-8:30在商会办公室,根据最终候选人时间选取最佳日期)。期间,项目负责人会发起社交晚宴等活动,自愿报名参加。研讨会嘉宾为中国美国商会高级领导及行业资深专家。 The program requires attendance of one 1.5-hour session (7PM to 8:30 PM on a selected weekday) per month starting in February and ending in July, 2025. Networking opportunities are incorporated through social dinners and activities. Program sessions are led by senior leaders and industry experts of the AmCham community, particularly within supply chain industries across sectors. 项目启动会将于2月21日晚7点至8点30在商会办公室举办,计划领导将分享最新见解。同时,您还有机会与往期学员和商会社群建立连结。 We will start the program by having our first kick-off session on Feb 21 from 7 pm to 8:30 pm at AmCham China office, where Navigator Leadership will share the trendiest supply chain insights. You will also have a chance to mingle with past alumni, as well as get connected with AmCham community. 点击下方申请报名,席位有限 Click the button below to complete and submit your application Program Fee 项目费用 AmCham China Supply Chain Navigator Program 中国美国商会供应链领航员计划 4800元人民币 中国美国商会会员企业及员工 RMB 4,800 for AmCham China members or employees of member companies 6800元人民币 非中国美国商会会员 RMB 6,800 for non-members 4000元人民币 往期学员和学生 RMB 4,000 for Navigator alumni & students Quotes 寄语 AmCham China Supply Chain Navigator Program 中国美国商会领航员计划