2024年9月28日,由 Ceeds consulting 赞助 Startup Grind成都将举办一场专注于全球化战略的商务早午餐。本次活动共有12个名额,欢迎各位企业家和商界领袖的到来,共同探讨全球市场的机遇和挑战。在这里,我们致力于提供一个发人深省的讨论和相互联动的平台。
On September 28, 2024, Sponsored by Ceeds consulting, Startup Grind Chengdu will host an engaging Business Brunch focused on globalization strategies. This exclusive event has 12 available seats for entrepreneurs and business leaders to come together and explore the opportunities and challenges in the global market. Here we are providing a platform for thought-provoking discussions and valuable connections.
日期: 2024年9月28日
时间: 上午11:00 - 下午1:00
Event Details
Date: September 28, 2024
Time: 11:00 AM - 1:00 PM
AA制,餐厅费用: 100元/人
名额: 12个
AA, Resturant Cost: 100 RMB per person
Available seats: 12
Location: 4 South Tianxianqiao Road, 1st Floor, Room 102, Jinjiang District, Chengdu
Startup Grind 成都团队真诚鼓励与会者在活动交流环节继续对话,探索合作机会。
Startup Grind Chengdu team encourages attendees to continue the conversation and explore collaboration opportunities during the networking session.
* 图片为8月 business brunch 现场
未来,Startup Grind 成都将致力于通过组织高质量的活动来推动创新和支持创业生态系统。我们的社区旨在帮助拓宽视野、获取资源和扩展网络。我们期待在即将到来的活动中与更多志同道合的创新者和投资者相遇,敬请关注!
In the future, Startup Grind Chengdu is dedicated to promoting innovation and supporting the entrepreneurial ecosystem by organizing high-quality events. Our community is here to help broaden perspectives, access resources, and expand networks. We are excited to meet more like-minded innovators and investors at our upcoming events. Stay tuned.
关于我们和赞助商! Startup Grind 是全球最大的为创业者和投资人服务的全球性平台,在全球范围内拥有超过350万的参与者。我们将全球志同道合的人聚集在一起,为他们提供能够建立联系、互帮互助的分享平台,并将这些理念深入到每次本土化的活动中。截止目前,已经在全球范围内举办超过1000期余场活动。 Startup Grind is the world’s largest community of startups, founders, innovators, and creators. We have more than 3.5 million participants worldwide. We’ve hosted 1000+ of events, but more than that Startup Grind is a community, we bring like-minded yet diverse individuals together to connect, learn, teach, help, build, and belong. Ceeds consulting 专注于发展培训,主要专注于高管培训。同时专注于高绩效管理和领导力提高,自我破坏预防(指导如何保护你的灵感不被自己主动破灭)。该团队拥有一支由心理学、神经科学的最佳实践指导教练。 Ceeds Consulting focuses on development, primarily focusing on executive coaching. Ceeds specialise in High-Performance Management, Leadership Development and Self-sabotage Prevention (coaching you on how to prevent self inflicted behaviours that sabotage your aspirations). Ceeds are guided by the best practices from psychology, neuroscience, and coaching. 欢迎加入我们! 我们正在寻找热情的个人和组织,成为我们的常驻演讲者、赞助商和志愿者。您的专业知识、支持和时间可以产生重大影响。无论您有故事可分享、资源可贡献,还是愿意提供实际帮助,我们都欢迎您的参与! We are seeking passionate individuals and organizations to become regular speakers, sponsors, and volunteers for our community initiatives. Your expertise, support, and time can make a significant impact. Whether you have a story to share, resources to contribute, or hands-on help to offer, we welcome your involvement. 可关注微信公众号 :StartupGrind 成都 也可扫描二维码咨询了解更多信息!
Startup Grind Chengdu started its first event in January 2017. So far we have hosted more than 45 events with over 50 speakers from in and outside of China. Speakers include Steven Hoffman (Founders Space), Trevor Owens (Lean Startup Machine), Tim Luan (Innoway), Florian Bohnert (Mobike), Jean-Francois Vallee (Ubisoft), Sophie Yao (Fenox VC), Yves La Rose (EOS Nation) and Ricky Gu (Busines Big Data). We are a group of entrepreneurs, community builders, and event managers and believe that everyon