
TEDxSongshanLake 2023年度大会|Evolution 3.0

2023年7月8日 9:00 ~ 2023年7月8日 19:00












    In today's era of high-speed and rapid technological advancements and developments…

    Are our lives really improving?

    Will we be replaced by technology?

    What are our new definitions of modern cultures?

    How will we evolve with respect to new technologies such as metaverse, artificial intelligence, and space travel?

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    Our species is at an intersection that will transcend 

    time, space, and reality. Our world is rapidly developing, in a virtual setting that will redefine self, community, 

    and perceptions. As we digitalize and continue to 

    develop emerging technologies that may even merge 

    man and machine or explore spatial frontiers that will 

    make man a space faring race; are we truly becoming 

    more advanced? What is the future of humanity? We are becoming more reliant, on technology to make our lives more convenient, and our virtual world is flourishing 

    but what about our natural world? What will become of our purpose as we continue to replace ourselves with 

    Ai and technology? Where are the lines between reality and fantasy? How do we define or decipher what is 

    real between what is fiction? Is this the beginning of the end or the end of our beginning, in which we evolve, 

    into a new species no longer restricted by the laws of 


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    There is nothing more constant than the state of change. TEDxSongshanLake seeks to create an event that embraces change by exploring evolution 3.0 through digital, cultural, and social perspectives. Our future brings limitless opportunities to create advancements, through developments in Ai, metaverse, in health sciences, in clean energy, in education, and in social and workplace cultures. However, with limitless opportunities are we putting limits, on humanity? We invite you to share and explore big ideas with us and welcome you to be part of something extraordinary.

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    Special Thanks


    活动赞助商 / Event Sponsor





    Go is a planetary, one health platform created with the purpose to nurture and support sustainable development via green economy across the globe, in developed or developing economies by supporting SME’s to develop pre-reserved eco-centric health products and services. Unifying green innovation via open-sourced user collaboration supported by new media, product development, rapid prototyping, crowd-sourcing, and collaborative branding. Go seeks to accelerate solutions to environmental issues via mass impact. Its mission is to support a cleaner, fairer, and greener future.

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    Event Schedule & Venue Information


    Event Schedule & Venue Information


     Education Session/教育主题场次 

     9:30am - 12:15pm 

    Start Education Session: Host introduction 


    9:30 - 9:45

    10:00 - 10:10 Mr. Evan Li  Talk 

    Learn To Be Yourself  


    10:15 - 10:25 Mr. Raj Oswal  Talk 

    The Power Of Immersive Learning In Education 


    10:30 - 10:40 Mr. Kun Liu  Talk 

    The Catcher in the Farm 


    10:45 - 10:55 Mr. Claude Bouchard  Talk 

    Science Fairs of The Future: What Could Be the Next Evolution?


    11:00 - 11:10 Mr. Zheng Lou  Talk 

    The Key Traits of Individual Innovator


    11:15 - 11:25 Ms. Luna Chen  Talk 

    Stop Spending Too Much Time On Your Phone 


    11:30-11:40 Mr. Nick Zhang  Talk 

    How To Change The “Reality” In Your Perception? 


    11:50 - 12:00 TJ   Performance 

    Original Song 原创歌曲演唱:


    12:30 - 14:00pm Lunch Break / 午休用餐

    Enterprise Session 1 企业/创业主题场次 (一) 


     Start Main Session: Host introduction


    14:30 - 14:40

    14:40 - 14:50 Dr. Harley Seyedin  Talk 

    Energy Intensity 


    14:55 - 15:10 Dr. Xin Tong  Talk   

    Where Will Science Take Us To? 


    15:15 - 15:25   Mr. Kunjan Shah   Talk 

    Rediscovering Ancient Science For The Well Being Of Our Future


    15:30 - 15:40 Mr. Ilya Gutov  Talk 

    The Future Of Video Gaming 


    15:45 - 15:55   Mr. Winston Zin   Talk 

    How To Create A Healthier World For The Future


    16:00 - 16:10 Dr. Yang Yu  Talk   

    Data Science and Artificial Intelligence:A Path To Lowering Decision-making Barriers And Costs


    16:15 - 16:25 Black Cats  Performance 

    Original Song: Illusion 


    16:25 - 16:45pm Coffee Break / 茶歇

    Enterprise Session 2 企业/创业主题场次 (二) 

    16:45 - 19:00pm 

    Enterprise Session 2: Host introduction


    16:45 - 16:50 

    16:55 - 17:10 Dr. Alain Dijkstra  Talk 

    The Power of Light Therapy 


    17:15 - 17:25 Dr. Yun Li  Talk 

    The Balance Between Essence, Energy and Spirit


    17:30 - 17:40 Mr. Aaron Leung  Talk 

    Ai Vitamin Boost

    演讲主题:Ai “维生素增强剂”

    17:45 - 17:55  Mr. Kartin Wang  Talk 

    Open Source Artificial Intelligence Empowered by Blockchain 


    18:10 - 18:20 Mr. James Anderson  Talk 

    The Power of Music


    18:25 - 18:35  International Voice Choir   Performance 

     Performance  Song: We Are The World    




    July 8th, 2023

    Cloud Park, Songshan Lake, Dongguan

    东莞市松山湖高新区工业南路 14 号 

    No.14,Gongye South Road,Songshan LakeHigh-tech Zone,Dongguan City



    Speaker Introductions


    Dr. Harley Seyedin

    Talk: Energy Intensity


    Harley Seyedin博士是一位国际企业家、人道主义者、慈善家,以及世界公认的中国区域商贸专家。


    联合国全球契约组织、商业和平基金会、联合国开发计划署(UNDP)、PRI和国际商会(ICI)联同邀请Harley Seyedin博士主导一个计划制定分组,由奥斯陆商业和平基金会和所有赞助组织共同推广,设计一个能作为所有国家实现2050年碳中和的统一方案。

    - Dr. Harley Seyedin is an international businessman, humanitarian, philanthropist and world recognized China expert.

    - Together with Elon Musk, winner of the 2017 Oslo Business for Peace Award, awarded by a Committee of Nobel Laureates in Peace and Economics. Among fewer than 20 individuals to be awarded the “Peace Through Commerce Medal” by the U.S. Government since its inception by Thomas Jefferson in 1790 when he served as the nascent US Secretary of State under President George Washington and the only person in history to have been awarded both the Oslo Business for Peace Award and the Peace Through Commerce Medal. Joined a small group of 50 to plan the 2024 Inaugural Event of UN Business Arena which will be operated by the Oslo Business for Peace Foundation.

    - Invited jointly by the UN Global Compact, Business for Peace Foundation, UN Development Program (UNDP), PRI, and the International Chamber of Commerce (ICI) to lead the breakout group on developing a plan to be promoted jointly by the Oslo Business for Peace Foundation and all of the sponsoring organizations as a unified approach by all countries to achieve carbon neutrality by 2050.

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    Dr. Yang Yu / 余旸博士

    Talk: Data Science and Artificial Intelligence: A Path to Lowering Decision-making Barriers and Costs


    - 数据科学家。

    - 北京航天大学信息系统管理博士

    - 德克萨斯理工大学信息系统定量科学博士。

    - 东莞先知大数据有限公司创始人兼董事长。

    - 北京交通大学“卓越百人”教授、博士生导师。

    - 数据科学与智能决策研究院院长。

    - 美国罗彻斯特理工大学(RIT)信息管理专业终身教授。

    - 广东省人大代表

    - 广东省数字政府改革建设专家委员会成员

    - 国家高层次人才计划,广东省“珠江人才”计划,东莞面向海外引进高水平创业领军人才


    - Data scientist.

    - PhD. in Information System Management, Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics (BUAA).

    - PhD. in Information System Quantitative Sciences, Texas Tech University.

     - Founder and Chairman of Dongguan Seer Big Data Co., Ltd. He is also a "Top 100 Talents" professor and doctoral supervisor at Beijing Jiaotong University.

    - The dean of the Institute of Data Science and Intelligent Decision Making, and a tenured professor of Information Management at Rochester Institute of Technology (RIT) in the United States.

    Dr. Yu is a representative of the Guangdong Provincial People's Congress, and a member of the Expert Committee on Digital Government Reform and Construction in Guangdong Province, and a high-level talent in the National High-level Talent Program, the "Pearl River Talent" Program in Guangdong Province, and the overseas introduction of high-level entrepreneurial leaders in Dongguan.

    After returning to China, Dr. Yu founded Seer Big Data and developed it into an excellent provider of industrial Internet and data services covering multiple fields such as industrial Internet, rail transit, social governance, military security, and new energy within four years. He focuses on theoretical research and practical innovation in data science and artificial intelligence, closely integrating data science and artificial intelligence with traditional industries, and has implemented benchmark scenarios for intelligent transformation in various industries.

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     Dr. Xin Tong / 童欣博士

    Talk: Where Will Science Take Us To?





    Graduated from the University of Science and Technology of China in 2002 (Bachelor of Science). Graduated and got his PhD. from the Indiana University in 2008.

    From 2008 to 2018, he worked as a staff scientist at the Oak Ridge National Laboratory (ORNL).

    After 2018, he officially becomes a staff scientist at theChina spallation neutron source.

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    Dr. Alain Dijkstra

    Talk: The Power of Light Therapy


    开颜医疗器械CEO,作为一名拥有超过17年专业经验的的专业人士,Alain Dijkstra博士对光疗法的力量有着强烈且鲜明的激情。

    CEO of Kaiyan Medical. An experienced professional in the industry for over 17 years who brings a bright passion for the power of light therapy.

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    Dr. Yun Li / 李云博士

    Talk: The Balance Between Essence, Energy and Spirit



    A Chinese native and grew up in Hunan province. He moved to Tsinghua university to get his Bachelor degree in Physics, and then went to Stanford university to get his Ph.D. in Material science.

    After working at General Electric Global Research Center as a senior scientist for 7 years, Yun started his own medical device company in China, Jinmu Health Tech Co. Ltd. 

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    Mr. Ilya Gutov

    Talk: The Future of Video Gaming 



    - With a decade of experience helping video games and mobile apps launch and grow across borders, specializing in the APAC region. His extensive game career spans the spectrum of PC, console, mobile, and gaming tech.

    - He has been deeply involved in the full cycle of the gaming business, from development and publishing to investment.

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    Mr. Winston Zin

    Talk: How To Create A Healthier World 

    For The Future


    - Impakt Inc.的创始人兼首席执行官。

    - Aeotec Group GmbH的创始人兼董事长。

    - 毕业于北京大学并获得高级管理人员工商管理硕士学位,以及毕业于加州大学伯克利分校并获得理学学士学位,主修电气工程和计算机科学。

    Winston Zin是企业家精神的典范,成功地创办了多个初创企业,并带领它们取得了卓越的成果。他致力于自己事业的各个方面的发展,他的非凡的跨领域经验,涵盖了从软件开发、硬件工程到销售营销,甚至法律事务。

    Winston Zin在创建和发展团队方面有着令人敬佩的能力。从零开始,将每个组织的团队规模扩大到200多名员工,Zin展现了强大的领导力和卓越的运营能力。他的实践方法结合了战略思维,确保了他取得事业上一次又一次成功。

    - Founder and CEO of Impakt Inc.

    - Founder and Chairman of Aeotec Group GmbH

    - Graduated with a Master’s of Business Administration from Peking University and a Bachelor's Degree of Science from the University of California, Berkeley, majoring inthe Electrical Engineering and Computer.

    Mr. Winston Zin is an epitome of the entrepreneurial spirit with an impressive track record of successfully bootstrapping startups and steering them towards remarkable exits. He dedicates to the development of all facets of his ventures. Zin's experience stretches across an extraordinary spectrum - from software development and hardware engineering to sales marketing, and even legal affairs.

    Zin's strength in creating and growing teams is commendable. Starting from zero and scaling up to a team of more than 200 staff in each of his organizations, Zin demonstrates strong leadership and exceptional operational prowess. His hands-on approach, combined with his strategic thinking, has ensured the success of his ventures time and again.

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     Mr. Kartin Wang / 王家天先生

    Talk: Open Source Artificial Intelligence Empowered by Blockchain


    - Hyper Oracle 创始人

    - 毕业于亚利桑那大学计算机,数学和物理专业

    - 前谷歌和TikTok技术负责人和软件工程师

    - Founder of the Hyper Oracle Co., LTD.

    - Graduated from the University of Arizona with majors in Computer Science, Mathematics, and Physics

    - Former technical lead and software engineer at Google and TikTok

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    Mr. Kunjan Shah


    Consulate General of Nepal, 



    Talk:Rediscovering Ancient Science For The Well-being Of Our Future



    作为尼泊尔驻广州总领事馆总领事,Kunjan Shah的主要职责是执行办公室管理和进行与经济外交有关的活动,代表尼泊尔政府。旅游推广是他在履行工作职责中感觉最有趣的部分,可以在各种有趣的活动中与有趣的人们见面,这些活动非常有意思而他也很享受于组织和参加活动。Kunjan Shah先生对古代历史也有着浓厚兴趣,目前他正努力于有关于重新发掘古代思想和心灵科学的论文的发表工作。

    Mr. Kunjan Shah graduated in 2015 in Law from Tribhuvan University, Kathmandu, Nepal. In 2016, he was appointed as a Section Officer of the Government of Nepal Ministry of Foreign Affairs. He was posted in Guangzhou in 2019 and he will be completing his duty in China soon at end of this July. 

    As a Consul his main duty is to perform office administration and conduct economic diplomacy related activities on behalf of his Government. He regards tourism promotion as the most interesting part of his job where he gets to meet interesting people in several events that are quite fun to organize or to attend.

    Kunjan is an ancient history enthusiast and currently he is working to publish papers related to rediscovering ancient science of the mind and spirituality.

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    Mr. Aaron Leung

    Talk: Ai Vitamin Boost


    - 一位国际级充满活力的演讲者和TED教练,能够与您的内心和潜力建立联系,并根据您的演讲风格定制,创造您一生的机会。

    - 一位享有盛誉的演讲爱好者,通过卓越的成果来创新和革新演讲艺术。

    自学生时代起,Aaron一直在行业中指导演讲者。受启发于各行各业人士的智慧分享,以及90多个国家的文化熏陶,他对公众演讲产生了热情,曾先后获得了100多个比赛的奖项,并最终在2019年成为全球即兴演讲冠军,虚拟参加了来自100个国家的比赛。他从2016年开始担任TEDx教练,到2023年成为TED教练和TEDx演讲者。他是混合运动创始人,自2009年以来在财富500强公司中开创虚拟、虚拟现实和全息技术,并在NSDA、USAD、USAP、21 Century、Toastmasters等各大型比赛中担任演讲评委。

    - An International dynamic speaker & TED coach that connects you to your inner voice & potential while customising your speaking style to create your lifetime of opportunities.

    - A renowned speech enthusiast innovates and revolutionizes the art of speaking with proven results.

    Aaron has been in the industry coaching speakers since he was a student. Inspired by the wisdom shared by all walks of life & immersed in cultures in over 90 countries plus a unique life-twisting experience, he developed a passion in public speaking. He has won over 100+ contests & eventually becomes a Global Impromptu Speaking Champion virtually across 100 countries in 2019. He became a TEDx Coach since 2016 and by 2023, he becomes a TED Coach & TEDx speaker. He is the founder of the hybrid movement, pioneering virtual , VR & hologram since 2009 in Fortune500 companies and a public speaking judge in many renowned contests like NSDA, USAD, USAP, 21 Century, Toastmasters etc.

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    Mr. Claude Bouchard

    Talk: Science Fairs of the Future: What could be the next evolutions?


    Claude 成长自加拿大蒙特利尔,曾就读于蒙特利尔大学、麦吉尔大学和上海交通大学,学习东亚文化和科学史,并且在蒙特利尔魁北克大学学习可持续发展管理。


    Claude grew up in Montreal, Canada and has studied East Asian culture and history of science at University of Montreal, McGill University and Shanghai Jiaotong University as well as sustainable development management at University of Québec in Montreal. 

    He has been teaching in China for over 10 years and enjoys sharing his passion for various subjects with students. Following tech and ed-tech news and always looking for new methods to engage students, Claude has been looking at the learning possibilities that VR and AR could provide students of various ages.

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    Mr. James Anderson

    Talk: The Power of Music


    - 安德森咨询公司的首席执行官,专注于国际教育和音乐项目。

    - 世界级歌手,曾在世界各地演出,并指导年轻有才华的艺术家。

    - CEO of Anderson Consulting with focus on international education and music projects

    - World Class Vocalist who has performed all over the world and mentor to young talented artists.

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    Mr. Evan Li / 李礼先生

     Talk: Learn to Be Yourself




    - Faculty Advisor of MUN (Model United Nation) Club of Dongguan High School.

    - Member of Guangdong Provincial English Speech Association.

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    Mr. Raj Oswal

    Talk: The Power Of Immersive Learning In Education



    Raj Oswal先生是一位印裔美国企业家,拥有25年以上的经验,加州大学洛杉矶分校商学院工商管理硕士学位,并拥有一家在中美均有业务的科技公司。


    - An Indian-American entrepreneur with over 25 years’ experience, an MBA from UCLA Anderson School and a USA / Chinese technology company.

    - In 1996 he became involved with his first Silicon Valley tech start-up and has been instrumental in six additional Silicon Valley startups ranging from AI chatbots and messaging solutions to mobile phone apps.

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    Mr. Kun Liu / 刘昆先生

    Talk: The Catcher in the Farm



    - Graduated from South China Agricultural University, in a major of Entomological taxonomy.

    - Working on plants protection in an organic farm in Changsha city for more then 8 years, currently engaged in environmental education by his love for nature and children.

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    Mr. Zheng Lou / 楼政先生

    Talk:The Key Traits of Individual Innovator


    - 金指南咨询有限公司的创始人、项目管理、产品管理以及技术创新的高级培训师及顾问。

    - 曾参与三项国际和一项中国标准的制定。

    - The founder of Gold Compass Consulting Co., Ltd.Senior trainer and consultant of project management, product management and technology innovation. 

    - Participate in the development of three international standards and one Chinese standard.

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    Mr. Nick Zhang / 张佳杰先生

    Talk: How to Change the “Reality” in Your Perception?



    - A student from Dongguan City University,

    - Co-founder of ZZQN Community

    - Has Faith in “Think Hard, Work Hard”

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    Ms. Luna Chen

    Talk: Stop Spending Too Much Time on Your Phone.





    Ms.Luna Chen, a multi-talented 12-year-old student from Tsinglan School, exploring her study life in SongShan Lake. As one of the young generation, she shows openhearted, curious and insightful characteristics. She believes that, bravely embracing failures and mistakes is one of paths to get success.

     Her life motto is "I'll give it my all, right from the start. I gotta play this from the heart. Give it a go, show them the way. You gotta let the music play." She always tries her best to do well in what she confirms that she can do well and also makes efforts to help others make their works be done well.

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    Black Cats

    Original Song / 原创音乐:Illusion

    Ivan Granelli - Bass, Arrangements,Vocals;

    Igor Danov - Lead Vocal, Guitar, Composer;

    Julio César López González - Drums;

    Elkin Francisco Adarme Cornejo - Keyboards,Vocals.

    Black Cats乐队是广东著名的摇滚/流行翻唱乐队。


    The Black Cats are a well-known rock/pop cover band in Guangdong.

    Acclaimed for their vibrant performances and renditions of the most popular songs (modern and classics)

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    Original Song / 原创音乐:夜行异闻录、英招

    TJ,别名Syrup,是一名来自广东省实验中学国际高中的高二学生,擅长音乐制作,合成器演奏,主要风格为“Yoyo” Hip-Hop、“嗷嗷”摇滚 和“滋滋”电子,喜欢Kanye、Nujabes、Travis Scott、Tyler the Creator,作品多运用采样,灵感来自灵魂乐、爵士乐、放克音乐、摇滚乐等各种有趣的音乐风格,作品个性鲜明,听感新奇,TJ希望给音乐中注入更多创新和融合的元素。

    TJ, aka "Syrup", a sophomore student from Guangdong Experimental High School IFPAD.

    TJ is skilled in music production and synthesizer playing, mainly in the styles of "Yoyo" Hip-Hop, Roaring Rock, and Electronic Music. Kanye, Nujabes, Travis Scott, and Tyler the Creator are his favourite musicians and artists.

    TJ’s music-works are often incorporated sampling, drawing inspiration from various fun music genres like Soul, Jazz, Funk, and rock. His creations are distinct in personality, which present audiences a unique music journey.

    TJ works hard on injecting more innovation and fusion elements into music.

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    Mr. Mike Lee / 李衡玟先生

    - Vectorfields 联合创始人

    - 在中韩籍专业人士社区的人工智能产品顾问和领导者

    - 曾任职于Accenture Korea公司,担任人工智能咨询师

    - 曾任职于一家上市人工智能初创企业,担任产品经理



    - Co-Founder of Vectorfields

    - Al Product Consultant and community leader of Korean professionals in China

    - Former Al consultant at a firm, fka Accenture Korea

    - Former Product manager at an IPOed Al startup

    Mr. Mike Lee is helping global companies adopting Al technologies.

    Specialized in ChatGPT - like Al assistant and search services. Currently leading a project integrating ChatGPT into AR glasses for spatial user experience. Mike collaborates with product owners and engineers from product strategy to operation, and worked with Samsung, Google, BMW etc.

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    Mr.Cary He / 贺凯先生

    - 戏剧影视文学、文学艺术高等教育及专业背景

    - 中国田汉研究会成员,东莞市松山湖作家协会成员,东莞朗诵艺术家协会成员


    - With higher education and profession and background of Drama and Film Literature, Arts in Literature.

    - Member of the Chinese Tianhan Research Association, Dongguan Songshan Lake Writers Association and Dongguan Recitation Artists Association

    Mr. Cary He has been working in the performance and education industry for many years. He previously worked at the China Puppet Art Theater and Guangdong Elephant Theatre Management Company.

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    陈淑欣 | Vivian Chen

    特别感谢Vivian Chen女士,她为本次活动引荐了非常优秀的东莞地区演讲嘉宾。

    A special thanks to Songshan Lake, DG community leader, Ms. Vivian Chen for graciously helping to support us with TOP speaker nominations from our local DG community. 

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    • Elaine


    • 周莹


    • 微信用户


    • 微信用户


    • 贺凯


    • Jasmine Li









    TEDxSongshanLake 是东莞唯一一家 TEDx 组织( Standard 类别),我们的使命是将来自各行各业的人们聚集在一起,分享大家的想法,以激发积极的影响。 我们追寻的是对知识点好奇,对真理的探索,我们希望能够挖掘和发现在这个世界上各个角落、各个领域的有趣思想和创新想法,并为之传播,让他们能与创造改变的人在一起,让想法成为实践,用思想改变世界。TEDxSongshanLake 寻找的不是拥有“巨山”背景的名人豪士,这意味着你可以不用是卓越的企业家、优秀的创业家、天赋异禀的艺术家等。你可以是 ANYBODY 任何人,每个人都可以前来。TEDxSongshanLake 是一个非营利活动,其组织者均为志愿者,所邀请到的讲者也将他们的好想法进行无偿地分享。


