When everything recovers in spring, do you also want to grow and make greater progress?Do you also yearn for better career development?🌱
活动时间Time:2023.3.18 周六 Saturday 14:30-17:30
活动地点Location:成都市锦江区交个朋友城市露营派对Make friends City Camping Party, Jinjiang District, Chengdu
活动流程Activity Schedule:
📩14:30 签到&领取饮品&写明信片 Check-in&Get drinks&Write a postcard
🥰15:00 主持人破冰 Icebreaking by host
活动费用¥99/人,含2杯饮品 Event Fee: ¥99/person, including 2 drinks.🥂🍸
为保障活动质量和深度社交,本期活动仅开放36个名额 In order to ensure the quality of the event and the depth of social interaction, only 36 places will be opened for this event.
因场地需提前预定,报名成功后,不可退款,可转让名额 As the venue needs to be booked in advance, the registration is non-refundable but transferable.
在都市里享受舒适自在的露营,秉承着交个朋友的态度,让年轻人能在工作和度假中自如切换,享受生活,遇见同好 Enjoy comfortable camping in the city so that young people can switch freely between work and vacation, enjoy life and meet friends
Diverse local-foreign interactive activities 丰富多元的中外互动活动,外国人和本地人的国际社群 Vitality international community 增强能量和促进国际化发展
已举办了超过100场,涉及国际文化、国际运动等有趣的有意义的中外互动活动 More than 100 interesting and meaningfu,local-foreign integration activities have been held