广州 Guangzhou | 在科技领域中探索自我 Life without Limit
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广州 Guangzhou|Ladies Who Tech STEM Drinks Night 在科技领域中探索自 Life without Limits
有什么能够比拟,与Ladies Who Tech共度STEM社交之夜的方式来开启2023的春天呢? What’s a better way to kick off 2023 than a STEM Drinks Night with Ladies Who Tech? 我们非常高兴能于3月15日(星期三)举行我们2023的第一场活动! We are thrilled to host our first event of the year on Wednesday, March 15! 还在等什么?加入我们的社交之夜吧! So, what are you waiting for? Come join us!
活动详情 Event Details 主题 Theme: 在科技领域中探索自我 Life without Limits 日期 Date: 2023-03-15 周三 Wednesday 时间 Time: 19:30 - 21:30 地址 Address: 费用 Entry Fee: 早鸟Online: ¥88; 空降Walk-in: ¥108 活动语言 Event language:英文 English 活动流程 Event
Agenda 19:30-20:00签到 Registration 20:00-20:15开场介绍 Opening & Welcome 20:15-20:30嘉宾分享 Guest Sharing 20:30-20:50炉边访谈 Fireside Chat 20:50-21:30自由交流 Networking *活动流程以现场通知为准 Agenda subject to changes
广州市新港东路磨碟沙大街 118 号琶醍啤酒文化创意艺术区 B 区 60 栋 02 铺 The Happy Monk Party Pier
(含小吃及饮品一杯Includes finger food and one drink)
All genders and professions are welcome!
场地赞助 Venue Sponsor 诚挚感谢广州The Happy Monk琶醍店为我们提供活动场地! A HUGE thank you to The Happy Monk Party Pier in Guangzhou for hosting us!
The Happy Monk是一家有着十多年历史的具有活力和独创性的英伦风格的酒吧。我们朴实并不花哨。我们热衷于将人们聚集在一起,无论是团队还是客人,因为我们坚信快乐源于分享。每天我们的团队都会迎接来自广州和世界各地的客人。做超级“酷”并不是我们早起工作的动力,相反,我们致力为客人提供独特的空间,原创的设计、音乐、氛围,屡获殊荣的食物和饮品,友好的服务和定期的社区活动。
The Happy Monk is a lively and original London-style gastro bar concept with over 10 year’s history here in Guangzhou. We are simple people. We are passionate about bringing people together, whether our team members or guests, because we believe that happiness comes from sharing. Every day, our team welcomes guests from Guangzhou and across world. Being uber cool is not what gets us out of bed in the morning. Instead, we live to deliver unique spaces, award-winning food and drinks, music, authentic designs, atmosphere, friendly service and regular community events.
Thank you to our community partners for the great support!
欢迎各位扫描下方二维码加入我们,成为我们 Ladies Who Tech 广州分部志愿者团队的一员。
Scan below QR code to join us or become one of the volunteers at the Ladies Who Tech Guangzhou Chapter!
Dr. H. James Harkins
星海音乐学院现代与戏剧学院副教授 Associate Professor in the Modern Music and Theater Academy of Xinghai Conservatory of Music in Guangzhou
She Rewires是中国最活跃的科技女性社群,它的使命是转变现状和重塑 一个更加多元和包容的STEAM 的未来。它全球有 70,000 多名会员与130位志愿共建者的社会创新初创企业。 She Rewires, China's most active women in STEAM community , a social enterprise with the mission of rewiring and transforming the status quo and reshape the future of STEAM for good. It connects more than 70,000+ members with 130 dedicated voluntarily co-builders around the globe.