重要提示:What is a better way to start the weekend than to chill out, network, meet new friends and play social games at our Friday night in a great place, like a convenient terrace with a lot of interesting people.It's been a long time since we played Avalon/Werewolf. This Saturday night, let's play together放假回来,很久没有玩阿瓦隆,狼人杀了,这个周六晚上,我们一起来玩吧Avalon is a party game that challenges players to deduce one another's identities. You may have played similar games such as Werewolf and Mafia. Those titles have their merits, but Avalon works great because players don't die - meaning no one gets left out of the fun. Compared with other two games, it focuses more on the game's interactivity and players' logical reasoning and analysis ability.Avalon通常需要5-10人参与,是一款适合聚会交友,语言类推理向的休闲益智游戏。阿瓦隆与狼人杀的游戏机制相似,是一款大家喜闻乐见的全员共同参与游戏,不会出现玩家中途被投出局的情况。且相较于狼人杀更侧重游戏的互动性和玩家的逻辑推理分析能力。Play in English?
Don't worry about how to express yourself. We prepare a training on common expressions and gaming strategy before the game.用英语玩?
不用担心如何表达,游戏前会有详细的常用表达与基本玩法的讲解。There's no problem that can't be solved by one round of werewolf, or get another. Werewolf is the most popular party game for young people to get know new friends and have great fun. You don't need to worry about awkward conversation, it can make all strangers laugh and scold in a flash. If you want to relax on weekends, just come and join us.没有什么烦恼是一局狼人杀解决不了的,要不就再来一局。狼人杀是现代年轻人久玩不厌的聚会游戏,自带破冰属性,可以以最快的速度,让原本陌生的朋友们嬉笑怒骂的快乐起来,周末想好好放松一下,就来一起狼人杀吧。It's time to mingle in the wonderful night~
Don't miss the chance to meet your old friends
and get to know new amazing people.来点轻音乐,加上冰爽的啤酒或鲜艳的鸡尾酒
聊聊天,扯扯谈~During the activity, you can choose to participate in the game or talk with friends, or be alone活动中,你可以自行选择参加游戏,与朋友聊天,或者一个人发呆English Social Deduction Game / 英文社交推理游戏
"A storyteller who can't assassinate the right Merlin is not a good seer". We organize bilingual social deduction games every weekend, such as Blood on the clocktower, Avalon, Werewolf... If you want to have a great time with a group of friends and at the same time improve your oral English, welcome to join us.”不会刺梅林的说书人不是一个好预言家~“,我们周末长期组织双语社交推理游戏,比如血染,阿瓦隆,狼人杀等。如果你想和一群朋友开心的玩耍,还能提升一下自己的口语表达,欢迎加入我们。 Please sign up in advance, or pay extra ¥30The event will be cancelled if the number of participants is less than 1/3 of the expected number报名人数不足期望人数的1/3活动自动取消,请务必报名,谢谢If you're unable to attend, please postpone the participation on the registration page. If refunded, deduct 10% registration fee.因特殊情况无法参加,请自己在报名成功页面点击延期参加;如果退款,扣除10%报名费。