厦门市文艺发展专项资金资助项目 滚动中的雪球14——中荷当代视觉艺术展 Rolling Snowball 14 Sino-Dutch Contemporary Visual Art Exhibition 展期:2022.04.30 - 2022.06.05 主办:荷兰王国驻广州总领事馆、厦门宝龙艺术中心、中国欧洲艺术中心 展览地点:厦门宝龙艺术中心(福建省厦门市思明区金山路1号宝龙一城L4) 艺术总监: Ineke Gudmundsson 策展人: 李梅兰、叶倩甫 Date:2022.04.30 - 2022.06.05 Organizers: Consulate General of the Kingdom of the Netherlands in Guangzhou, Xiamen Powerlong Art Center, Chinese European Art Center Venue:Xiamen Powerlong Art Center(L4, Onemall, No.1, Jinshan Road, Siming District, Xiamen, Fujian, China) Art Director: Ineke Gudmundsson Curator: May Lee, Ye Qianfu 参展艺术家(以姓名首字母排序) Albert van der Weide|Arnoud Noordegraaf Cathelijn van Goor|Chen Rongxin 陈荣鑫 Danielle Lemaire|Doina Kraal|Hester Oerlemans Huang Shizun 黄仕尊|Jaring Lokhorst|Jens Pfeifer Jia Zhixing 贾志兴|Jin Jing 金晶|Kan Xuan 阚萱 Katrin Korfmann|Lin Meiya 林美雅 Liu Yuanyuan 刘圆圆|Lova Yu 余立尧&Tycho Hupperets Marike Schuurman|Marjan Laaper|Mica Pan 潘迪 Nick Renshaw|Pan Feifei 潘菲菲|Peer Veneman Persijn Broersen&Margit Lukács|Oey Tjeng Sit 黄清石 Sarah Mei Herman|Scarlett Hooft Graafland Sigurdur Gudmundsson|Tanja Smit|Temo Dou 窦笑雨 Voebe de Gruyter|Wei Na 维娜|Wu Yanbing 吴妍冰 Yang Jian 杨健|Yang Zhiqian 阳芷倩|Ye Qianfu 叶倩甫 / 关于展览 About the Exhibition 2022年4月30日-2022年6月5日,「滚动中的雪球14——中荷当代视觉艺术展」将在厦门宝龙艺术中心展出。此次展览通过36位中荷艺术家的彼此作品及章节串联现场,相互联系,为观众呈现一个由五个章节组成的视觉叙事。 2022年是中国与荷兰建交50周年。在这具有特别意义的时刻,荷兰王国驻广州总领事馆,厦门宝龙艺术中心,中国欧洲艺术中心和厦门宝龙一城联合呈现「滚动中的雪球14」——一场以“你好吗Ni Hao?”为主题的中荷当代视觉艺术展。通过此次展览,我们想与公众共同分享和探讨过去以及未来两国之间的交流与合作。同时,本次展览也将成为荷兰王国驻广州总领事馆庆祝荷中建交50周年的重要文化活动。 在本次展览中,“你好吗Ni Hao?”并非客套的礼貌用语,她将带着丰富的情感,邀请大家来共同叙事形成交互主观延伸的情境。重要的不是那句礼貌性地回应“我很好,谢谢”,而是老朋友与新朋友一起,“无目的而合目的性”地围坐在一起,在打完招呼以后迫切想要知道对方近况的交谈。我们作为言者的主观发问,期待收获听者的倾诉应答。 展览希望通过跳脱原始本意的问题框架,剥离主体对原有已发生的事情状态的分析,更多的是抱着对当下经历的一种指向,或者说是一种现在进行时的提问与反问,将“你好吗Ni Hao?”延伸至个体、群体,与之相关的事件、关系研究的种种连接。 From April 30, 2022 to June 5, 2022, "Rolling Snowball 14" -- Sino-Dutch Contemporary Visual Art Exhibition will be exhibited at Xiamen Powerlong Art Center. This exhibition presents the audience with a visual narrative consisting of five chapters. The exhibition site is related and interactive with the artworks and the chapters. 2022 marks the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the Netherlands. At this significant moment, the Consulate General of the Netherlands in Guangzhou, Xiamen Powerlong Art Center, the Chinese European Art Center and Onemall jointly present "Rolling Snowball 14" -- a Sino-Dutch Contemporary Visual Art Exhibition with the theme of "Ni Hao?" Through the exhibition, we want to share and discuss with the public the past and future exchanges and cooperation between the two countries. Besides, the exhibition is also an important cultural event launched by the Consulate General of the Netherlands in Guangzhou to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the Netherlands and China. In this exhibition, "Ni Hao?" is not a courtesy. Embodying rich emotions, it will invite the audience to join the narrative to form an interactive and subjective extension of the situation. The essential thing is not the polite reply of "I'm fine, thank you", but the conversation with old friends and new friends alike, who sitin a circle with “purposeless purposiveness” and are eager to know each other's current situation after saying hello. As the speaker and questioner, we look forward to receiving the audience's answers from the bottom of their heart. The exhibition aims to remove the subject's state analysis of existing issues by getting rid of the original question frame. It is more of various connections extending "Ni Hao?" to individuals, groups, related events, and relational research implying the orientation for the current experience, or a question/rhetorical question in the present tense. 厦门宝龙艺术中心 厦门宝龙艺术中心地处东海之滨、鹭岛东部,位于思明区金山路的宝龙一城屋顶花园,毗邻厦门市软件园与海西首家时尚奢华酒店——W酒店,是专注于引领艺术与生活跨界美学新风潮,策划展示国内外现当代艺术的美学文化空间和平台。厦门宝龙艺术中心既有挑高达5米的专业展场空间,亦有能满足各种规模、展示需求的大小展厅共4个,总展示面积近4000平方米。 Xiamen Powerlong Art Center is located in the Roof Garden of Powerlong One Mall, Jinshan Road, Siming District, in the east of Xiamen Island, the coast of the East China Sea. It is adjacent to Xiamen Software Park and W Hotel, the first fashion luxury hotel on the West Side of the Straits. Based on Fujian culture and leading the new aesthetic trend across art and life, it serves as an aesthetic culture space and platform for planning and display of modern and contemporary art at home and abroad. Xiamen Powerlong Art Center has both a five-meter-high professional exhibition space and four exhibition halls that can meet various scale and exhibition needs, with a total exhibition area of nearly 4000 square meters. 中国欧洲艺术中心 中国欧洲艺术中心于一九九九年与厦门大学艺术学院共同创建,由荷兰籍伊尼卡·顾蒙逊女士和厦大艺术学院秦俭教授联合发起,为非营利艺术机构。其核心的国际艺术家驻馆项目是中国大陆开始最早及运营时间最长的驻馆项目之一,接待来自世界各地各个创意领域的视觉艺术家、设计师、策展人、作曲家和作家等等。中心每年的活动日程不仅包括常态化的驻馆艺术家及特邀艺术家展览,还举办一系列相关的讲座、工作坊、户外影像放映会及音乐会等多种类的文化交流活动。 The Chinese European Art Center (CEAC) was founded by Mrs. Ineke Gudmundsson from the Netherlands and Professor Qin Jian from Xiamen University Art College in 1999. As non-profit multi-disciplinary art center, CEAC hosts one of the first and longest running Artist-in-Residence programs in China open to visual artists, architects, designers, curators, composers and writers from around the world. CEAC’s events calendar features regular exhibitions showcasing invited and resident artists along with a supplementary program including lectures, workshops, concerts and outdoor film screenings. / 关于展期活动 About the Activities 01 开幕活动 Opening 📅 2022.04.30 14:30 艺术家现场导览, 在交流中找到共同的情感或体会! 02 羊毛毡(湿毡)工作坊 Wet Felting Workshop 📅 2022.05.08 艺术家/Artist:潘菲菲 Pan Feifei 春天,和艺术家一起, 用羊毛毡湿毡制作一款属于自己的包包! 03 艺术家沙龙&艺术竞拍 Artist Talk & Art Auction 📅 2022.06.05 人人都可以艺术品收藏, 参与竞拍的同时也是一场有趣的艺术交流! 注:活动参与方式可关注公众号后续推文 / 部分参展作品 Work of Participating Artists Albert van der Weide,《每日力量2》, 绘画印刷 Daily Power 2, Drawing prints, 42×30cm, 2022 Arnoud Noordegraaf,《奥菲莉亚》彩色电影 Ophelia, Film, color, 2017 剧本/script Adrian Hornsby Cathelijn van Goor,《我的数字后院彩色8》, 纸本彩铅 My Digital Backyard Color 8 Colored pencil on papier, 15×21cm, 2019 陈荣鑫,《错误代码》, 机械装置 Chen Rongxin, Error Code, Mechanical device 150×15×10cm, 2021 Danielle Lemaire,《会议》, 纸上丙烯, 硬蜡笔 The Meeting, Acrylic and conté on paper 152×250cm, 2017 Doina Kraal,《空间治疗》, 3D光栅输出 Doctoring With Space, 3D Lenticular print 83.5×43cm, 2022 Hester Oerlemans,《索耐特摇椅》, 气球造型 Thonet Rocking Chair Modelling balloons lifesize, 2022 黄仕尊,《妈妈你说我是孤儿吗?》 砖头、黄豆、输液器、输液架,尺寸可变 Huang Shizun, Another Brick In the Wall Brick, bean, infusion set infusion stand variable size, 2022 Jaring Lokhorst,《青金石 VIII》, 铝板油画 Lapis VIII, Oil, Aluminium, 50×60cm, 2020 Jens Pfeifer,《吸烟者一》, 纸本铝材,墨水 Smokers1, Aluminium and ink on paper 40x60cm, 2019 贾志兴,《当一个不喜欢安静的人在每天面对安静 4》 摄影,文字拼贴 Jia Zhixing, When Someone Who Dislikes Tranquility Has To Face Silence Every Day -4 Photography, text, collage, 40×60cm, 2022 金晶,《我知道的并不多于我现在的所知之水中之物装置》 视频,杉树纸条,亚克力,尺寸可变 Jin Jing,In the Water From the Project I Know No More Than What I Know Now, Video, cedar acrylic variable size, 2021 阚萱,《倏忽》,影像 Kan Xuan, Sudden, Video, 10’18”, 2020 Katrin Korfmann,《Anton de Komplein, 阿姆斯特丹 来自系列:一文不值》, 超彩色打印 Anton de Komplein, Amsterdam, From the series Count for Nothing, Ultrachrome print 267×489cm, 2018 林美雅,《仲夏,注视》, 图像,有声多屏影像印刷展示 Lin Meiya,Midsummer,Gaze, Image, Multi-channel video&prints presentation HD, Sound, 2022 刘圆圆,《瓶子语言》,亚克力,橡胶 Liu Yuanyuan, Bottle Language, Acrylic, rubber, 2021 Lova Yu 余立尧 & Tycho Hupperets,《气味》 影像装置,行为表演,尺寸可变 Odor 2, Video installation performance, variable, 2019 Marike Schuurman,《倒叙 04》,喷墨打印 Flashback 04, Inkjetprints, 75×112cm, 2021 Marjan Laaper,《邂逅》, 尺寸可变,高度在3-4米之间 Encounter, Size variable between 3-4 meter high, 2021 潘迪,《ndsm-03》, 行为表演影像, 纪录片 Mica Pan, ndsm-03, Performance video documentation, 2022 Nick Renshaw,《彩人(调色板)》, 陶瓷, 釉 Man of Colour (Palette), Ceramic, glaze 60cm h.×28cm w. x 20cm d., 2013 潘菲菲,《生长》, 冰岛毛线、棉线、金丝绒线 Pan Feifei, Growing, Acrylic yarn, cotton thread 300×165×10cm, 2017 - 2021 Peer Veneman,《恩格勒体系组曲》,铝塑板档案颜料印刷 The Engler System Suite Archival pigment print ondibond 7×60×50cm, 2022 Persijn Broersen & Margit Lukács,《孤注一掷》, 视频 All or Nothing at All, 图片由 AKINCI 提供Videostills 7’20, 2020, Courtesy AKINCI 黄清石,《无题》, 报纸,纸本水墨 Oey Tjeng Sit, Untitled, Newspaper, ink on paper Sarah Mei Herman,《Haiqing》, 胶片喷墨输出 Haiqing, Analog C-print 80×100cm, October 2014 Scarlett Hooft Graafland,《我的白衣骑士》, 喷墨打印 玻利维亚, My White Knight, Inkjet print 32×40cm, 2012,Bolivia Sigurdur Gudmundsson,《海之诗》 装置,海沙,小提琴,霓虹灯 Sea Poem, Installation, sand, violin, neon light 600×150cm, 2019 Tanja Smit,《无题(踢)》,纸本水墨 Untitled (kick), Ink on paper, 15×10cm, 2021 窦笑雨,《被房间困住的人》, 影像 Temo Dou, Man Trapped In a Room Digital film, 13' , 2021 Voebe de Gruyter,《肺》, 绘画,文本,来自同一建筑物的窗帘悬挂系统,纸本水粉,铅笔,墨水,木头,印刷纸 The Lungs, Drawing, text, curtain hanging system from the same building, Gouache and pencil on paper, ink, wood, printed paper, 147×102cm, 2020 维娜,《众-人》, 摄影装置 Wei Na, Someone In Everyone Photo installation, 2022 吴妍冰,《家庭剧场》, 影像 Wu Yanbing, The Family Theater, Video, 2022 杨健,《物联网》, 白菜,WIFI天线,尺寸可变 Yang Jian, Internet of Things, Napa cabbage wifi antenna, dimensions variable, 2018 阳芷倩,《电力婴儿生态系统》灯工玻璃装置 Yang Zhiqian, Electronic Baby Ecosystem Lighting glass installation, 2017 叶倩甫,《地毯还是窗帘?》, 行为表演 布料,椅子,鞋子,石头,真实尺寸 Ye Qianfu, Carpet or Curtain, Performance, cloth chair, shoes, stone, live size, 2019 活动支持:厦门宝龙一城 Event Support: Onemall 设备支持:小米福建分公司 Device Support: Xiaomi 线上导览支持:Artsense Online Tour Support: Artsense 项目执行团队 The Exhibition Team 展览统筹:李梅兰、叶倩甫、黄仕尊、沈明荃 Exhibition Coordinator:May Lee, Ye Qianfu, Huang Shizun, Shen Mingquan 设计:吴佳宏 Designer: Wu Jiahong 宣传:陈嘉茵 Public Promotion: Chen Jiayin 展览执行:刘奕菲 Exhibition Execution: Liu Yifei 现场运营:蒋诗吟 Field Operation: Jiang Shiyin 英文编辑/中文编辑/翻译:吴卉 English Editor/Chinese Editor/Translation: Nancy Wuhui