从中国胃到中国味 ——如何通过食物了解世界 A Journey of Food Culture From China to the World 《中庸》里面有句话:“人莫不饮食也,鲜能知味也。”有时候越是离我们近的事物,反而容易被忽略。 There is a saying in the Doctrine of the Mean: "All people eat and drink, but seldom know the taste." Sometimes things that are closer to us are easy to be ignored. 小时候大人骂小孩不努力,经常会说:“就知道吃!”长大才发现,能知道吃,真不是一件容易的事。吃什么?怎么吃?什么时候吃?用什么方法吃到?这后面包含了一系列从生物到物理、化学、地理、历史、文学、艺术、时尚,乃至社会学、心理学、哲学的知识。 When I was young, adults scolded children for not working hard and often said, "All you know is how to eat!" When I grew up, I found that it was not easy to know how to eat. What to eat? How to eat? When to eat? How to eat it? This action includes a series of knowledge from biology to physics, chemistry, geography, history, literature, art, fashion… And even sociology, psychology and philosophy. 现代美食家的鼻祖,法国的布里亚·萨瓦兰说过:“告诉我你吃什么,我就告诉你你是谁。”通过美食,我们可以判断人;通过美食,我们可以发现世界;通过美食,我们可以探索宇宙;通过美食,我们更可以找到自己…… "Tell me what you eat and I'll tell you who you are," said Brie Savarin of France, the father of the modern gourmet. Through food, we can judge people; through food, we can discover the world; through food we can explore the universe, and moreover, through food we can find ourselves... 时间 DATE&TIME 2022/5/4 Wed 15:00-16:00 地点 VENUE 侨福讲堂 The Parkview Speakers’ Corner 北京侨福芳草地 L10 L10 Parkview Green FangCaoDi Beijing 入场费 TICKET PRICE 129 RMB 主讲人 SPEAKER 曹涤非 Cao Difei 《随便食单》作者、《讲究所》创始人 法国埃科菲厨皇美食会中国区名誉大使 意大利国际慢食协会大中华区传播大使 Author of Sui Bian Shi Dan, Founder of Jiang Jiu Suo Honorary Ambassador of DEI China President of Amis d'Escoffier Beijing Slow Food International Congress Great China Ambassador 活动注意事项 Please Note 活动当天开场前半小时开始签到入场,请于美术馆前台兑换入场凭证。 活动开始后20分钟停止入场。 活动期间请保持手机静音。 请遵守防疫规定,出示“北京健康宝”,并全程佩戴口罩。 The admission begins 30 minutes before the event starts. Please sign in and pick up your ticket at the museum reception; The admission stops 20 minutes after the event starts; Please make sure your phone is in silent mode during the screening. Please show the health status on the page of “Beijing Health” at the reception, and wear a mask at all times. 关于“侨福讲堂” The Talk 在2022年,以“请坐”为年度主题,位于侨福芳草地 L10 的侨福讲堂成为了“艺文栖居,入座人生”之所在。“请坐”,英文即 SEAT , 是 Sustainability, Environment, Art 和 Technology 的缩写,栏目内容也将围绕这四个概念展开,我们邀请嘉宾在此进行一系列讲座、对谈,消融艺术与生活的边界,呈现思考和艺文的力量。 In 2022, with the annual theme of "SEAT", The Parkview Speakers' Corner transforms into the place where art and literature take the stage, and life dwells. "SEAT" is an acronym for Sustainability, Environment, Art, and Technology, and the column will revolve around these concepts. Through a series of inspiring talks and conversations by our guests, The Talk will take you to reveal the spiritual values behind the topics and explore the charm of art and culture.