Ladies Who Tech Walkie Talkie 走着瞧不如走着聊:充满变化后疫情时代,科技女性的职场出路在哪里
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武汉Wuhan | Ladies Who Tech Walkie Talkie 走着瞧不如走着聊
因为天气原因原定于4月23日的武汉Walkie Talkie活动将延期至4月30日,我们非常期待这次的线下活动中与大家相聚。
Due to adverse weather condition, our Wuhan Walkie Talkie event will be postponed to April 30. We look forward to meeting you all at this outdoor event.
在这个充满变化后疫情时代,科技女性的职场出路和发展在哪里?没有哪一年的金三银四像2022年这般令人不安。“大厂裁员 ”、“疫情复发”、“科技股暴跌” 这三个重磅炸弹轮番霸占着各大搜索引擎的头条。在这样一种似乎什么都说没就没的阵痛时期,本来就充满变化的科技行业,似乎不确定性变得更多了。
The 2022 season of “Golden March Silver April” is unlike any of the previous years. Layoffs in Big Tech companies, Covid-19, and the volatile stock market take turns occupying headlines in multiple search engines. The Tech Industry is becoming increasingly unpredictable, given its ever-evolving nature.
During these times, how should women in STEM develop their careers?
4月23日,Ladies Who Tech 武汉团队邀请你来跟姐妹们相聚,用一次舒缓身心的户外散步和对话来缓解内心的焦虑。本期边走边聊的话题将围绕科技行业女性的职场或者创业道路的现状展开,大家一起结合自己的职场经历一同来探讨更多的可能性。
Ladies Who Tech Wuhan invites you to share and learn at the “Walkie Talkie” event on April 23. Join women in STEM and mentors to learn and share about how women in STEM chart their career paths or venture into entrepreneurship while enjoying a walk at the park.
1. 科技互联网企业女性求职焦虑
Job search anxiety faced by women in tech
2. 女性30岁后从职场走向创业的路径
How women in their 30s take the leap from corporate to entrepreneurship
3. 不确定且充满变化的环境下女性领导力的重要性
Why women leadership matters in the ever-changing environment
精彩内容 Rundown
14:00-14:15 集合 Registration
活动细节 Event Details
日期与时间 Date and Time: 2022-04-30
语言 Language: 中文 Chinese
Location: East Lake CCCoffee Town, 88 Huangli Road, Wuchang District, Wuhan
报名费用 Registration:¥50
(包含咖啡或者饮品一杯 includes one drink)
3、集合: 东湖咖啡小镇大门口集合
1. Take Line 8 to "Li Yuan" station, you will get to East Lake Li Yuan Gate in 5 mins
2. Show your Green QR code when you will enter the Li Yuan Gate, walk along 300 meters, and you can find the East Lake CCCoffee Town.
3. Meeting at: The Main Gate of East Lake CCCoffee Town
Parking: Underground parking lot near Li Yuan Mall
杨李 Liz Yang
Experience Consultant/Business Analyst
熊倩芬 Barbara Xiong
副董事,投资及资本市场部 Associate Director、 Capital Markets
吕丽莎 Lisha Lv
Ladies Who Tech武汉负责人;萤火虫元宇宙推进者
She Rewires是中国最活跃的科技女性社群,它的使命是转变现状和重塑 一个更加多元和包容的STEAM 的未来。它全球有 70,000 多名会员与130位志愿共建者的社会创新初创企业。 She Rewires, China's most active women in STEAM community , a social enterprise with the mission of rewiring and transforming the status quo and reshape the future of STEAM for good. It connects more than 70,000+ members with 130 dedicated voluntarily co-builders around the globe.