Into the Metaverse: Web3, NFTs, and What More?
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Startup Grind Beijing Presents
The metaverse is the Web3 next wave, changing the way we will live, socialize, work, entertain and interact. What feels like a beginning stage of an innovative revolution, is still a complete mystery for the majority of us.
February is Web3 Month at Startup Grind and we are excited to have diverse speakers joining us to explore the next wave of the web. We will dive into the metaverse to discuss what Web3 and NFT are, why it matters and how they will influence our future.
Join us on 24th February 2022 at 18:00 - 21:00 at ITALIA, Lama Temple One Center, No. 51, Hepingli West Street, Dongcheng, Beijing. We have invited three guests to talk about WEB3 and they are experts who have been deep diving in the fields. Let's find out more about them.
Henry Wang
Founder & President, SmartMesh Foundation
Henry Wang is a Thought Leader in Web3, Metaverse, and Blockchain fields and he is also a world-renowned technical expert. His research and development projects cover Web3 Protocol, Metaverse, Blockchain, Chip design, Artificial Intelligence, Edge Computing, Internet of Things, Space Ground Integration Network, and Internet of Everything.
Henry Wang first proposed the Web3.0 concept back in 2003 when he initiated the combination of AI + Web2.0 to build the first cross-lingual and cross-border social network, One World One Web.
Chess Che
Founder, ShowMe
Chess is the former Cobo Operation Lead and has experience as Product Manager and user growth in companies such as 360/Inke Live/Renrenche, with more than 7 years of experience in Web 2.0 product design.
As Partner of Horizon Capital, he has invested in Web 3.0 such as Ethsign, Dora Factory, Litentry, etc.
Eddy Qi
Investment Director, InnoAngel Fund
Eddy Qi, Investment Director at InnoAngel Fund, focusing on Metaverse and Foodtech areas.
He leads the investment of Kiri, Freshxiaomei, Guanghuashuke, etc. Before joining venture capital, he worked at Wellington Management Company and Morgan Stanley. He received his Bachelor's and Master's degrees from Northeastern University and Bentley University, respectively.
Date: 24th February 2022 (Thursday)
Time: 18:00-21:00 (China Time)
Language: English
Venue: ITALIA, Lama Temple One Center, No. 51, Hepingli West Street, Dongcheng, Beijing [Please enter from A 座]
意达库斯中意创新孵化器ITALIA, 北京东城和平里西街51号雍和宫壹中心【请通过A座进入大楼】
Scan QR Code to get to the
venue with Tansuo Mini Program
18:00 - 18:30
Registration + Food
18:30 - 18:45
18:45 - 19:00
What is Web3?
(Henry Wang - 15-minute keynote on Web3)
19:00 - 19:05
5 min break
19:05 - 19:50
(Henry, Chess, Eddy)
19:50 - 20:10
Interactive Q&A
20:10 - 21:00
Networking + Snacks
Scan to register the offline event
(Including networking, light food, and beverages)
Early Bird Tickets: 79RMB/Person(Limited Amount)
Regular Tickets: 99RMB/Person
At The Door: 129RMB/Person
Refund Policy:
If you need a refund, please submit your application through HDX Mobile App before the deadline: 23rd February 2022 at 18:30. No refund requests will be accepted beyond the stated deadline.
When refunding, 10% of the purchased ticket price will be deducted as a handling fee.
SmartMesh Foundation Pte. Ltd. (Token Symbol: SMT), is a Singapore company established in 2017. With its mission to “Connect the Unconnected, Banking the Unbanked”, SmartMesh together with its ecosystem partners aim to build the global Value Internet and Web3.0 ecosystem using decentralized mesh network and blockchain technology.
The solution – HyperMesh is a low latency, highly energy-efficient and integrated infrastructure, enabling value to be transacted across all participants (peers and machines) with or without the internet; a perfect foundation for the metaverse.
For more information, please visit
ShowMe is a subscription NFT social network built on Web3.0 that supports Projects, Communities, KOLs, DAO, Gamefi through subscriptions and PONA (Proof of NFT Achievements).
Subscription supports creators to set a variety of subscription methods for entering the Club: free subscription, paid subscription, and holding NFT or Token subscription.
In the long run, ShowMe expects to serve creators through excellent products, accumulate more users, and benefit users by returning data ownership to users.
For more information, please visit
Innoangel Fund was established in 2013, manages 5 billion RMB, and has invested in more than 500 innovative projects. The investment management team has an average of more than 10 years of angel investment experience.
Inno Angel Fund focuses on new energy, advanced manufacturing (semiconductor/robots/aerospace, etc.), new generation information technology, life technology and other fields. It mainly invests in angel period and Pre-A stage. 70% of the projects invested by Innovo have been invested. In one round, multiple projects launched IPOs.
For more information, please visit
中意创新孵化器是中意先进制造联合实验室的 核心成员,由意大利对华友好协会、意大利昂利集团、中关村雍和航 星科技园、欧亚经合管理咨询有限公司在2019年联合发起成立。孵化器借助中意合作各方的产业特色与创新优势,以及中意经济友好合 作进入新时代的契机,实现强强联合、资源共享、优势互补,依托欧 盟及意大利产业与民间资本,旨在整合中意优质产业资源,重点推进 中意双方在先进制造领域、包括企业的技术、人才、资金等领域展开 广泛合作;推动中意双方互设离岸孵化器、企业研发中心等,促进技 术开发和成果转化;引进意大利和欧盟优势领域高新技术与项目,对 接中国市场与资本,向中国市场孵化并输入更多优秀品牌,同时也帮 助中国企业拓展欧洲市场。
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Eddy Qi
Investment Director
Chess Che
Henry Wang
Founder & President
Startup Grind is the world’s largest community of startups, founders, innovators, and creators. Reaching over 3.5 million individuals worldwide. Startup Grind 是世界上最大的初创公司、创始人、创新者和创造者社区,已覆盖全球超过 350 万人。