LanguageMix Halloween Special Event万圣节变装K歌之夜
【LanguageMix Halloween Special Event】LanguageMix万圣节变装K歌之夜
Halloween is coming!! We encourage you to wear a costume while you get some language practice . We will give a secret gifts to people who wear costume . Plus we have a nice stage ready for you guys, you can sing songs or play any performances or just be an audience. Studies show that wearing a costume while holding a drink improves your language skills by 100%
万圣节来了!我们希望你穿奇装异服来参加活动!我们将会给穿奇装异服的人准备神秘礼品,另外,我们当晚为⼤家准备了个舞台,如果你想唱歌或表演都可以,当观众也可以!⼀边cos⼀ 边喝酒 ⼀边和全世界的⼈练习语⾔把你的语⾔技能发挥到100%!
Party Queen&King 竞选
Halloween originated in Ireland and we're going to give each of you Three Irish flags and if you like who's costume you're going to put the Irish flag on,The Queen and King with the most flags will get a bottle of red wine
万圣节起源于爱尔兰我们会给大家每人三张爱尔兰的国旗 如果你喜欢谁的costume 就把爱尔兰国旗贴到他身上, 获得最多爱尔兰国旗的人将得到红酒一瓶
Not everyone has to sing. If you're too shy or just want to relax and listen to others then that just as good.
1.7PM-8:30PM Sign up & social talk
2.8:30PM-9:300PM social talk & Karaoke
3.9:30PM-10:00PM Choose the Party Queen&King
2.8:30PM-9:30PM ⾃由交流&k歌
3.9:30PM-10:00PM 竞选最受欢迎的装扮
About Language Mix
什么是Language Mix ? Language Mix was started in 2015 in Beijing by an American who wanted to connect better with the local Chinese population and also provide a platform for all languages (English, Mandarin, Japanese, Spanish, French, German, Korean, Russian and more). The concept proved to be so popular that it expanded to cities all around China. Language Mix Beijing has already hosted about 1500 times, and around 100,000 people from all over the world have been to the event. 2015年在上海,⼀位美国伙⼦想要更好地与本地中国⼈联系,同时也想为所 有的语⾔交流/学习(英语、汉语、⽇语、⻄班⽛语、法语、德语、韩语、俄 语等)提供⼀个更好的平台,Language Mix就此诞⽣,这平台变得⾮常受欢 迎。Language Mix北京已经举办了超过1500次,⼤约有10万来⾃全球各地 的年轻⼈参加过活动。活动提供了线下语⾔练习场景,并和全世界的⼈交朋友,Language Mix ⼝号是 Lets bring the world together.
Saturday LM(周六活动)
Bar: Volare bar
Address:朝阳区工体北路兆龙饭店一层中庭东侧Sanlitun SOHO, Gongti north road, Chaoyang District
Metro: Tuanjiehu 团结湖 (Line 10号线)EXIT D
The bar is just located behind the exit D
129 kuai(includes one drink and Halloween candy)
169 kuai (includes two drink and Halloween candy)
2015年在上海,一位美国伙子想要更好地与本地中国人联系,同时也想为所有的语言交流/学习(英语、汉语、日语、西班牙语、法语、德语、韩语、俄语等)提供一个更好的平台,Language Mix就此诞生,这平台变得非常受欢迎。Language Mix已扩展到中国各地的城市,可以往下滑,欣赏各城市的活动美照。我们希望,无论你到哪里去,当你到达一个不熟悉的城市,都有一个与新朋友联系的平台。