都市徒步部落:海纳百川,时空穿越,浦江东岸+北外滩线 Meetup City Walk
行程速览: 行程约5公里,需要3小时 总线路: -东方明珠游船码头---浦江东岸滨水步道---1862船厂---杨浦自来水博物馆----魔都矩阵- 北外滩航运中心--国际客运中心地铁站12号线-浦江夕阳轮渡
Meeting time:to be informed by tour leader after RSVP
Meeting point: to be informed by tour leader after RSVP
Cost: free to participate
Tour leader wechat ID: hawk_cn
Social distancing and masks required.
Limited to 15 participants.
Highlights of the walking: East bank waterwalks- Mingsheng Pier art space- 1862 Shipyard- Qinghuangdao Wharf- Yangshupu waterworks- Green hill--Sunset River ferry- Cycling on riverside lane
City Walk是一种沉浸式体验,用脚步丈量城市,探寻城市记忆,触摸历史,感受文化。城市徒步概念最早来自英国伦敦,有人叫它城市探索,也有人叫它城市漫游。城市徒步活动(City Walk)的兴起源于Travel as a local(像当地人一样地旅行)理念的盛行,通过徒步这一种活动方式,能够帮助参与者重新理解城市的空间与建筑,用行走来品味城市特色和文化,沿着城市记忆的足迹,探寻城市记忆的故事,关注当地的人文和生活方式,鲜活地感受到一座城市的生命。City walk路线原则上避开喧闹的旅游景点,用脚步去丈量城市,帮助我们重新理解城市的空间和格局。让旅行在城市中延伸。
This meetup will feature walking tours from East Bank of Huangpu river to Noth Bund and Yangpu Riverfront section on the west side of the river by ferry. Roughly 6km walking of 3 hours.
The East Bank Waterfront
The East Bank Waterfront is a popular pedestrian walkway with dedicated paths for walking, running and cycling, and much of the pathway is flanked by historic sites. The waterfront is an ideal spot for a leisurely stroll in any season whether it is spring, summer, autumn or winter.
At the very beginning, the architect utilized the strategy of “Historical landscape coexists with newborn landscape”, responding to the theme of “Art+Daily+Event”. The project reserves the original industrial remains, at the same time imbeds new activity spaces. Thus the flow meets the command of both daily and festival activities. In the context of ecology, the project will become one of the most distinctive entertaining
riverfront space of Huangpu River East Bund in the future.
是一座拥有150余年历史的造船厂变身为保留“工业建筑遗迹”的文化商业. 综合体船厂1862前身为始建于1862年的上海船厂,曾是中国现代工业文明的发源地之一,记录着中国造船业的发展史。自2005年船厂整体搬离,这片曾经的工业厂区开始转换为活力金融中心,其中船台原址和最靠近黄浦江的上海船厂造机车间作为历史遗迹留存下来,并进行改造逐渐以开放姿态服务公众。船厂1862的改造由世界建筑大师隈研吾亲自操刀,修旧如旧,形成一个26000平方米的时尚艺术商业空间,包含800座的中型艺术剧院——1862时尚艺术中心、约16000平方米的沉浸式艺术商业中心,集展览、演艺、发布会、高端餐饮、定制设计师品牌为一体,正成为上海“永不落幕的舞台、永不间断的展览、永不退潮的时尚”。
百年粮仓变身“东方百老汇”: 民生码头8万吨筒仓
Minsheng Wharf Waterfront Landscape: Old grain silo to become art and culture landmark
The 80,000-ton silo warehouse is the most powerful industrial heritage on Minsheng Wharf. Although having existed for only 22 years, it possesses great conservation value in its extinct architectural typology. Asia's once largest grain silo,the 48-meter-tall silo with total storage of 80,000 tons at Minsheng Wharf along Huangpu River.It was built by a British shipping company in the early part of last century and was once the largest in Asia. The 48-meter-tall silo, built by a British shipping company in the early part of last century, was once the largest in Asia and stored most of the city’s grain in its heyday. The British shipping company Blue Funnel Line purchased the wharf during the reign of Emperor Guangxu (1875-1908) of the Qing Dynasty (1644-1911). It built the silo and warehouses between 1907 and 1925, making the wharf the most advanced facility of its kind in the Far East. The wharf area become a commercial and cultural zone, featuring art exhibitions, hotels and other facilities in both historic and newly built structures.
The scenic Yangpu Waterfront sidewalks, which stretch 2.8 kilometers on the banks of the Huangpu River boasts beautiful, historical, century-old factories and warehouse buildings. After the creative transformation, the area turned into a place showcasing the development of industry over the past 100 years in Shanghai and China. Some of the iconic buildings were factories established by Li Hongzhang (1823-1901), who took a leading role in China’s Self-Strengthening Movement, which was a reform operation intended to make China a modern nation with a focus on military strength and industry. Visitors can take photos of the various building exterior styles, explore the interior’s conversion into museums and art galleries and experience the old stories behind the buildings.
The Green Hill is believed to be the most popular place to take photos at Yangpu Riverside. As a former tobacco warehouse, the 60-meter-wide and 250-meter-long building used to be an obstacle on the riverside road. The architect removed the outer wall of the warehouse, creating layers of scattered platform extending to the Huangpu River. Reeds and dogtail grass were planted on each floor to fill the building with vitality. The best view is when you step onto the fifth floor semicircular skywalk - a panorama of the river unfolds before your eyes. It’s also a perfect spot to take photos of Yangpu Bridge. In addition to the building, the space inside is going to be designed into several art museums.
On the way to the waterfront from Yangshupu Road, an English-style castle with a chimney is in the spotlight. It was Shanghai’s first waterworks established by Li Hongzhang in 1883. The building, constructed by British merchants with distinctive architectural features, is well-preserved and rarely seen in China. It is worth mentioning that the waterworks is still in use. It provides domestic and industrial water use for about two million Shanghai residents living in Yangpu, Hongkou and Putuo districts.
怡和1915咖啡:Jardine Cotton Mill Tai Pan's Villa coffee house
The former“China’s first fish market” has become a new landmark on the Huangpu River: the Eastern Fisherman’s Wharf and the waterfront’s performance area
has been opened to tourists
Gao Yang, which opened in conjunction with the 2010 Expo Fair in Shanghai, combines commercial and public spaces. The most notable part of the structure is the three organic volumes suspended in the air. One of the three volumes that hang in the air apart from each other is a restaurant four stories high. The other two are used as bars. All three volumes, covered with colorful facade elements, are accessed from a vertical circulation tower located in the middle of the structure. All three volumes were held in the air by hanging from certain points of the huge Bolshoi opened in the structure.
“音乐之门”,由英国建筑师 Will Alsop设计。其由钢结构屋顶桁架吊装于两端40余米高的核芯筒上,其间用钢构悬了三个不规则的球体建筑,蓝色、白色的两个形状如太空舱,全玻璃幕墙的那个如倒置的水滴。其设计理念为,悬浮于音乐之门中的三个建筑,就如三个音符,而建筑下面的铁制栏杆上,也全部饰以音符,正契合国际客运中心音乐广场的主题。“音乐之门”的设计饱含丰富想象,与上海这座城市所体现的延展性与流动性相得益彰。
一滴水码头 Waterdrop Pier
彩虹桥 Rainbow bridge
The Huangpu River is the beating heart of Shanghai, and the Bund waterfront that runs alongside its edge is one of the city’s most popular destinations for locals and visitors. The so-called ‘North Bund' in the Hongkou district plays an important role in Shanghai's urban development. The area is located north of the historic Bund and adjacent to the Pudong peninsula. As a third developmental focus along the Huangpu River, the area, with its significant service and public facilities, will complement both prominent urban districts.The North Bund area within Hongkou District is one of the city’s key historical precincts and is currently being revitalised into a lifestyle hub, with over seven million square metres of office buildings, restaurants and shopping malls under construction or recently completed. And at the same time, a larger vision by the Shanghai Municipal Committee and Government is underway to open up public access to many parts of both sides of the river waterfront and create connections through all of its districts and unify the various renewal efforts.
Each person who participates accepts responsibility for making their own determinations and for their own safety, conduct and well being; recognizes that
possible attend outdoor activities and agrees to participate solely at their own risk. The organizer of this city walk shall not be held liable for any inconvenience,
accidents, rescues, injuries etc.
本活动本着非盈利、自愿参与的原则,参加活动者视为具有完全民事行为能力的人(18岁以上公民),并且保证自己身体情况允许参加此项活动。对于因自己身体健康和精神原因造成的运动损伤和其他情况完全负责,活动主办方不承担任何责任。 请评估自身的身体状况,有心脏病、癫痫或其他疾病史等小伙伴请不要报名本次活动。 请大家遵守时间,不要迟到。