Join us for an insightful exploration into the various roles and identities we adopt throughout the different stages of our relationships. From the initial courtship to married life with a family, we'll delve into the complexities of navigating multiple roles while staying true to ourselves.
Date/日期: Thursday, 16th May
Time/时间: 19:30 - 21:30
Location/地点: 黄浦区茂名南路106号
Welcome and Introductions/欢迎和自我介绍
- Guests are warmly welcomed and encouraged to introduce themselves.
Courtship or Pre-Dating: Finding Your Identity/求偶或前期约会:找寻自我认同
- Explore the personas and roles individuals take on before entering a relationship.
Dating: Navigating Identity Shifts/约会:身份转变导航
- Dive into the transformations that occur as relationships progress, from dating to cohabiting.
Newlyweds: Balancing Authenticity and Responsibility/新婚夫妇:平衡真实和责任
- Reflect on the transition to married life and the increasing expectations of responsibility.
Married with a Family: Juggling Multiple Roles/已婚有家:兼顾多重角色
- Explore the challenges and rewards of balancing roles as a spouse, parent, and caretaker.
Q&A and Networking/问答和交流
- Open floor for questions and discussions with our panelists, followed by an opportunity to connect with fellow attendees.
Don't miss this chance to sip tea and share stories as we explore the multifaceted journey of relationships. RSVP today and join us for an evening of enlightenment and connection!