Women Who Create: Inspiring Innovators Across the Globe
在“巴西-中国”建立外交关系50周年来临之际,巴西驻沪总领馆与Suzano(书赞桉诺)共同诚邀您参加“跨国女性创意力:激发全球创新“活动,活动邀请了来自巴西和中国,在科学、创新及社群建设相关的三位杰出嘉宾演讲,庆祝国际妇女节,激励下一代和所有人追求在科技创新领域的梦想职业。SHE REWIRES她原力荣幸成为支持这一共同使命的社区合作伙伴。在活动当天,更有“品味巴西”心意礼品袋相赠。 With the background of the 50th Anniversary of the Diplomatic Relationship Establishments between Brazil and China, Brazil Consulate General, Shanghai and Suzano would like to invite you to join us at the event of “Women Who Create: Inspiring Innovators Across the Globe” with the three distinguished guest speakers associated to the science, innovation, and community building from both Brazil and China. The event will celebrate women’s achievements on the occasion of International Women’s Day and to inspire next generation and everyone to pursue their dream careers in the tech and innovation area. SHE REWIRES is honored to be the community partner to support this shared mission. You will receive a “Tastes of Brazil” gift bag on the event day.
活动嘉宾 Guest Speakers
Larissa Santos,扬州大学 引力与宇宙学研究中心(CGC)教授 Ms. Larissa Santos, Professor at the Center for Gravitation and Cosmology (CGC), University of Yangzhou Larissa将分享她在扬州大学担任教授期间的专业研究和教学经验。她拥有罗马第二大学天文学博士学位,目前从事宇宙学研究,研究宇宙的起源、结构和演化。她有一本名为《黑暗宇宙》的著作,入围巴西最大的文学奖“Jabuti”自然科学类别的决赛。这是一位来自学术领域的巴西女性在中国教学的故事。 Larissa will share her achievements in professional researching and teaching experiences as the Professor in the University of Yangzhou. She is PhD in astronomy from the University of Rome “Tor Vergata” and currently working in cosmology, which studies the origin, structure and evolution of the Universe. She has one published book called “The dark universe” which was finalist in the biggest Brazilian literature prize called “Jabuti” in the natural science category. A story of a Brazilian female from the academic area teaching in China.
苏宇婕 书赞桉诺亚洲区可持续发展负责人 Ms. Heidi Su, Head of Sustainability, Suzano Asia Heidi将分享她在书赞桉诺的成功职业经历,作为一位中国女性高级执行官,她在巴西顶级企业就职,并致力于通过投资于先进研究和其他相关倡议来开发可持续产品。同时介绍该公司在性别平等方面的做法。在加入书赞桉诺之前,她还曾是化工和建筑领域的创新与可持续性专家,具有国际背景。 Heidi will share her successful career stories at Suzano as a Chinese female senior executive at one of the top Brazilian corporations with great efforts on developing sustainable products by investing in advanced research and other associated initiatives. Heidi will also introduce the corporation’s practices for gender equity. Before she joined Suzano, she previously worked as an innovation and sustainability expert in corporation of the chemical and building sectors with international background.
唐文洁 SHE REWIRES她原力创始人&社群共建者 Ms. Jill Tang, Founder& Community Co-builder, SHE REWIRES 唐文洁是一位社会企业创业者、社群打造者和可持续发展倡导者。 唐文洁是SHE REWIRES她原力社群的创始人和社群共建者,其使命是共建一个更加多元和融合的STEAM未来。它是一家链接 70,000 多名会员与130位志愿共建者的 社会创新初创企业。Jill也是2023妇女地位委员会第六十七届会议的实质性筹备工作联合国妇女问题专家组成员并提供专家意见。 Jill Tang is a social entrepreneur,community builder and ESG Advocate. Jill is the Founder and Community Co-Builder at SHE REWIRES ,a social enterprise with the mission of rewiring and transforming the status quo for women in Science, Technology, Engineering, Art and Mathematics (STEAM) and reshape the future of STEAM for ALL. It connects more than 70,000+ members with 130 dedicated co-builders around the globe. Jill was also in the expert group for UN-Women to inform the substantive preparations for the sixty-seventh session of the Commission on the Status of Women (CSW67).
活动信息 Event Details 活动时间 Date &Time: 2024年3月7号(周四)19:00-21:00 (18:30开始现场注册) 7th March, 2024 (Thursday), 19:00-21:00 (Registration starts at 18:30) 活动语言Language: 英语English 活动地址 Venue Address: 上海市静安区南京西路1468号中欣大厦32楼Suzano书赞桉诺 Suzano ,32fl. United Plaza, No.1468 West Nanjing Rd, Jing’an District, Shanghai
活动议程 Agenda
She Rewires是中国最活跃的科技女性社群,它的使命是转变现状和重塑 一个更加多元和包容的STEAM 的未来。它全球有 70,000 多名会员与130位志愿共建者的社会创新初创企业。 She Rewires, China's most active women in STEAM community , a social enterprise with the mission of rewiring and transforming the status quo and reshape the future of STEAM for good. It connects more than 70,000+ members with 130 dedicated voluntarily co-builders around the globe.