The highest realm of Chinese painting is the conversation between the universe, time, and human spirit.
The five artists in their creations, including urban architecture, starry mountains and seas, and belief totems, express humanity's reverence for heaven and earth, as well as their philosophical thoughts on the universe of life.
With one intention and one scene, one gradually enters a beautiful scene. Following the work, make the body and mind slowly fall into the triple realm of the city, nature, and universe depicted by the artist.
Liu Jiu-Tong was born in 1977 in Suide, a province in the highlands of northwest of China. He graduated from the Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts in 2000, he settled down in Shanghai since 2004.
Proficient in showcasing abstract works full of Eastern poetry through calligraphy lines and ink strokes, integrating the context of "between similarity and non similarity, unsimilar similarity".When Chinese ink culture encounters Western oil paint,it showcases the abstract landscape of Eastern imagery with Chinese charm.
日晖疏影 Sparse Shadows In The Glow
刘玖通 Liu Jiutong
纸本油画 Oil On Paper
2005 逸致画廊个人作品展
2006 《外滩系列》在《上海艺术家工作室3》刊登
2006 个人工作室成立并参加上海艺术博览会
2007 《老上海系列》参加沪港交流展 顶盛美术馆举办个人展
2008 黑白系列在《当代艺术家工作室》刊登
入围《北京奥运特刊 艺术中国》并发行
2009 庆祝中华人民共和国成立60周年大东方当代油画作品展,评为优秀作品
2010 香港奥卑利画廊“朦”三人联展
2011 台北克缇文教基金会展,新台北艺术博览会展,作品由克缇文教基金会收藏
2012 新台北艺术博览会展
台北欧西缇艺术空间 周锡玮 刘玖通双联展
2013 作品《山水有灵》、《散上峰头望故乡》及《春尽水如天》入选“2013法国巴黎第二届国际当代艺术评选展”
2013 Step09 米兰当代艺术大展
2013 北京中国美术馆《东方抽象 刘玖通 》中国巡回展。
西安大唐西市博物馆《东方抽象 刘玖通 》中国巡回展
《中原北望气如山》、《雪景上海-6 化城宝地》登上中国嘉德北京春季油画拍卖
《天地雕刻》、《雪景上海7 悠悠涉长道》登上中国北京保利春季油画拍卖
2014 《愿遂月华流照君》登上香港苏富比 无界:当代艺术拍卖
美国洛杉矶X-power Gallery个展2015 台北新艺术博览会
威尼斯Galleriad Arte Millennio Living Land 个展
2016 新加坡 Art Stage Singapore个展
新加坡Opera Gallery《能量与释》展
香港Opera Gallery联展
2017 香港中环海滨艺术博览会
香港Opera Gallery联展
2018 上海21当代艺术博览会
2022 上海南希画廊Nancy's Gallery 举办个展“似水流年”
Li Ji was born in Shaanxi Province in 1985, graduated from the Oil Painting Department of Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts in 2012. He is currently teaching at Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts and is also a guest creator of the Beijing Contemporary Oil Painting Institute, a member of the Shaanxi Artists Association.He has published several personal oil painting portfolios and personal albums, and his paintings have been collected by private individuals and art institutions many times.
熵增 Growth Of Entropy
李继 Li Ji
布面油画 Oil On Canvas
云过秦岭 Clouds Over The Qin Mountains
李继 Li Ji
布面油画 Oil On Canvas
Li Ji's works often use oil painting as a medium, but the content conveys a strong spirit of freehand brushwork in traditional Chinese art.With the pursuit of "true" as the driving force of his creation, he constantly explores his style and opens new paths. Now he uses acrylics as a medium for creative expression, a form that has the heaviness of oil painting and watercolour's fluidity, allowing his imagination to flourish without hindrance.
2017年3月 陕西省美术博物馆《诗画绘心-李继绘画作品展》
2018年 油画作品《小石潭记》入选西部西部油画年展
2018年 油画作品《密林深处》参中国美术出版社举办的新麦田计划首届油画展
2019年 油画作品《终南清泉》参加陕西省建国七十周年作品展
2019年 作品《秋》参加写意油画年展第二展区
2020年 作品《黄河组画》入选陕西省文旅厅黄河主题创作青年艺术家资助项目
2021年 南希画廊Nancy's Gallery 举办个展“山海经”绘
Zhang Wanling, born in Gansu in 1954, member of China Artists Association, director of the 7th China Artists Association, director of China Oil Painting Society, executive director of China Democratic League Central Academy of Fine Arts, librarian of Gansu Provincial Museum of Culture and History, former Gansu Provincial Art Museum Executive Vice Chairman of China National Association, currently Vice President of China Democratic League Shanghai Painting and Calligraphy.
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粉色百合 Pink Lily 收获季节 Harvest Season
张万凌 Zhang Wanling 张万凌 Zhang Wanling
80x65cm 80x65cm
布面油画 Oil On Canvas 布面油画 Oil On Canvas
As a western painter coming from Loess Plateau, Zhang hymns the wills of mortals on a barren land and portraits the faces of folks with a high spirit. His aesthetic ideas derive not from a utopian world, but from nature and reality. The spectacular thing about his picture is that, deep down, he sees the power in every life and the rarity in tenacious souls. Therefore, his works are filled with the praise and sigh for this vitality and spiritual intensity.
Xing Qingxin,born in Dali,Shaanxi in 1968. He graduated from Xi'an Academy of Fine Arts in 1990 and became the Art Director of Singapore Jijing Art Society in 2008. He has held multiple exhibitions at domestic and foreign art institutions such as Xi'an Qingping Hall, Shaanxi Provincial Museum of Fine Arts, Singapore Jijing Art Society, and Jia Pingwa Literature Museum of Xi'an University of Architecture and Technology. The work "Green Shade" is collected by Shaanxi Art Museum; The work "Spring" was exhibited at the 11th National Art Exhibition in Beijing, Shaanxi; I was once invited to create an oil painting called "Reflecting the Sun and Lotus in a Different Red" for Xi'an International Airport.
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顶 The Summit 峰 The Peak
邢庆信 Xing Qingxin 邢庆信 Xing Qingxin
80x60cm 80x60cm
布面油画 Oil On Canvas 布面油画 Oil On Canvas
Guo Qingfeng was born in Suide, Shaanxi, in 1967. The artist graduated from Xi’an Academy of Fine Arts in 1992 and is currently an associate professor there. He is deeply involved in teaching and researching the origin philosophy, Chinese myths and legends, and Chinese folk art and has published more than ten monographs, including The Clothes of the Yellow River, The Memory of Stone Carving, and Stories of the Yellow Land. Many of his works have been exhibited at the Today Art Museum in Beijing, the Xi'an Contemporary Art Museum, the Shandong Art Museum, the Wuhan Art Museum, and the Luxun Academy of Fine Arts Art Gallery
龙州丹霞 Rosy Clouds In Longzhou
郭庆丰 Guo Qingfeng
布面油画 Oil On Canvas
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再回龙舟之二 Return To Longzhou No.2
郭庆丰 Guo Qingfeng
布面油画 Oil On Canvas
黄河流域丰富多样的民间信仰、民俗传说和民间艺术赋予了郭庆丰源源不 断的创作灵感,成就了其在纸艺、油画和装置艺术方面的建树。他的作品魔幻生动,充满了炽热原始的生命力和对自然生灵的崇敬之情,直指事物的本质,探讨着万物生死、得失、根源与归属等普世性的命题。
「 入境 」五人群展
Enter The Realm - Group Exhibition
策展人 | Curator
Nancy Lee
展期 | Duration
2023.10.18 - 2023.11.18
开放时间 | Time
周一至周日:10:00 - 18:30
Monday to Sunday: 10:00 - 18:30
地址 | Venue
2F-201B 南希画廊
策展助理 | Assistant