「 偶性生命 」赵煜亚个人作品展
Accident - Solo Exhibition of Zhao Yuya
策展人 | Curator
Nancy Lee
展期 | Duration
2023.9.9 - 2023.10.10
开放时间 | Time
周一至周日:10:00 - 18:30
Monday to Sunday: 10:00 - 18:30
地址 | Venue
2F-201B 南希画廊
干预 Interfere NO. 1&3
赵煜亚 Zhao yuya / 2022
尺寸可变 The size can be changed/装置 Device
Since the birth of life, no individual can avoid being connected to their environment and will be voluntarily or involuntarily endowed by the world with attributes that are unique or not originally belonging to this living individual. What is human nature supposed to be? What should life be like?
The profound question from Zhao Yuya opens a corner to explore the parity of life in nature and society.
Zhao Yuya was born in 1994 in Sichuan Province. She earned a Master's degree in ink landscape from the Sichuan Conservatory of Music and Chengdu Academy of Fine Arts in 2020 and now lives and works in Shanghai. Zhao Yuya conveys her personal emotional experience and life track in the picture with a certain degree of autobiography. She is unafraid of the image, the object's breath, and its symbolic significance.
In recent years, the artist's works have been exhibited in many cities, including Hawaii, Beijing, Shanghai, Chengdu, and other places, and she was invited to an interview by Sichuan TV. In 2023 she held a solo exhibition, "Surprise Attack," in Chengdu.
沉默 Silent
赵煜亚 Zhao Yuya / 30x30cm
综合材料 Comprehensive materials
Commenting on Zhao Yuya's work, art critic Jian Liting said: "Zhao Yuya uses vivid forms to place female images in the field of contemporary art, not so much as she is a female artist, but an artist as a woman."
涌动 Surging NO.5&3
赵煜亚 Zhao Yuya / 40x40cm
综合材料 Comprehensive materials
Feathers and shells, leopard prints and branches, and the natural texture created by nature inlay the soul into the endless coast and vast wilderness. Soft and gorgeous, delicate and flaunt.
沼泽 Swamp NO.2
赵煜亚 Zhao Yuya / 30x30cm
综合材料 Comprehensive materials
不遗忘曾经窒息 Never forget the epidemic 赵煜亚 Zhao Yuya / 30x30cm 综合材料 Comprehensive materials
Zhao Yuya's art is like a spotlight in the post-epidemic era, illuminating the slightly melancholy color of the city but also shining on the soul of every life, declaring the uniqueness and freedom of every individual.
1、本活动具体服务及内容由主办方【南希画廊Nancy's Gallery】提供,活动行仅提供票务技术支持,请仔细阅读活动内容后参与。
南希画廊 (Nancy's Gallery) 2006年成立于上海田子坊创意园区。2020年,在浦东的"Gala Mall"开幕了全新的文化空间。南希画廊已跻身沪上知名画廊之列,为国内外资深和新锐艺术家们提供了一个交流和展示的平台,成为艺术收藏家和艺术爱好者的向往之所。 南希画廊的创始人Nancy Lee(李小红女士),身为沪上知名艺术策展人、艺术家经纪人、艺术品投资与收藏的资深咨询人,是最活跃的中外当代艺术交流引领者之一。 目前画廊主要代理经营三十多位国内外优秀当代艺术家作品,主要合作的艺术家有杜海军、廖扬、肖颖、冉启泉、李继、尤洋、刘婷、章华等。作品种类包括油画、版画、雕塑、新媒体艺术等。画作均为画廊精心挑选,亦为诸多个人藏家以及著名机构收藏,例如中国国家美术馆、英国渣打银行、韩国领事馆、香港海港城等。