活动介绍 | Description Join the IAAPA Safety Institute at
Universal Studios Beijing for a unique learning experience inside the theme
park. Led by industry leaders and regulators, this institute offers firsthand
knowledge of safety operations and maintenance through behind-the-scenes tours. 作为协会的核心课程之一,IAAPA 安全学院为初入游乐景点行业的人士,提供了了解各类安全法规、安全管理理念以及最佳实践的学习机会。我们建议对初入游乐景点行业、对跨职能发展感兴趣,以及对游乐安全法规、安全管理工具等感兴趣的单位,报名参加。 The IAAPA Safety Institute provides
an opportunity for entry-level attractions operators to examine these processes
and learn best practices in ride standards, risk management, and safety
compliance. We recommend this course to members who are new to the industry,
are interested in cross-departmental development, and for those seeking a basic
understanding of safety tools and regulations. 课程以全中文授课,包括五大模块:全球游乐安全法规及标准、打造企业的安全管理文化、风险管理介绍及分享、运营管理最佳实践、维护保养最佳实践。嘉宾讲师由来自中国特种设备检测研究院、北京环球度假区、上海迪士尼度假区的专家所组成。讲师们将结合自身经验,分享各类管理工具、行业信息、以及最佳实践。 登记费用 | Registration Fee · IAAPA成员价(Member Price) – 2,299人民币/人 · 非成员价 (Nonmember Price) – 2,999人民币/人 登记费用包括培训费、教辅材料、自助午餐、茶歇、北京环球影城当日门票、幕后考察游,以及IAAPA业界酒会: 北京环球城市大道的活动门票。 Your registration includes tuition,
supporting materials, lunch buffet, coffee breaks, a One-Day Ticket to
Universal Studios Beijing, a Guided Park Behind-the-scenes tour, and access to
the IAAPA Meetup: Beijing. 同公司报名3人及以上,享立减200元人民币/人的登记优惠。不要错过这个难得的机会。如有问题,欢迎联系IAAPA:AsiaPacific@IAAPA.org。 Get a 200 RMB discount for each
attendee when 3 or more participants from the same organization register. Don't
miss out on this incredible opportunity! For more information, please contact
IAAPA at email: AsiaPacific@IAAPA.org. 活动流程 | Agenda The scheduled times listed below are subject to possible modifications. 以下流程可能视情况调整。 IAAPA业界酒会: 北京环球城市大道* | IAAPA Meetup: Universal CityWalk Beijing* 安全学院费用已包含本聚会活动,扫描下方二维码单独报名此聚会 Included in the IAAPA Safety Institute Registration, to sign up for the Meetup event only, scan the QR code below. 嘉宾讲师 | Speakers 洪飞,安全总监,上海迪士尼度假区 Phil Hong, Safety Director, Shanghai Disney Resort 洪飞在建筑、化工、制造和主题乐园行业拥有超过20年的企业安全管理经验。他于2011年计入上海迪士尼度假区项目,主要负责建立并领导执行基于迪士尼全球安全标准及当地最佳安全实践的上海迪士尼项目安全与健康管理体系。于2015年转至运营团队,负责组建上海迪士尼安全服务,消防和应急响应团队,制定并实施上海迪士尼安全管理体系和程序以确保上海迪士尼度假区盛大开幕及乐园安全持续运营。 Phil Hong is the Safety Director at Shanghai Disney Resort, leveraging 20+ years of field experience and corporate safety management expertise across diverse industries. Joining in 2011 during the resort's early construction stage, he established a robust safety and health management system aligned with Disney's global standards. Phil's leadership ensured the well-being of project participants. In 2015, he transitioned to the operations team, establishing the Safety, Fire, and Emergency Response Team for the successful Grand Opening and ongoing safe operation of Shanghai Disney Resort. 黄祥凯,运营合规,医疗,培训与安全总监,北京环球度假区 Xavier Wong, Director, Operations Compliance, Health, Training & Safety, Universal Beijing Resort Xavier拥有21年的服务行业经验,曾在两个亚洲地区的市场与多家知名乐园品牌合作过。在他的职业生涯中,曾担任三家国际级主题乐园与度假区的开园团队成员。他目前担任北京环球度假区的运营合规、健康、培训和安全总监的职务。 Xavier has 21 years of service industry experience and have worked with several renowned brands in two Asia markets and has been part of the pioneer opening team for three international theme park and resort in his career. He is currently serving as the Director of Operations Compliance, Health, Training, and Safety at Universal Beijing Resort. 李蒙, 景点运营经理,北京环球度假区 Melinda Li, Manager, Attractions Operations, Universal Beijing Resort 在服务运营行业拥有14年的工作经验,7年的管理层经验。李蒙是北京环球影城的开园团队成员之一,目前负责景点运营团队的日常运营管理工作,也是一名出色的乐园值班经理。 Melinda Holds 14 years of experience in the service operations industry of which seven those years were in management roles. She is part of the opening pioneers of Universal Studios Beijing (USB) and is currently leading the attraction operations team in day-to-day operations as well as a qualified park duty manager for the theme park. 于泓波,骑乘设备服务副总监,北京环球度假区 Hongbo Yu, Assistant Director, Ride & Show Engineering Services, Universal Beijing Resort 于泓波专注于游乐演艺的工程和安全领域。他于2017年加入北京环球影城项目,并参与了从零开始建造标志性B&M弹射过山车的团队。他现在领导工程服务部门,为全园范围内的游乐设施提供专业服务,并致力于确保游乐设施工程的安全性和可靠性。他拥有机械工程硕士学位,并曾是上海迪士尼度假区开园团队的一员。 Hongbo Yu specializes in ride show engineering and safety. He joined the Universal Beijing project in the year 2017 and was a part of the team that built the iconic B&M launch coaster from the ground up. Hongbo is leading the Engineering Service Department to provide professional services to park-wide ride show venues and has been dedicated to assuring ride show engineering safety and reliability. Hongbo holds a master’s degree in mechanical engineering and was also part of the opening team for Shanghai Disney Resort. 活动赞助 | Silver Sponsor 关于IAAPA IAAPA是由全球景点行业人士共同组成的多元、充满活力的社群。作为全球规模最大的国际永久性游乐设施和景点行业协会,IAAPA将景点行业汇聚一堂,帮助行业人士建立联系、共同成长,致力于在全球范围内,以最高的职业标准实现行业的安全和卓越。 IAAPA is a diverse and dynamic community of global attractions professionals. As the largest international trade association for permanently located attractions, IAAPA unifies the attractions community, connects people to learn and grow together, and strives to promote the highest professional standards for excellence and safety around the world. IAAPA成立于1918年,在超过100个国家和地区拥有6,000个以上的景点、供应商和个人成员。成员包括游乐园、主题乐园、景点、水上乐园、度假村、家庭娱乐中心、动物园、水族馆、科学中心和博物馆的专业人士,以及景点业的制造商及供应商。 Founded in 1918, IAAPA represents more than 6,000 attraction, supplier, and individual members from more than 100 countries. Members include professionals from amusement parks, theme parks, attractions, water parks, resorts, family entertainment centers, zoos, aquariums, science centers, museums, manufacturers, and suppliers. IAAPA全球总部和北美州办事处设在美国佛罗里达州奥兰多,并在比利时布鲁塞尔、中国香港、中国上海、新加坡、墨西哥的墨西哥城、巴西圣保罗和美国弗吉尼亚州亚历山大市设有办事处。如欲了解更多,请访问我们的官方网站www.IAAPA.org,或关注IAAPA官方微信账号 “国际游乐园及景点协会IAAPA” 。 The association's global headquarters is in Orlando, Florida, US. IAAPA also maintains offices in Brussels, Belgium; Hong Kong, China; Shanghai, China; Singapore; Mexico City, Mexico; São Paulo, Brazil; and Alexandria, Virginia, US. Additional information is available at IAAPA.org or through IAAPA’s social media channels: @IAAPAHQ #IAAPA 扫码关注IAAPA官方微信
The course, conducted in Mandarin,
includes five modules: Global Safety Regulations, Safety Management Culture,
Risk Management, Operations Best Practices, and Maintenance Best Practices.
Expert guest lecturers from Universal Beijing Resort, Shanghai Disney Resort,
and the China Special Equipment Inspection and Research Institute will share
their insights.
洪飞 Phil Hong
安全总监,上海迪士尼度假区 Safety Director、 Shanghai Disney Resort
上海迪士尼度假区 Shanghai Disney Resort
黄祥凯 Xavier Wong
运营合规,医疗,培训与安全总监 Director、 Operations Compliance、 Health、 Training & Safety
北京环球度假区 Universal Beijing Resort
李蒙 Melinda Li
景点运营经理 Manager、 Attractions Operations
北京环球度假区 Universal Beijing Resort
于泓波 Hongbo Yu
骑乘设备服务副总监 Assistant Director、 Ride & Show Engineering Services
北京环球度假区 Universal Beijing Resort
本活动由主办方委托【活动行】票务代理,具体服务及内容由主办方【Joey Zhang】提供,请仔细阅读活动内容后报名。