4.30 周日 【融合爵士乐团The Jared Lang Band/贾里德·朗】
✮若提前预约,请您直接致电(微信同)15901396070/13910187389; ✮ For advance booking, please call 15901396070/13910187389(WeChat same) ✮免票入场,演出期间每位收取 150-200 低消; ✮预约座位保留至21:30分,我们建议20:30入场; ✮现场部分边座视线会有部分阻挡; ✮座位采取“先到先选”的方式; ✮店内座位有限,周五周六请提前预订 ✮首开铂郡商区目前只有北区北侧出入口开放,手机扫码登记进入; ✮店内长期禁烟,门口设有吸烟区; ✮为保证良好的演出环境,演出期间请您保持低声细语; ✮我们的现场音乐演出并非背景音乐,演出中途入场的客人,请尽量保持安静; ✮请微信或电话(15901396070)与我们确认人数,酒水套餐,座位区域(沙发区采用先定先得) 预付定金后完成预定; ✮ admission is free of charge, and each person will charge 150-200 low ✮ reserved seats are reserved until 21:30,We suggest admission at 20:30; ✮ the sight of some side seats on site will be partially blocked; ✮ seats are "first come, first served"; ✮ seats in the store are limited. Please book in advance on Friday and Saturday; ✮ At present, only the entrance and exit of the north side of the North District at Bojun Business District is open. Please scan the QR code for registration; ✮ No smoking is allowed in the store; please smoke in the smoking area near the door; ✮ In order to ensure a good performance environment, please keep your voice low during the performance; ✮Our live music performance is not background music. Please keep quiet if you enter during the performance ✮Please confirm with us via wechat or tele(15901396070) the number of people, drinks package, seat area (sofa area) and advance deposit before completing the reservation; 地址|Address 北京市朝阳区三里屯新东路 首开铂郡北区院内广场 地下一层007号 B1-007,North Area Plaza of Shou Kai Bo Jun, Sanlitun,Xindong Road,ChaoYang District Beijing
1、本活动由主办方委托【活动行】票务代理,具体服务及内容由主办方【THE BRICKS爵士俱乐部】提供,请仔细阅读活动内容后报名。
The BRICKS爵士俱乐部,位于三里屯新东路,是北京少有的爵士&蓝调风Live house, 致力于持续为您呈现精彩的演出、有趣的派对。这里始终是《爱乐之城》里 Seb 心心念念的爵士律动,是纽约皇后区老城让人醉心的铜管之声,是从芝加哥到新奥尔良密西西比一线蓝调和爵士的弦喉交响。来The BRICKS饮一杯醇香的美酒,看一场温情的演出,抑或掷一局热闹的Party. 这里的纯正真实伴你畅游爵士之旅,治愈一切烦闷。