徐盈路周日语言角 Xuying Road Sunday Language Exchange
Xuying Road Sunday Language Exchange
Provide a communication platform to bilinguals, second language learners, and expats.
To do language exchanges, learn about different cultures, and make new friends.
活动环节 Agenda:
1、 一分钟自我简介 One-minute rounding table brief.
2、 一小时话题讨论 One-hour topic discussion.
3、 两小时自由交流 Two hours of free talk.
4、 合照留念 Taking group photos.
活动地点 Location:
三楼 CGV影院 公共候场区 (视实际报名人数可能会作调整)
3F CGV Cinema Waiting Area (Could change if overcrowed)
推荐交通方式 Recommended Traffic:
17号线 徐盈路站
Metro 17, Xuying Road Station.
活动时间 Scheduled Time:
3月12日 周日下午2点-5点
12 MAR (SUNDAY) 2:00-5:00 pm
签到时间 Check-in Time:
1:30-2:00 pm
Plz don’t forget to contact the organizer if you can’t make it anymore, thanks.
费用 Charge:
首次报名 20元 (提供语言交流卡一枚)
enroll: 20 yuan (will provide member card)
再次报名 免费
re-participate: free
语言交流卡补发 15元
reissue member card: 15 yuan
提醒 Reminder:
# 若语言交流卡已打印,恕不退费。
If the member card is already printed, no refund.
# 参与语言交流活动,请平等礼貌的交流,积极和谐互动。禁止任何有违公序良俗的行为。
This activity advocates equal and polite communication, and active and harmonious interaction. Any actions that violate public order and good customs are forbidden.
# 公共场地人员流动,请看管好自己的随身物品。
The location is a public space, please watch out for your own belongings.
免责声明 Disclaimer:
Each person who participates accepts responsibility for making their own determinations and for their own safety, conduct, and well-being; recognizes that possibly attend activities, and agrees to participate solely at their own risk. The hosts shall not be held liable for any inconvenience, accidents, rescues, injuries, etc.
参与活动 Join the activity:
1. 在到场之前完成报名,联系组织者定制你的会员卡。
Done enrollment & payment before coming over, contact the organizer to customize your member card.
2. 活动前开始前到场签到,出示您报名记录并领取会员卡。
During the Check-in hours, show the ticket you bought & get a member card.
3. 找个座位,参与活动环节,与其他会员交谈。
Grab seats, follow the agenda, and have conversations with other members.
联系组织者 Contact organizer:
微信 WeChat:LaylasCandyShop
电子邮箱 EMAIL: xj_lang_exchange@163.com
推特 Twitter:LCScandy
语言交流卡示例 Sample of member card: