Hustle culture tells us that there is always more — that going the extra mile and taking extra responsibilities outside of your job’s core duties is admirable and a path to advancement. However, the additional stress and strain entailed can quickly turn toxic without strong coping mechanisms. In response to these pressures, a new trend, “quiet quitting” — where people are no longer going above and beyond at work — is emerging.
Hustle culture is on the rise among today’s workforce. Just by looking at people around you and feeling that social pressure could easily lead to a decision to work longer hours at your main job and to even take on extra classes to get a bunch of certifications, thinking it’ll help with a bigger promotion. Hustling requires determination and resilience mentally and physically, and now it’s very common to find people struggling whether they should carry on hustling or take a step back.
However, some young workers appear to be able to deal with the dilemma. After a period of low spirits, many individuals and organizations have sprung back in action, focusing on their goals, improving their effectiveness, and are ready to embrace new opportunities.
Yet, is it possible to find the balance between personal well-being and your organization’s interest? How does one navigate themselves into a win-win situation in which the individual and organization can grow together?
OKR(Objectives and Key Results,目标与关键成果法)由英特尔公司前CEO安迪·葛洛夫(Andy Grove)发明,1999年引入谷歌,亦广泛应用在脸书、甲骨文、领英等企业;2014年OKR被引入中国,在百度、华为、字节跳动等国内知名企业相继开始使用和推广。OKR在认知层面下,给出了一套更具体、更落地的管理实践工具,将高效能的理念转化成行为及结果,促进个人与组织将目光聚焦在有最高的杠杆率的活动上,强调个人价值和主观能动性,从监督走向激活,激发斗志,保持持久性的动力。
OKR (Objectives and Key Results) was invented by Andy Grove, late CEO of Intel Corporation. It was introduced in Google in 1999, and is also widely adopted in Facebook, Oracle, LinkedIn and other major companies. In 2014, OKR was introduced in China and has been implemented and promoted by well-known companies such as Baidu, Huawei, and ByteDance. At the cognitive level, OKR provides a set of more specific and more effective management practice tools, transforming high-efficiency concepts into behaviors and results, and promoting individuals and organizations to focus on activities with the highest leverage ratio. The framework emphasizes on finding personal value and initiative, moving from supervision to activation, and staying motivated.
Suggestions on how to carry on hustling in a non-toxic manner
Hands-on OKR application
The event will be held on Sep 22 (Thursday) at the World Financial Center in Beijing. If you are facing a dilemma on whether you should continue hustling or take a step back, come join us!
Event Details
小提醒 Friendly reminder:
场地伙伴介绍 Venue Details
关于艾克商务中心 Arcc Spaces
艾克商务中心是亚洲精品服务式办公室运营商,总部位于新加坡,在亚洲主要城市的核心商圈设有一系列高雅商务中心,提供办公空间和共享办公解决方案。艾克集团业务亦涵盖房地产、酒店及服务式商务中心,实现“工作、娱乐、生活”共同发展的愿景。此次活动在北京 艾郡 The City拥有1000平方米高端商务设施配套,12种特色会客空间,适合各类会展、研讨会、酒会和私人晚宴等会议宴会活动。
Arcc Spaces is a shared workspace brand with a network of hospitality and design-led spaces in Asia’s gateway cities — Singapore, Kuala Lumpur, Shanghai, Beijing, and Hong Kong. We bring the world’s businesses together — Arcc Spaces works with a community of change-makers and doers to drive innovation, learning, collaboration, and opportunities. Arcc Spaces is a part of Arcc Holdings, a transformative real estate and hospitality group that develops and operates concepts to create “Places that people love”. The City is an unparalleled club and social space under Arcc Spaces, offering a unique and inspiring multi-function venue of 1000 sqm with a range of 12 diverse spaces to engage your community through events.
本活动由主办方委托【活动行】票务代理,具体服务及内容由主办方【SHE REWIRES】提供,请仔细阅读活动内容后报名。
She Rewires是中国最活跃的科技女性社群,它的使命是转变现状和重塑 一个更加多元和包容的STEAM 的未来。它全球有 70,000 多名会员与130位志愿共建者的社会创新初创企业。 She Rewires, China's most active women in STEAM community , a social enterprise with the mission of rewiring and transforming the status quo and reshape the future of STEAM for good. It connects more than 70,000+ members with 130 dedicated voluntarily co-builders around the globe.