
宏藝空間新展|做么该 Do Some Art 鳌湖艺术家邀请展

Sat, 20 Nov 2021 15:00:00 GMT+08 ~ Sun, 09 Jan 2022 19:00:00 GMT+08


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    Do Some Art
    New who artists group show


    陈晓彬 Chen Xiaobin

    邓春儒 Deng Chunru 

    丁志新 Ding Zhixin

    方晖 Fang Hui

    黄原 Huang Yuan

    蒋国远 Jiang Guoyuan

    Ken Malson

    李政德 Li Zhengde

    梁古一 Liang Guyi

    彭立彪 Peng Libiao

    文皆俊杰 Wen Jie Junjie

    徐弘滨 Xu Hongbin

    邹明 Zou Ming

    开幕 Opening | 11/20 Sat, 3pm
    展期 Date | 2021/11/20 - 2022/01/09
    展址 ADD | 宏藝空間1/4号馆
    No.1003 Shennan Avenue, Futian, Shenzhen

    宏藝空間很荣幸联合鳌湖艺术村NEW WHO ART VILLAGE呈献《做么该Do Some Art》艺术家邀请展,将展出13位艺术家、40件架上绘画、雕塑与影视作品。


    陈晓彬 Chen Xiaobin, 《弃形》系列 - 香蕉皮 "Abandoned Form" Series: Banana Skin, 2018
    陶瓷 Ceramic, 50 x 50 x 12 cm

    邓春儒 Deng Chunru, 《干杯》系列 - 加满 "Cheers" Series: Pour full
    布面油画 Oil on canvas, 150 x 150 cm


    丁志新 Ding Zhixin, 肖像1 Portrait I, 2017
    布面丙烯 Acrylic on canvas, 90 x 60 cm

    方晖 Fang Hui, 《五虎将》系列 02 - 看招 "Five Tiger Generals" Series II - Watch Out, 2017
    青铜 Bronze, 55 x 29 x 51 cm


    我们常常担心艺术与大众的距离,似乎有一层无形的屏障,鳌湖则在打破这道屏障。取客家话做什么来做题目,就像是老村民对尝试打破这道屏障的艺术家们的疑问,“做么该?”“Do Some Art”,希望在这场展览我们会看到这个疑问的答案。

    黄原 Huang Yuan, 吞噬 Swallowing, 2021
    纸浆综合 Pulp, comprehensive materials,

    蒋国远 Jiang Guoyuan, 竞技场 Arena Fluid, 2016
    纸本丙烯及画框绘制 Acrylic painting on paper, 71.6 x 173 cm

    Ken Malson, Beads of White Grass, 2019
    Mixed media, 50 x 15 cm each

    Zuo Me Gai”, is a Hakka word meaning "What are you doing?". Shenzhen is historically and culturally remote from the Hakka culture, with Hakka villages in the central, eastern, and northern parts of the city. With the reform and opening, the cities and towns became cosmopolitan, and the marginal old villages were gradually abandoned. Fortunately, there is still a group of people who love such villages and bring them back to life, one of them is Niuhu Village, which became the NEW WHO ART VILLAGE. This time, Great Art Space invited 13 artists from NEW WHO ART VILLAGE to tell their stories in the village.

    李政德 Li Zhengde, 风景 Landscape, 2019
    爱普生收藏级无酸钡基紙 Epson Collection Grade Acid-Free Barium-Based Paper, 1/6版 Edition of 6, 71.43 x 100 cm

    梁古一 Liang Guyi, 《飞鸭》系列 02 "Flying Duck" Series II, 2017
    布面油画 Oil on canvas, 100 x 70 cm

    There have been many attempts to revitalize those kinds of villages with art, such as the most famous Echigo-Tsumari Earth Art Festival in Japan, which has led to various earth art festivals, but many of them are only short-lived. Someone once did a street interview about neighborhood revitalization, and the interviewee said that to ask about a successful neighborhood renovation one must ask the people who live in the area if they would like to come back to live there after redevelopment. Airborne culture and art that does not actually reference the local culture can indeed be easily seen as vandalism, and this is the impression that contemporary art interventions in places often give.

    彭立彪 Peng Libiao,  使用与制作 Making and Using, 2019
    木,石膏,不锈钢 Wood, plaster, stainless steel, 60 × 30 × 20 cm

    文皆俊杰 Wen Jie Junjie,  把思念藏在云端 Hide Longing in the Clouds, 2020
    纸上马克笔、油漆笔 Markers and paint pens on paper, 21 x 30 cm

    From the early NEW WHO ART Festival to the Workers' Club to the Niuhu Chronicle, every little bit of Niuhu is being recorded, and the village curator is gradually getting involved in this ongoing community practice project. At the beginning, when they heard the promoters of the art village talk about the village's woodland garden, they were worried that the plants would be taken away, or the garden would be damaged if there was no fence. Until now, not a single plant in the garden has been lost, and everyone loves this village garden very much. This openness has also allowed the art of Niuhu to really come into the village.
    We often worry about the distance between art and the public, there seems to be an invisible barrier, but Niuhu is breaking this barrier. The title "Zuo Me Gai" in Hakka is like the question of the old village residents to the artists who are trying to break the barrier: "What Are You Doing?” "Do Some Art", hopefully we will see the answer to this question in this exhibition.

    徐弘滨 Xu Hongbin, 日常街道 Daily Street, 2017
    布面油画 Oil on canvas, 80 x 100 cm

    邹明 Zou Ming,大漠胡杨印象 Populus euphratica in the desert, 2021
    设色纸本 Ink and color on paper, 180 x 180 cm

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