重要提示:PET秋日野餐运动会,一起野餐+放风筝+极限飞盘+撕名牌吧,欢迎新老的朋友们一起去帝都四环内最大的,美女帅哥健身达人云集的朝阳公园一起野餐,秋游,玩极限飞盘与撕名牌。Autumn is coming, and now is the best season in Beijing. So don't waste it, let's have a picnic and work out together to enjoy this short and wonderful time. PET will organize friends to go to the Chaoyang Park, the largest park within the 4th ring road in Beijing, to have a picnic and play ultimate frisbee and name tag ripping battle at 10.17.2021北京的秋天来了,这是北京最美好的季节,让我们一起出来野餐,运动,享受这短暂的美好的时光吧。9月19日,PET组织热爱生活的朋友们一起去帝都四环以内最大的,美女帅哥健身达人云集的朝阳公园一起野餐,秋游,玩极限飞盘与撕名牌。To avoid unnecessary transportation costs, PET will organize a Spring outing picnic in Chaoyang Park, the largest and fashion park within the 4th ring in Beijing, with many entertainment facilities and very suitable for outdoor sports. The the beautiful spring scenery here will definitely cheer your "isolated" mood up~为了避免不必要的交通成本,PET组织热爱生活的朋友们一起去帝都四环以内最大的,美女帅哥健身达人云集的朝阳公园一起野餐,春游,玩极限飞盘与撕名牌。朝阳公园一个娱乐项目多,又特别适合户外运动的时尚又景色怡人的公园,它的湖光十色,莺语花香的美丽景色一定可以抚平你压抑许久的心。We prepare a lot of outdoor sports/games that are good for your body and mind, like Tearing Name tags and Ultimate Frisbee. You can not only enjoy the great outdoors and meet many people, you can also have a good workout here. (If you don't want to take too much exercise, just join shuttlecock or frisbee or just chat with friends in the park.)我们准备了许多有益于身心的户外运动游戏,有紧张刺激的撕名牌与极限飞盘运动,这次户外,你不仅可以享受一顿丰盛的午餐,认识许多新朋友,还可以好好运动起来。(如果你不想参加过于剧烈的运动,也可以来踢毽子,玩飞盘或者和朋友聊天逛公园)I'm Alex, a very atypical IT guy. I love learning language and cultures, taking part in networking events, meeting interesting people. It was fortunate that I met many amazing friends and learned a lot from them. They inspired me and made me realize something more meaningful for my life. So I started to establish an English community, "Post English Time"(PET), since June 2011. I hope more people benefit from it as what I experienced. My goal is to make it a trustworthy and interesting community that can help others. I used to work for IT/Internet companies for years. And now I'm focusing on running and growing PET, and devoting to create a platform which can get more interesting people involved. Hope one day, when you want more possibilities in your life, PET can be your top choice.
Free time, warm-up exercise and gamesFrisbee Training, fore/back hand, hammer...
Participating friends please bring: a sharable lunch, drink, snack, sunscreen, etc.参与的朋友请携带:一顿与他人分享的午餐,饮品,零食等,也可以带上防晒霜,指甲刀,创可贴等People in insurance sales, MLM, direct selling and P2P... are banned from attending.禁止保险销售(比如AIA),传销,直销,p2p等人员参加活动Please sign up in advance, or pay extra ¥30The event will be cancelled if the number of participants is less than 1/3 of the expected number报名人数不足期望人数的1/3活动自动取消,请务必报名,谢谢If you're unable to attend, please postpone the participation on the registration page. If refunded, deduct 10% registration fee.因特殊情况无法参加,请自己在报名成功页面点击延期参加;如果退款,扣除10%报名费。