烤制家具设计展 Toasted Furniture Exhibition 地址 Yuan Museum艺术设计博物馆 北京市朝阳区崔各庄草场地国际区104号院-C座 展览时间 10月28日-11月26日 周一至周五 10:00-17:00 无需预约 在欧洲,由于本地处理大量废物的资源、知识和能力不足,通过分类回收的垃圾塑料中,多达50%出口到欧盟以外的国家。十多年来,斯洛文尼亚的设计师Nuša Jelenec和Nina Mršnik一直在用自己的方式回收塑料,并创办了“Toasted”烤制家具项目。她们将回收的塑料,采用更个性化和具象化的方式分离和生产,为此她们制作了一个巨大的“烤面包机”,这个烤面包机可以将废弃的HDPE塑料薄片熔化并制成标准尺寸的板材,这些板材成为家具生产的构件。 在“Toasted”的项目中,Studio HVN设计事务所的创始人Henny van Nistelrooy担任策展的核心角色,他在北京生活和工作了十多年,通过与理木创始人——陈志远的合作,最终展示创新材料与中国传统工艺相结合的独特家具,敬请期待。 As much as 50% of the plastics that are recycled through separate waste collection in Europe is exported to countries outside the EU. This is due to a lack of resources, knowledge and capacity to deal with large volumes of waste at a local level. For over ten years, designers Nina Mršnik and Nuša Jelenec have been recycling plastic in their own way - with their Toasted furniture project. They take the recycling process away from the remote and invisible production facilities, scaling it down and making it more personal and tangible. They have built a large ‘toaster’ in which waste HDPE plastic flakes can be melted down and turned into standard-sized sheets. These become building blocks for the production of their furniture. In the "Toasted" project, Henny van Nistelrooy, the founder of Studio HVN, plays a central role in curating. He has lived and worked in Beijing for over a decade and, through collaboration with the founder of Li Moo, Chen Zhiyuan, ultimately showcases unique furniture that combines innovative materials with traditional Chinese craftsmanship. Stay tuned!