The Chengdu Comedy Club presents...
Li Ying Comedy Takeover
Li Ying
Li Ying, the meek-farm-girl TURNED strong-independent woman, will take us on a hilarious journey. Painting vivid mental pictures of her rural upbringing, Malaysian islands and 'first world problems' in megacity, Shanghai, Li Ying's authenticity and energy make her relatable & immediately likeable!!! She’s headlined in Shenzhen, Nanjing, Hangzhou, Wuhan, Hefei, and Shanghai. Li Ying is the founder of Herlarious Club which aims to encourage more female comedians to take on stage and share their wit. She is also the winner of the English Standup New Faces Competition.
Date/ Times:
8th September, 2023
Two shows!
Starting 8pm and 10pm
Venue/ Address:
The Beer Nest 啤酒窝
34-7 JinXiu Road, Wuhou District
Early Bird: 80RMB
After 6th September: 100RMB
Tickets are limited and will sell out, so please buy early…
*Each ticket includes a selected drink. Tickets are non-refundable.
If you have any problem booking tickets,
please contact Dieter on WeChat
ID: waffleman