随着中国参与全球化的脚步加快,我们和世界的距离越来越近。说一口流利的英语已经成为不少外企甚至国企的面试敲门砖。英语不仅能用在工作上,能理解英语、理解英语文化俨然已经是不少有志中国青年的学习目标之一。 她道作为首个致力于中国女性成长的社区,我们当然希望中国女性也能在英语上有所进步!在她道线下首场英语活动上,我们就希望你们能来和我们聊聊你们的职业发展规划和瓶颈,我们将发挥“群策群力”的力量,让你们不再委屈,不再迷茫。希望我们的活动能成为你们今后在职业发展道路上越走越远的起点!
In China, English has become one of the most essential working skills for whoever wants to get a good job. With China’s rapid pace of participation in globalization, more and more foreign enterprises have chosen China as the location of their oversea branch. To better join the working environment, speaking good English is a plus.
TaDAO is a community dedicated to helping women from all over China to improve themselves. To gather with a group of women who have the same need and goal for life and work is too good an opportunity to miss if you are committed and ambitious and determined to make it in your career.
TaDAO has prepared a great opportunity for all of you to boost your English by sharing your biggest problems at work. Whether you are eager to get a solution for the development of your career or you want to listen to other people’s career advice, the following won’t be the wrong thing for you do.
Come and meet us at the RuMen café where we are going to talk about our problems in work and brainstorm how to make it better. Everyone needs to introduce what you do for a living now and tell us 5 things that are different with/not common in other jobs people normally do. After the introduction round, you will fill us in your biggest obstacles you are faced with in work right now and we will listen and help you with a solution. It will be a new perspective or a new technique or any idea helpful, as the inspiration for you to draw out a plan for work or a method you can have to perform better at work.
13:30-13:55 Sign-in
13:55-14:00 Introducing the rule of the session
14:00-16:00 Formal session time