
Inspire your Entrepreneurial Thinking in FMBA

Thu, 30 Mar 2023 19:00:00 GMT+08 ~ Thu, 30 Mar 2023 20:30:00 GMT+08
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    As we all know, the experience of entrepreneurship is always the coexistence of risks and benefits. For people full of the spirit of adventure, the process of entrepreneurship is destined to be full of twists and turns. 

    UTKARSH SHUKLA, a Full-time Finance MBA student, is one of them. From India to the United States to China, he is a science and engineering graduate who has tackled a variety of challenges in his entrepreneurial journey across different industries. However, out of curiosity and desire to explore the world of finance, he resolutely chose to study the full-time MBA program in finance at the beginning of his career development. 


    On 30th March 2023, let's follow UTKARSH SHUKLA's entrepreneurial journey and hear how he started a new stage of his life with the help of a full-time MBA finance program.          


    He started Raman International Business in US, China and India, and is currently working with state-owned companies in China. Since then, he has started another company, Annexus Technology, which develops interactive tools for B2B and B2C e-commerce to strengthen the direct connection between sellers and buyers and reduce the cost of expenses due to the presence of intermediaries. 

    Combining his previous experience, he worked with his team to develop various applications that use cutting-edge technologies such as blockchain and integrate them into e-commerce platforms. In the process, starting a company in countries with different environments gave him a research interest in how various policy decisions affect financial markets. 



    With a desire to explore and learn about the world of finance, he decided to apply to the FMBA Program and use the rich theoretical and practical opportunities of the FMBA Program, combined with his existing experience in international finance and political studies, to develop advanced financial skills and broaden his horizons to help him with further management career.


    18:30 - 19:00   Check In

    19:00 - 19:30   FMBA Program Introduction

    19:30 - 20:10   Inspire your Entrepreneurial Thinking in FMBA

    20:10 - 20:30   Admissions and Scholarships Policies 

    20:30 - 20:40   Q&A and Mingle       


    As a full-time Finance MBA program (FMBA FT+) designed for passionate, self-driven young talent, it aims to help professionals release the full potential and make further impact in finance through MBA education.

    FMBA FT+ program builds excellence through Rigor, Relevance and Responsibility. We are committed to instill our students with cutting-edge finance knowledge and practice, highest standard of ethics and sense of responsibility, rich interdisciplinary constructs, and a global vision. Our students will not only have a strong foundation of financial knowledge, but also responsible leadership that will inspire them to embark on an even more successful career in finance as soon as they graduate.

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