Ladies Who Tech SheShares: Discovering Technical Sales World 分享
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The word Metaverse rocked 2021. It woke our passion for science fiction again and pulls the tech industry back into the spotlight. Today with Web3 bursting into our life our imagination for the future got reshaped again. In the torrents formed by ever-changing technologies and markets, the tech industry has always been a trendsetter that provides adventurers with a huge stage to break the mold.
无独有偶,激进创新如“弄潮儿”科技行业,销售这一职能岗位也往往是企业的“排头兵”。他们意气风发,斗志昂扬,把握着企业的生命线,是实现生产价值的关键环节。那么,当可能无限的科技和充满挑战的销售相遇,又会碰撞出怎样的火花呢? As pioneer as the tech industry is to society, sales function is to a company. Sales teams are always energetic and daring. They play a crucial role in companies’ growth and value creation. So, what would happen when Tech meets Sales? 科技销售(Technical Sales),似乎总蒙着层神秘的面纱。大家一听“销售”好像有着极低的门槛,通过经验和技能就能轻松驾驭。但科技行业的属性,在注定它薪酬可观,上升空间高的同时,也注定它天生“高冷”,可能存在技术壁垒。 Technical Sales often sounds unfathomable. The technology component of it makes it an economically rewarding, growth-promising, and in the meantime, inevitably, technologically demanding occupation. 那么,科技销售究竟是怎样的呢?同在科技领域,与产品、运营、研发等等岗位相比,更不为人熟知的他们,会如何追寻自我价值的实践,又有着怎样的酸甜苦辣? Then what is Technical Sales all about? Compared with other tech-related positions such as product, operations and R&D, what are the special stories of Technical Sales? understand the technical background requirement for being a technical sales representative; understand the career path of seasoned technical sales representatives; know what kind of fulfillment and value that technical sales work can bring; know the special competitiveness of women being in the management roles of technical sales teams; build a broader network and obtain more cutting-edge industry insight; 百问不如一share,本期Ladies Who Tech SheShares 系列为大家带来Discovering Technical Sales World分享,为科技女性、销售从业者和企业管理者带来最真实,最全面的科技销售全揭秘。 Right at our next event - Ladies Who Tech SheShares: Discovering Technical Sales World, all your queries will be answered with first-hand experience and stories about Technical Sales. 欢迎线上加入我们的活动,聆听嘉宾的分享,一起探索科技销售的世界吧! Join us online for the sharing of our guests and explore the world of Technical Sales! 地点 Venue: 线上Online
日期与时间 Date & Time: 2022-07-30
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She Rewires是中国最活跃的科技女性社群,它的使命是转变现状和重塑 一个更加多元和包容的STEAM 的未来。它全球有 70,000 多名会员与130位志愿共建者的社会创新初创企业。 She Rewires, China's most active women in STEAM community , a social enterprise with the mission of rewiring and transforming the status quo and reshape the future of STEAM for good. It connects more than 70,000+ members with 130 dedicated voluntarily co-builders around the globe.