If you like to travel, share and make new friends, then welcome to our PET World Travelers' Party.Travel as early as you can!Otherwise, the beautiful scenery may not wait for you, for example, the spire of Notre Dame de Paris.不然可能有些美景“不会等”,
比如巴黎圣母院的塔尖,留下永远遗憾。Take a trip without plan.Don't be caught up in your Boss's assignment.
(no need to resign:)Life is not only about bread and butter at the moment,
but also your next dream destination.Although we have to work every day to make living,
we are bound to go to our dream destination when we have time.虽然我们每天为了理(zheng)想(qian),
要苟且的干活干活干活,但一有时间一定会奔向远方的田野。There is such a lot of world to see.Go and see, but don't lose yourself!Body and soul,
there must always be one on the road.Travel, travel, and travel is the only choice!
Or read the book, like "Lonely Planet", on the go.要么旅行,要么旅行,要么旅行!
或者可以在旅途中看会书,比如Lonely Planet...There are many ways to travel,
the meaning of travel varies from person to person,
and the travel story is very different, as long as you like it.旅行的方式有很多种,旅行的意义也是因人而异,
旅行故事更是千差万别,只要你自己喜欢就行。PET World Travelers' Party
PET世界旅行家聚会PET will invite people who likes to travel and
enjoy the trip to participate.In the party, everyone can talk about their travel experience, talk about the people met on the road, the stories happened on the road, the food they have eaten; share the way they explore the world, photos and plans in journey. Talk about the changes that you have made because of travels, and talk about your understanding of the world...让热爱旅行的人聚在一起,每个人都可以聊聊自己旅行的心得,聊聊路上碰到的人,发生的事,吃过的美食;分享一下自己打开世界的方式,晒晒照片与攻略,谈谈自己因为远行而产生的改变,说说对世界的理解...Let the travel stories become a bridge connecting you and me, perhaps a friend you meet unexpectedly, will become a companion in your next journey.让这一段段旅行的故事,变成连接你我的桥梁,或许一位你不期而遇的朋友,会成为你下一段旅程的同伴。Your next destination may be the hometown of others. PET will invite travel lovers from different countries.你的远方,或许就是他人的故乡。PET会邀请不同国家的旅行爱好者们一起来交流旅行的乐趣与心得。Traveling is always a topic that can't be stopped.
Are you ready?
The lost found - Macchiu Picchu西班牙语专业,华为拉美三年工作,华为双语主持人
The colorful, delicious and melodic HavanaI'm Alex, a very atypical IT guy. I love learning language and cultures, taking part in networking events, meeting interesting people. It was fortunate that I met many amazing friends and learned a lot from them. They inspired me and made me realize something more meaningful for my life. So I started to establish an English community, "Post English Time"(PET), since June 2011. I hope more people benefit from it as what I experienced. My goal is to make it a trustworthy and interesting community that can help others. I used to work for IT/Internet companies for years. And now I'm focusing on running and growing PET, and devoting to create a platform which can get more interesting people involved. Hope one day, when you want more possibilities in your life, PET can be your top choice.12软件研发,全栈工程师
I'm Alex, a very atypical IT guy. I love learning language and cultures, taking part in networking events, meeting interesting people. It was fortunate that I met many amazing friends and learned a lot from them. They inspired me and made me realize something more meaningful for my life. So I started to establish an English community, "Post English Time"(PET), since June 2011. I hope more people benefit from it as what I experienced. My goal is to make it a trustworthy and interesting community that can help others. I used to work for IT/Internet companies for years. And now I'm focusing on running and growing PET, and devoting to create a platform which can get more interesting people involved. Hope one day, when you want more possibilities in your life, PET can be your top choice.
Speaker sharing & Open Mic
This is a monthly event, held on Saturday night of the third week of each monthPeople in insurance sales, MLM, direct selling and P2P... are banned from attending.禁止保险销售(比如AIA),传销,直销,p2p等人员参加活动Please sign up in advance, or pay extra ¥30The event will be cancelled if the number of participants is less than 1/3 of the expected number报名人数不足期望人数的1/3活动自动取消,请务必报名,谢谢If you're unable to attend, please postpone the participation on the registration page. If refunded, deduct 10% registration fee.因特殊情况无法参加,请自己在报名成功页面点击延期参加;如果退款,扣除10%报名费。