There is a green revolution happening right now. By green, we mean both money and the environment. As governments and companies switch more and more to environmentally friendly ways, how does this affect investments? Whenever the world changes, smart investors adapt and the others fall behind. Which one will you be?
How will the investment market change as a result of the this green revolution? Which stocks will stand the test of time and which won't? Which small companies will sky rocket? Are there any giants who will fall? Cars, oil, solar energy, airlines, tech and so many more to look at.
Let's take a deep look at the last few year and the present and let's speculate about the all-important future. As the world changes, investors need to not only change with it but to foresee future changes!
Come and discuss good investment ideas you know or think of. Where is the world of trade going now? How can we learn from the recent past and from great investors and business people? What future trends can we predict? Which stocks are hot and which are a waste of time?
We'll also feature financial news and book discussions and we'll always look to the experts for good advice.
Join us to discuss with like-minded people the possibilities out there today. Come and open your mind to ideas and analysis in the fascinating and profitable world of finance!