李嘉雯 | 沈明荃 没有星球是平滑可爱的 开幕:10月23日周六下午五时 展期:10月23日至11月20日 周二至周六 13:30 - 18:00 Li Jiawen | Shen Mingquan No planet is smooth and lovely Opening: 10/23 Saturday at 17:00 Duration: 10/23 - 11/20 Tuesday to Saturday 13:30 - 18:00 预约制 By appointment 中国欧洲艺术中心 Chinese European Art Center www.ceac99.org 在李嘉雯和沈明荃的创作实践中,线索以不同的形态向观众敞开。分别从个人经历和幻像出发,进行了从平面设计到综合材料装置和从电影到实验影像的尝试。 In the creative practice of Li Jiawen and Shen Mingquan, various and elaborate threads are revealed to the audience through a range of forms. Originating from personal experiences and visions, they experiment, explore and present work through graphic design, mixed media installation, film, and experimental video. 关于展览 About the exhibition 李嘉雯的作品来自于一个真实的金融事件,展现了一位卖花姑娘所经历的诈骗。作品中的人物被驱赶,被流浪,于极限状态中遭遇了不同时空的相同经历者。 艺术家本人对这个经历进行了解构与重构,提取其中的视觉元素和暗语,将时间,空间,和事件融合重组,重塑了一个不稳定的时空,其中充斥着不同维度的元素碎片,作者以个体化的视角杜撰出一条条线索,在虚拟或真实相融的事件中层叠碰撞。艺术家在作品中没有讲述事件的全貌,而是把遗留的信息图景,交由观者揣测与想象。 地毯, 化学合成纤维, Carpet, chemical synthetic fiber, 360*180cm, 2021 黄金储备银行文件, 水印防伪纸, Gold Reserve Bank Document, watermarked security paper, 29.7*21cm, 2021 Li Jiawen's real-life account of a fraud is told through the eyes of a young woman who sells flowers for a living. The figure in the work is driven away, wandered, and encounters the same experience in a different time and space in a state of limbo. The artist forensically revisits, deconstructs, and reconstructs this experience, extracting visual elements and coded language, fusing time, place, and events to recreate an unstable space-time, filled with fragments of elements from different dimensions. The artist's individualized perspective creates a thread that collides in a cascade of virtual and real events. The artist does not present a direct facsimile of the events but leaving gaps in these 'scenes' for the viewer's imagination. 黄金梦, MPEG-4影片,立体声, Golden Dreams, MPEG-4 film, stereo sound 05'19'', 2021 黄巧, 双胶纸拓印, Huang Qiao, double gum paper topography, 29.7*21cm, 2021 李嘉雯 Li Jiawen 2017-2021 厦门大学,数字媒体艺术专业 Digital Media Art, Xiamen University 2021-2022 伦敦大学金史密斯学院,设计专业:扩展实践:传达和体验专业 MA Design: Expanded Practice: Communication and Experience, Goldsmiths, University of London 2019 参展艺术家&设计师:回影展览 国际华人人机交互大会Art Gallery Participated artists & designer: Shadow exhibition Chinese CHI 2019 Art Gallery 2018 磐基艺术中心展览:问物 Wenwu, Xiamen Paragon Art Center 沈明荃 Shen Mingquan 1999年生,毕业于厦门大学 Born in 1999, graduated from Xiamen University 在沈明荃的两个影像作品中,作者试图呈现一个陷入强迫症的护林员重复拍摄树木的过程,以及,也许是同一个护林员与一只人猿相互探寻的过程。 在这两个虚构的故事中,作者试图让隐于线性时间与现实空间的移动变得可见,捕捉日常裂变下的剩余物,显露微小又总是无法弥合的时间差。在那个一无所见,没有意义的点上,画面返回了凝视,人遭遇自身的客体相关物,线索或信息在流动中是否面临丧失? 护林员与人猿, 影像, Ranger and ape, video, 10', 2021 In Shen's two video works, she presents the behavior of a ranger who develops into obsessive behavior as he repeatedly photograph trees. Through this behavior we witness the process of the ranger and a human ape exploring each other. In these two stories, the artist attempt to make visible movements hidden in linear time and real space, capturing what remains of the daily fracture, revealing, small and always unbridgeable gaps in time. At that point where nothing is seen, where there is no meaning, the image returns to our gaze, where one encounters one's own object-relative. Do clues and information become lost in this flow? Manual 360, video, 07'39", 2021 中国欧洲艺术中心 Chinese European Art Center 中国欧洲艺术中心于一九九九年与厦门大学艺术学院共同创建,由荷兰籍伊尼卡·顾蒙逊女士和厦大艺术学院秦俭教授联合发起,为非营利艺术机构。其核心的国际艺术家驻馆项目是中国大陆开始最早及运营时间最长的驻馆项目之一,接待来自世界各地各个创意领域的视觉艺术家、设计师、策展人、作曲家和作家等等。中心每年的活动日程不仅包括常态化的驻馆艺术家及特邀艺术家展览,还举办一系列相关的讲座、工作坊、户外影像放映会及音乐会等多种类的文化交流活动。 微信号|欧艺CEAC 新浪微博|中国欧洲艺术中心
The Chinese European Art Center (CEAC) was founded by Mrs. Ineke Gudmundsson from the Netherlands and Professor Qin Jian from Xiamen Univeristy Art College in 1999. As non-profit multi-disciplinary art center, CEAC hosts one of the first and longest running Artist-in-Residence programs in China open to visual artists, architects, designers, curators, composers and writers from around the world. CEAC’s events calendar features regular exhibitions showcasing invited and resident artists along with a supplementary program including lectures, workshops, concerts and outdoor film screenings.