ISS家长小课堂 2020.10.29 & 11.24
ISS Parent Workshop on Oct 29 & Nov 24, 2020
“I waited and waited for so long that night, and tried to pay attention to every cars that pass by to see if it’s Jordan. It was the third time he arrives home late. I kept thinking where did he go, did something happened to him, does he know how worried I was. When he got home, I was trying so hard to not yell at him.” --- George
“ My daughter screamed out of the blue one day at home, I turned around and saw her crying. Turned out she was attacked by her little brother. “ ---- Nicole
“Our 6-year-old daughter Natalie kept repeating that she didn’t steal this ring, she picked it up on the street. With her blue innocent eyes gazing. We were so sad that she refused to admit her mistake because we know she was lying.” -----Stephen
心理学及儿童与青少年发展 学士认证的注册行为技术员(RBT)含曦曾在美国洛杉矶和北京担任应用行为分析师,她为特殊需求儿童及青少年提供支持,其中包括自闭症谱系障碍、唐氏综合征、多动症及注意力缺陷、语言发育障碍等。在应用行为分析(ABA)的指导准则下,她通过使用功能性行为评估(FBA)评估学生的挑战性行为,并使用《语言行为里程碑评估与安置程序》(VB-MAPP)评估学生的发育里程碑及技能掌握度。她擅长使用自然情景教学(NET)、回合式教育法(DTT)、图片交换沟通系统(PECS)为学生在机构及家庭环境下提供个人或团体的行为干预,为帮助学生减少挑战性行为并增加自然的、有社会意义的行为。
Lucia obtained her Master of Science degree in Applied Behavior Analysis at Bangor University,U.K. She also received her B.A. at California State University, Northridge (U.S.) with a major inPsychology and minor in Child and Adolescent Development. Lucia has been worked as abehavioral specialist with RBT credential for children and adolescents diagnosed with ASD, Downsyndrome, ADHD, language developmental disorder, etc. at Los Angeles and Beijing. During herworks, she was responsible for using Functional Behavior Assessment (FBA) to evaluate clients’problem behaviors, and VB-MAPP to assess clients’ skill repertoire and developmental milestones.Also, she has provided individual and group behavioral interventions with techniques such asNaturalistic Teaching, Discrete Trial Teaching, PECS in clinic and home settings to reducedchallenging behaviors and increase socially significant behaviors.
地点, 时间 & 授课语言
深圳蛇口国际学校小学部 一楼壁虎小剧场
第一期:2020年10月29号,14:00 - 15:00
第二期:2020年11月24号,14:00 - 15:00
授课语言: English
Location, Date & Language
Gecko Theater, Parkside, Shekou International School
Jingshan Villas, Nanhai Blvd, Shekou, Shenzhen
Session 1: 14:00 - 15:00, Oct 29, 2020
Session 2: 14:00 - 15:00, Nov 24, 2020
Language: English
Free Registration
Thank you for your support to ISS Parent Workshop.
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International School Services (以下简称ISS)为 全球500多所国际学校提供国际教育管理服务,服务内容包含学校创办和管理,国际师资招聘,教学物资全球采购以及学校基金管理。ISS成立于1955年,总部位于美国新泽西普林斯顿,60年来一直在世界各地致力于加强学生的素质教育和推广世界公民的理念并为全球的国际学校提供一站式学校管理服务,帮助学校为学生提供世界一流的教育。我们在员工招聘、学校管理、供应链管理和其他服务方面提供最优质服务,为学校成功立足市场提供保障。 ISS一直是国际教育中非营利机构的领导者。我们向学校和教育工作者提供综合的、定制化的、以学生为中心的服务,创建最佳实践、促进创新、鼓励合作,对接世界范围内的教育工作者。我们致力于在全球建立和支持一流学校,将学生培养成思考型、富有想象力的领导者,并促进全球交流。至今,ISS已经开办并管理了近100所学校,并且与500多所国际学校建立了合作。我们拥有完善的全球网络,可以提供所需的物资、合适的课程和学校政策、招聘选拔资质优秀的老师和教学领导,为学生提供高质量的学习体验。