Sino-Canadian Technology Transfer Seminar
Canada is the birthplace of modern artificial intelligence (AI) technologies. Today, many Canadian and international students who have contributed firsthand to the successful Canadian high-tech story reunite in the Greater Bay Area, China, the hot land of start-ups, to continue their academic exploration or to commission their entrepreneurial journey.
Having our keynote speaker Ms Ling Loerchner 肖玲 女士 (Chief Commercialization Officer, University of Waterloo )
this event offers a chance to Canadian University alumni to learn about University of Waterloo's technology transfer center, and learn
University of Toronto,Mc Gill University, UBC, University of Waterloo,
SFU, University of Alberta,St.Mary University,University of Western Ontario,Queens University ...
Time & Date
14:00-17:00, Saturday, 2019 April 13
Dress Code: Business Casual
14:00-14:30 签到/享受下午茶/加拿大大学校友自由交流
14:30-14:45 主办方及特邀嘉宾致辞
14:45-15:20 中电智谷介绍
15:20-16:20 滑铁卢大学科技与创新管理以及国内的国际科研合作和创新企业落地模式 (主邀嘉宾演讲/加拿大滑铁卢大学导师肖玲)
16:20-16:50 自由交流时间
16:50-17:00 参观中电智谷四楼,三楼企业孵化空间与配套设施
17:00 活动结束
Organizer/主办方: ACU
Alumni of Canadian Universities (ACU) is a young and dynamic organization founded in 2017 by the official alumni reps
of University of Toronto, McGill University and University of British Columbia.
In 2018 ACU is able to reach out to 1,300+ alumni by connecting more Canadian university alumni groups in Southern China.
ACU is aiming to provide an open-minded platform for Canadian university alumni to share, to connect and to create.
出席嘉宾 Keynote Speaker
Ling Loerchner 肖玲 女士
任职于加拿大安大略省滑铁卢大学技术转移办公室(WatCo)首席 技术转移官和亚洲区主任。她还是世界华人技术经理人协会(WACTM)加拿大分会主 席, AUTM Canada 理事会职业培训与发展部主任。曾是滑铁卢市市长特聘的高级顾问。 具有多年的创新企业孵化,投资净值调查,与创新企业投融资经验。她先后担当数个创新 企业董事会成员职位。近两年来,Loerchner 女士与中国 VC 投资公司,高新产业园和省级 研究院合作,建立了三支早期投资基金,专注于投资滑铁卢大学技术转移办公室的初创公 司。她作为投资顾问委员会主要成员,参与这三支基金的管理和运营工作。目前 Loerchner 女士担任中国国际技术转移联盟(ITTN)的国际专家理事会专家成员, 深圳加中创新中心国际专家理事会专家成员、中国技术交易中心国际高级顾问,她同时还是北美大 学技术管理协会 AUTM 的资深成员以及协会年会的组委会成员,同时也是北美技术授权 高级经理人联盟 LES 的成员。
作为创业导师,Loerchner 女士的主要职责是为滑铁卢大学具有产业化发展前途的科研技 术提供知识产权保护,技术解析,商业评估, 市场开拓以及专利衍生公司的孵化与融 资。Loerchner 女士非常熟悉高科技园区和孵化 器/加速器的建立与管理,积极参与创业导师团队的建设与指导。为滑铁卢地区创新经济生态系统的建立做出极大贡献。Loerchner 女士获得清华大学电子工程和信息工程学学士学位,滑铁卢大学硕士学位和劳里埃大学 MBA。她曾在劳里埃大学商学院任教多年,讲授企业运营管理,企业家精神培养,项目管理和科技项目管理等课程。
Mrs. Ling Loerchner is working at the University of Waterloo, Ontario Canada as the Chief Commercialization Officer, Asia Managing Director. She is responsible for the international research collaboration, innovation management, entrepreneurship and commercialization with focus in Asian market. She is responsible to create spin-off companies from UW technology portfolio, and help the spin-off companies seeking for venture capital and angel investment. In recent years, she initiated and created 3 early stage investment funds, with the collaboration with several Asia VC firms, institutes and high-tech parks. She serves as one of the Investment Advisory Committee members for these venture investment funds. She has been served as board member on several UW spin-off companies. Mrs. Loerchner is an active annual conference program committee member of Association of University Technology Management (AUTM), and member of Licensing Executive Society (LES). She is the AUTM Canada Committee member and the Chair of Training and Professional Development committee.
Before her academic innovation leadership role, she had an over 15 year’s career in industry of information technology management and product development. Mrs. Loerchner also spent several years in Silicon Valley, California working for Cisco Systems and start-ups, and helped start-up companies fund raising from VC communities. In addition to her responsibilities at UW, Mrs. Loerchner also teaches in the School of Business at Laurier University and at a local College. Mrs. Loerchner has been served as the Senior Adviser for the Mayor of the City of Waterloo and in charge of the city's Innovation management and Asia strategy. Mrs. Loerchner has a BEng degree in Electronic Engineering from Tsinghua University, an MSc degree from University of Waterloo and MBA from Laurier University.
Venue 场地 —— 中电智谷
CEC i-Valley is a demonstration area for international intelligent hardware innovation and entrepreneurship created by CEC (China Electronics Corporation) in HQB, Shenzhen. It is based on the current and emerging technology industry including; application of intelligent hardware, intelligent industry and intelligent innovation. CEC i-Valley comprehensively upgraded the 400,000-square-meter property resources and industrial structure in the Pan-HQB to include four functional Sections: Industrial Research, Industrial Transactions, Industrial Cultivation, Industrial Services. Along with ten Industrial Platforms: Innovation Technology Big Data Center, Industry Demand Member Center, Innovation Technology Trading Center, Science and Technology Equity Fund, Innovation Technology Incubation Center, Innovation Technology Acceleration Center, Joint Innovation Lab, Intelligent Hardware Dream Factory, Innovation Technology Experience Center, and an Innovation Technology Exhibition Center.
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Technovation Business Seminar: Canadian Universities Alumni Starting Business in China