All February long, Lily, a practising psychotherapist, will be doing clubs about Emotion Regulation. It's a psychological practice that will change your life. It involves understanding and, to a certain degree, controlling your emotions to your advantage. Understanding them comes first, and in this club, we'll dive deep into your triggers.
Lily has a wealth of experience with emotion regulation, and she'll be your guide in this club.
What is a trigger? Simply put, it's something that causes your emotions to take over. It could be a topic, a certain word, a type of person, a song, or basically anything. Coming into contact with this trigger will make you angry, defensive, afraid etc. We all have them. What are your triggers? How can you identify them? How can you realise when you've been triggered and act accordingly? What about identifying triggers in those you have relationships with, be they social, romantic, professional or otherwise?
People with different traumas will have different triggers. In many cases, people from certain cultures, countries, and generations will share some triggers but, for the most part, they affect us each uniquely. Something that means nothing to another person can cause great emotional hardship for you, and vice versa.
So let's have an intelligent and meaningful psychological discussion!