11.25.周六晚,再次邀请到“Voca-Liszt (李斯特之声) 合唱团,为大家带来一场美妙的,主题为“远方微光”的合唱团之夜。我们将在合作品牌“夜莺聚场”听到跨越不同时期不同作曲家的作品。
The Voca-Liszt ensemble, founded in the spring of 2022 in Beijing at the Liszt Institute, Hungarian Cultural Center by the music teacher and conductor of the Kodaly Point, Edit Lánczky, brought together a dynamic group of young yet sophisticated choral singers. They are choral conductors and music professionals from top music institutions such as the Liszt Academy of Music in Hungary, the Central Conservatory of Music, and the China Conservatory of Music, as well as Chinese and foreign choral enthusiasts from all walks of life in Beijing. Though not all as musicians by profession, the members thrive for authentic interpretations of choral works in a demanding manner. Diversity is the most important aspect in compiling their repertoire. They are equally proficient in Western early, classical, and contemporary music. The ensemble's name "Voca-Liszt" puns the word vocalist/singer with the name of Franz Liszt, which is also a tribute to their Hungarian cultural background.
Voca-Liszt (李斯特之声) 合唱团于2022年春在北京匈牙利文化中心的支持下成立,由北京匈牙利文化中心珂达伊音乐教学点教学专家和合唱指挥兰迪老师担任艺术总监。建团以来吸引了来自匈牙利李斯特音乐学院、中央音乐学院、中国音乐学院等顶级音乐学府的资深合唱指挥和音乐专业人士以及在京各行各业的中外资深合唱玩家的加入。尽管并非所有人都是职业音乐家,他们力求对合唱作品进行真实、高质量的诠释。合唱团在选择曲目时最看重的一点就是多样性。他们对于演唱西方古典音乐、 当代音乐、早期古典音乐以及轻音乐都一样热衷。团名“Voca-Liszt”是由单词“Vocalist”(即“声乐家”)及李斯特的英文拼写“Liszt”组成,致敬其匈牙利文化背景,一语双关。
The ensemble made its debut in July 2022, presenting a repertoire with choral suites and other inspirational works of J.S. Bach, at Choi Center · Cloud House in a special art occasion - A Night Amongst the Clouds, hosted by the Embassy of Hungary Beijing and the Liszt Institute, Hungarian Cultural Center. Subsequent performance was being an integral part of Liszt Gala Concert at Beijing Jintai Art Museum.
2022年7月,在由匈牙利驻华大使馆、北京匈牙利文化中心主办的“一夜白云间”(A Night Amongst the Clouds)音乐艺术之夜活动上,李斯特之声合唱团在北京蔡冠深文化交流中心——白云馆为百余名现场宾客奉献了一场巴赫合唱作品专场演出。这是合唱团的首次亮相。近日,在”纪念匈牙利著名音乐家弗朗茨•李斯特诞辰211周年音乐会”上,合唱团演唱了不同时期的合唱作品,同几位来自中匈两国的钢琴家致敬世纪”钢琴之王”。
The Love Letters, Voca-Liszt’s program for 2023 spring season explores works ranging from early European composers such as John Dowland and Claudio Monteverdi, to the contemporary Hungarian György Orbán, and venture into the domain of gospel and jazz with American and English classics and novel creations, telling stories about all forms of love - love of nature, love between mother and child, spiritual love, and of course, romantic love.
2023年春季乐季,Voca-Liszt将为我们带来以《情书》为题的一套合唱作品,囊括从约翰·道兰德和克劳迪奥·蒙特威尔第等早期欧洲作曲家到当代匈牙利作曲家György Orbán的曲目作品,并大胆尝试将美国经典福音和英国当代爵士合唱作品交相上演。他们将用人声与乐器,为我们娓娓道来情之千种、爱之百态——自然之爱、母子之爱、神祇之爱,当然还有浪漫之爱。
地点:夜莺聚场 前门 三井胡同
费用:168 RMB / 人(含无酒精饮品)
马晓路, 李耿钰,卓拉, 卓娜 程鑫桥, 滕佳子,沈瑞雨, Lánczky Edit 杨浅翔,杜鑫, Joshua Dominick 田笑然,叶林晟, Robert Earley
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