北京 Beijing|STEM Drinks Night
The Craze of AI Chatbots
有什么能够比拟,与Ladies Who Tech共度STEM社交之夜的方式来开启2023的春天呢?
What’s a better way to kick off 2023 than a STEM Drinks Night with Ladies Who Tech?
我们非常高兴能够携手Jina AI,于3月2日(星期四)举行我们2023的第一场活动!
We are thrilled to co-host our first event of the year on Thursday, March 2 with Jina AI!
By now, everyone’s heard about ChatGPT and the amazing things it can do: Debug code, write poetry, pass MBA exams, solve math questions, and more. The powerful and versatile AI conversational bot developed by OpenAI, which exploded onto the world stage late last year, has transfixed us in amusement, awe, wonder, and perhaps a tiny bit of fear on whether it would replace us at our jobs.
The fact is, the technology behind ChatGPT isn’t something entirely new. In fact, one way or another, many of us have been using a number of AI-powered tools to help us with our work, and these may sound more familiar: Grammarly to check our sentence structure and spelling, Google Translate and DeepL for translation, Canva for making posters. The list goes on.
And there’s no denying that such AI-powered tools are already changing the way we work. These tools are helping us become more effective employees and managers, which can ultimately boost productivity throughout the company.
我们在市场上也逐渐看到一系列本土的解决方案。Jina AI开发的人工智能决策工具“原理”(Rationale)就是其中之一。它使用算法分析数据,帮助企业主、经理和个人进行决策。截至目前,它已经帮助超过28,800名用户做出了超过58,000个决定!
Needless to say, we’re excited to see a range of homegrown solutions emerging on the market. One of them is Rationale, an AI decision-making tool developed by Jina AI, which uses algorithms to analyze data and help business owners, managers and individuals on decision-making. So far, it’s helped more than 28,800 users make over 58,000 decisions!
📎 https://rationale.jina.ai/
Copy this link into your laptop browser
Join us for a night of discussion on how Jina AI’s Rationale and other AI-powered tools can help us make smarter and faster choices in different application scenarios. On the flip side, we’ll also be exploring their limitations, which hopefully mean that we can still keep our jobs (as least for now!).
Jina AI介绍
About Jina AI
Jina AI 是一家专注于神经搜索和生成式 AI 技术的商业化开源软件公司,我们围绕核心的 Jina(get.jina.ai) 和 DocArray 两个开源项目,打造了针对多模态应用的 MLOps 平台,帮助企业高效率且高质量的开发包括神经搜索系统和生成式 AI 在内的各种多模态应用。在 GitHub 累计收到来自全球开发者超过 37k Star 的关注。
Jina AI is a commercial open source software company focusing on neural search and generative AI. Based on Jina (get.jina.ai) and DocArray open source projects, Jina AI has built an MLOps platform for multimodal applications. They help enterprises develop various multimodal applications including neural search systems and generative AI with high efficiency and high quality. Jina AI has gained more than 37,000 stars from developers around the world on GitHub.
Sponsoring Venue
And a HUGE thank you to Xian Bar at EAST Beijing for hosting us!
Event Details
主题 Theme: 人工智能狂潮来袭 The Craze of AI Chatbots
日期 Date: 2023-03-02 周四Thursday
时间 Time: 19:30 - 21:30
地址 Address:
北京市朝阳区酒仙桥路22号东隅酒店一层 仙酒吧
Xian Bar, 1/F EAST Beijing, No.22 Jiuxianqiao Rd, Chaoyang District, Beijing
费用 Entry Fee:
早鸟Online: ¥100; 空降Walk-in: ¥139
(含酒水一杯Includes one drink)
All genders and professions are welcome!
本活动由主办方委托【活动行】票务代理,具体服务及内容由主办方【SHE REWIRES】提供,请仔细阅读活动内容后报名。
She Rewires是中国最活跃的科技女性社群,它的使命是转变现状和重塑 一个更加多元和包容的STEAM 的未来。它全球有 70,000 多名会员与130位志愿共建者的社会创新初创企业。 She Rewires, China's most active women in STEAM community , a social enterprise with the mission of rewiring and transforming the status quo and reshape the future of STEAM for good. It connects more than 70,000+ members with 130 dedicated voluntarily co-builders around the globe.