“当太阳下沉,这里依然有光”(As the sunset, glowing still)是90后艺术家金小尧即将于2021年12月05日在中国宋庄小堡文化广场——英诺艺术空间举办个展。
"As the sunset, glowing still" is a solo exhibition of post-90s artist Jin Xiaoyao.The exhibition will be held at INNOART Space, Xiaopu Cultural Plaza, Songzhuang, Beijing during December 5th, 2021 to January 5th, 2022. This exhibition presents the canvas, paper, video and digital works of the artist Jin Xiaoyao created during his 38-day-experience in Tibet. This series of works is a record of Jin Xiaoyao's instinct as a creator in the process of perceiving and experiencing nature. It is also a special sensory place constructed by the artist that independently exist with time and space. The relationship between the artist and nature is like a unique mirror image relationship, it is an individual's confrontation with life, and also the body's violation with existence. When entering Tibet, Jin Xiaoyao recalled that he is like an aboriginal in the soil of Tibet. This stems from his long preparations before leaving Beijing, and also due to his belief and desire for nature, survival as well as painting. In the field of nature, it is natural to freely allowing the body facing nature - confrontation or obedience. The extreme dusk and the horizon line behind countless mountains fascinated him the most. Light and water became the source of inspiration, and all thoughts were rewritten naturally and then backed to the picture. When time appears surrounding with others, and the artist can really be free to forget about the time. "As the sunset, glowing still" is a slice of the artist's memory in his axis of life, and it is also a poetic shouting in the great waves of him.
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More About the Artist
Jin Xiaoyao, was born in Beijing in 1992. In 2014, Jin xiaoyao graduated from the Central Academy of Fine Arts, majored in the First Studio of the Oil Painting Department. His works focus on the younger generation in contemporary life concerning their psychological status and the meaning of existence. From the early profile portraits combined with landscapes, into depicting people looking straight ahead, and then into escaping the urban area and chasing after sunrise and sunset around the world. Space and time eventually become the main factors in Jin Xiaoyao’s works. Jin Xiaoyao has also been paying attention to the influence of technological progress on art during his years of painting creation. Through self-made pigment, research on the special effects of acrylic paints, as well as dynamic digital works in recent two years and ongoing AI simultaneous creations, he has been searching for suitable expressions in history and the next generation, in anticipation of the self-revolution or evolution on his creation. His works are collected and published by Tsinghua University and Central Academy of Fine Arts. The following art museums and institutions have exhibited his works: Today Art Museum, Times Art Museum, Jinji Lake Art Museum, Zhangzhou Art Museum, Spain EL Foundation, South Korea SEMA Art Museum. He has conducted painting materials courses at the Central Academy of Fine Arts many times, and opened painting materials lectures at the Central Academy of Fine Arts, Ningbo Art Museum and other places. Contact Us 微信公众号:英诺艺术 邮箱:innoartspace@163.com (本文图片均由艺术家提供) (未经授权转载,侵权必究) 关于任何展览疑问与其他问题咨询,请联系: 英诺艺术空间-微信客服
展览期间 英诺艺术空间开放时间: 10:00-18:00 周二 - 周日 (周一闭馆)
About the INNO
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