Ladies Who Tech Chengdu In Action 系列:
孩子, 妈妈与科技 KIDS, MUM, TECH
7月25日周日上午,Ladies Who Tech 将与你一同探讨:如何面对科技给孩子、父母和教育带来的影响。我们邀请了来自科技届的妈妈们,听听她们是如何感受科技在孩子成长中带来的影响;我们还邀请了儿童心理咨询师,听听他们对于为孩子创造一个主动学习的可持续发展环境有哪些建议。我们也期待听到你的声音,如果你也和我们一样在关注着这一话题。
When we see 3D printers, lunar telescopes, programming games, DNA extraction in our children's class, and see them participate in more distant education and online homework, whether we are happy or worried, it is no doubt that science and technology are gradually penetrating our society. Something that used to appear in science fiction and movies is now reality in our lives. Science and technology have affected all aspects of our lives, changed the contact and communication between people, and the way of education.
On July 25, Ladies Who Tech would like to invite you to explore the theme of “The influence of science and technology on children and parents”. We have invited Mums in tech to share insights on the impact of science and technology on their children's growth. We have also invited child psychologists to provide their suggestions on creating a sustainable environment that children could learn proactively.
Worried about babysitting? Worry not! Our partner, Ubisoft, will provide a short and enlightening game coding session for children over 8 years old at this event. Let your children surprise you in their coding project demo at the end of the event. Limited edition gift packs are prepared for those who join this event. Sign up now!
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教练介绍游戏编程体验课 Coding game introduction
家长主题沙龙 Keynote speeches
-聊聊游戏与教育 Gaming and education
-平衡工作与养育孩子 Balance work and parenting
-科技如何影响孩子和父母心理健康 How tech affects the mental health of kids and parents
-面向未来的成长型教育 Preparing kids for future
孩子们展示编程作品 Kids' hands-on project demo
大合照&交朋友 Networking
日期与时间 Date and Time: 2021-07-25 10:00-12:00
语言 Language: 中文 Chinese
地点 Venue: 2M Coffee(高新)
地址 Address: 武侯区富华南路1955号
1955, South Fuhua Road, Wuhou District (Hi-tech zone)
1位成人+1位儿童 168元(含2份饮品点心套餐)
1 adult + 1 kid: ¥168 including 2 drinks and snacks
1 adult: ¥88 including 1 drink and snacks
20 adults + 10 kids (8 years and older, bring your own iPad to code)
疯狂兔子闯进宇宙,用道地的疯狂兔子风格把你的宇宙飞船弄得一团乱!你需要使用代码区块下指示给他们,才能收拾他们所制造的混乱。这款教育游戏的目标组队是 7 岁以上的玩家。
The Rabbids invade space, and in true Rabbids-style, turn your spaceship upside down! Using blocks of code, you need to give them instructions to clear up the mess they have created. This educational game is aimed for players 7 years old and older.
本活动由主办方委托【活动行】票务代理,具体服务及内容由主办方【SHE REWIRES】提供,请仔细阅读活动内容后报名。
She Rewires是中国最活跃的科技女性社群,它的使命是转变现状和重塑 一个更加多元和包容的STEAM 的未来。它全球有 70,000 多名会员与130位志愿共建者的社会创新初创企业。 She Rewires, China's most active women in STEAM community , a social enterprise with the mission of rewiring and transforming the status quo and reshape the future of STEAM for good. It connects more than 70,000+ members with 130 dedicated voluntarily co-builders around the globe.