Starry Terrace Party 晚春之夜,微风拂面 星星如钻石般璀璨在夜空幕布上 4月24日周六晚,星空派对 Beijing Foodies与你不见不散 Under the starry night, it's you, your new friends, and the live music in the roof top bar, accompanied by a sip of the Bejing Foodies' special drink. You will expect to meet, talk and connect with a large group of overseas returnees from various countries, some of whom you definitely have shared experience with and could relate to. Cheers to the wonderful starry night that let us meet each other! 诺大的星空下,有你,有新朋友,有优美的歌声,还有好喝的酒。参加星空派对之夜,觥筹交错间,扩展人脉,链接资源,了解不同行业的发展现状 Attendees 参与人群 100+ overseas returnees are expected to attend this event. They are working in various indutries in the City. Feel free to join in us if you want to spend a wondeful starry night! 将有100+海归社群成员加入我们。他们来自于北京的各个行业。如果你想与我们一起度过一个完美的星空派对,不要犹豫,现在就报名! Time & Venue 时间地点 Time: 20:00 - 23:30, April 24th, Saturday, 2021 Venue: Baccart Cafe & Bar, 2F Liangma Harbour, No. 53, Maizidian Street, Chaoyang District 朝阳区麦子店街53号,亮马港湾2楼 Singer Isaac Wang Singer Raul Wang We'll Have Lucky Draw Live Music Show Professional photographer onsite International Young Professionals Agenda 8pm-9pm: Check in & Social Networking 9pm-10pm: Live Music Show 10pm: Lucky Draw 10pm-End: Social Networking Ticket 票务 (The entrance fee includes one welcome drink) Early Bird 98 rmb per person (Early Bird closes at 12pm Apr 24th) Early Twin 158 rmb per two people (Early Twin closes at 12pm Apr 24th) General Entry 128 rmb per person General Twin 218 rmb per two people Beijing Foodies is a platform to help people learn and connect through Knowledge and Friends. We are a group of young international professionals from technology, finance, design, and education industry. Our slogan is “Stay hungry, stay foolish” because we are all life-long learners.
本活动由主办方委托【活动行】票务代理,具体服务及内容由主办方【Beijing Foodies】提供,请仔细阅读活动内容后报名。