Startup Grind Strikes back - Shanghai Chapter Relaunch Party
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It's been a year since SG Shanghai's last event, but It's been 10 years since SG SH's first event.
For the past 10 years, the Shanghai Chapter remains committed to our local community-building in bringing like-minded yet diverse individuals together to connect, learn, help, build, and belong. For the next 10 years, we wish to have you on board to discuss the blueprints together.
On September 15th, Startup Grind Shanghai warmly invites you to its Re-launch Party with good company, drinks and lots of inspiration. It will be a great opportunity to make meaningful new connections, meet (and bring) like-minded people and catch up with old friends.
9月15日,Startup Grind 上海将举办一场“重启派对”。我们备好了美酒,诚邀您来与SG上海社群共同相聚!这场沙龙将是您拓展深度人脉的绝佳机会:建立有意义的联系、结识志同道合的伙伴、会会老友,再喝点小酒。
Startup Grind Shanghai will announce our exciting plans for 2023-24. We're pleased to invite you to join the discussion with our chapter team and ecosystem partners, share your learnings and hopes with the community!
本次沙龙上,Startup Grind上海也将宣布 2023-24 激动人心的活动计划,我们诚邀您加入与上海分舵负责人和生态合作伙伴的讨论,分享您的收获和期待。
9/15, Friday, 6:30-9:00 PM
Event Agenda
上海分舵 & 生态伙伴走心分享
Startup Grind, the largest independent startup community, actively educating, inspiring, and connecting more than 2,000,000 entrepreneurs in over 600 chapters within 125+ countries, with 6 cities in China and counting.
The cornerstone of our community is regular events featuring successful local founders, innovators, educators, and investors who share lessons learned on the road to building great companies. Founded in Silicon Valley, we nurture startup ecosystems through events, media, and partnerships, helping millions of entrepreneurs build their businesses, connect with strategic partners, and secure funding.
Active in Shanghai since 2013, Startup Grind is the city’s most active and vibrant startup community, gathering entrepreneurs, platforms, corporates, VCs and other thought leaders to help fuel innovation, economic growth, and prosperity.
Startup Grind 是世界最大的独立创业社区,在全球约125个国家的600多个城市中积极地启蒙、激励和连接着200多万创业者,其中在中国6个城市的分会仍旧活跃。
Startup Grind 定期举办社区活动,邀请成功的创始人、创新者、教育者和投资人,分享他们在创业道路上学到的经验与教训。从硅谷成立迄今,Startup Grind通过活动、媒体和伙伴关系培育着初创生态系统,帮助数以百万计的创业者拓展业务,对接战略合作伙伴,并获得投资。
自2013年成立起,作为上海地区最活跃、最有活力的创业社区,Startup Grind 上海分会不断聚集着创业者、平台、大企业、风投和其他思想领袖,致力于推动创新、经济增长和繁荣!
Startup Grind, the largest independent startup community, actively educating, inspiring, and connecting more than 2,000,000 entrepreneurs in over 600 chapters within 125+ countries, with 6 cities in China and counting. Startup Grind 是世界最大的独立创业社区,在全球约125个国家的600多个城市中积极地启蒙、激励和连接着500多万创业者,其中在中国 6 座城市仍有活跃分会。