FTR4H数字医疗论坛将于2021年11月13日-15日在医疗器械创新与服务展 Medical Fair China 现场举办,以“后疫情时代:数字医疗的高速通道”为主题,聚焦数字医疗解决方案。会议议程已经发布,汇聚数字医疗行业精英,会议内容精彩丰富,赶快来先睹为快吧!
FTR4H Digital Healthcare Forum will be held at Medical Fair China on November 13-15, 2021, with the theme of "Post-Epidemic Era: The High-Speed Pathway to Digital Healthcare", focusing on digital healthcare resolutions.
The conference agenda has been released, bringing together the elites of the digital healthcare industry with a wealth of exciting content.
下滑查看中文版议程 Forum Agenda Updated in Oct. 2021 and Subject to change.