IN WUHAN ON 11-June-2022
是的你没听错,她来了!首届LADIES WHO TECH年度大会武汉峰会将于2022年6月11日(周六)在武汉BFC复星外滩中心营销中心进行。请务必留好档期参加哟!
You heard us, mark your calendars! The first ever Ladies Who Tech Convention in Wuhan is set to take place at The Bund Fosun Center, on Saturday 11-June-2022.
Ladies Who Tech迎来了成立5年的里程碑。为了庆祝这个特别的“生日”,我们将在全国包括武汉、上海、成都、深圳和北京在内的5个城市举行年度大会路演。我们诚意邀请你参加Ladies Who Tech 2022 年度大会在武汉的首秀!让我们一起先破后立——实践本次大会的主题!
Ladies Who Tech is celebrating our 5th anniversary. To celebrate this special occasion, we are planning a convention roadshow across China in the cities of Wuhan, Shanghai, Chengdu, Shenzhen, and Beijing. We invite you to join us at the Ladies Who Tech Convention 2022 starting for the very first time in Wuhan! Let’s all get together to <Disrupt, Reinvent> - our theme for this year.
Ladies Who Tech 2019年秋天第一次来到武汉,在华中科技大学与计算机专业女大学生们有一场精彩的线下分享活动。我们相信,通过激励和鼓励更多女性发现她们在STEM领域的潜力,可以挑战现状。武汉是我们举办这次大会的五个城市之一,目的是将我们的使命提升到一个更高的水平,并庆祝我们成立五周年。
Ladies Who Tech launched in Wuhan in the autumn of 2019 with a workshop with female students majoring in STEM at Huazhong University of Science and Technology. We believe in challenging the status quo by inspiring and encouraging more women to discover their potential in STEM. Wuhan is one of the 5 cities to host this annual convention to bring our mission to the level and celebrate our 5th anniversary.
The convention attracts participants who are eager to hear insights on topics such as e-commerce, AI, big data, automotive, semiconductor, web3, and current trends in STEM industries.
We invite STEM thought leaders, entrepreneurs, role models, and practitioners to share with us their STEM journey, industry insights, and how to thrive in the new norm to build a more inclusive digital economy.
This year we will feature a panel, “Disrupt and Reinvent”, which will focus on Disruptors and Innovators in Wuhan who create products to break through the old technology and mindset to lead the trend of a more inclusive world.
There will be workshops, start-up pitches, and speed-mentoring sessions. Of course, we will be bringing the highly popular Tech Corner and STEM Career Fair, and the Networking Cocktail Session!
全球而言,我们需要135年才能缩小性别差距。Ladies Who Tech致力于与我们的志愿者、合作伙伴和行为榜样一起推动性别多样化。我们决心让我们的影响力成为可持续并且可量化的,因为我们相信投资女性的力量。她成就,成就你我!
Globally, we need another 135 years to close the gender gap. Ladies Who Tech is dedicated, with our volunteers, partners, and role models, to making an impact on improving gender diversity. We are determined to continue making our impact sustainable and measurable because we believe in the power of investing in women. When women win, we all win!
为了让本届Ladies Who Tech年度大会成为意义深远的一届,我们正在全国范围内积极寻找赞助方、演讲人、志愿者、科技创业企业合作伙伴、媒体合伙人、社群合伙人,特别是企业和STEM社群。To make this year’s Ladies Who Tech Conventions far-reaching and impactful, we are looking for sponsors, speakers, volunteers, tech startup partners, media partners, and community partners, especially from corporations and STEM communities throughout China.如果你愿意参与其中,请发送电邮至ladieswhotech@outlook.com获取更多资讯。别忘了,这个世界需要我们每个人的力量来推动人类发展进步!
If you want to contribute, email for more information. The world needs all of us to push the human race forward!大会信息 Event Information日期和时间:2022年6月11日全天
Date & Time: 2022-06-11 full dayVenue: The Bund Fosun CenterAddress: South Youyi Road & HanZheng Street CSD, Qiaokou District, WuhanBFC复星外滩中心项目介绍
BFC Fosun Center The Bund Wuhan
A pioneer in urbanization globally and a Fortune 500 company, Fosun deeply invests itself in real estate, healthcare, and finance. How does Fosun showcase its unique branding by helping locations and real estate complement each other?
Being the latest landmark in Shanghai Financial Center, BFC Shanghai is a blueprint for global urbanization. Shanghai BFC catches everyone’s attention while walking on the Bund. And no other projects were called BFC until the launch of BFC Wuhan.
From the Bund to the Yangtze River, Fosun developed 1.4 million square meters of the BFC Wuhan in the Hanzhen CBD, showcasing the best life quality in Middle China that people feel aspired to have.
BFC Fosun Center is located at the Peninsula where the Yangtze River and Han River intersects. With 1.4 million square meters of developed area and a corridor at 470 meters above the air, Wuhan BFC is a wonder that the city offers to the world.
All genders and professions are welcome!