活动主题:Gaming: Codenames The Word Game For Spies 游戏之夜:行动代号
活动时间: 2021年11月7日 16:00-18:00
活动地址:上海市长宁区定西路1277号长峰大厦10楼 1006室
Codenames is one of the most popular table games in the West. It's being played by hundreds of thousands of people as we speak at parties, universities, businesses and online. Why? Because it's awesome!
It also happens to be a great way to expand your knowledge of words, how to use them, understanding people and critical thinking!
In this game, we'll enter a world of spies, their spymasters and secret codes! The spymaster needs to communicate with their spies through secret codes that you'll make yourselves. In this club, you'll laugh your butts off, learn cool stuff and you'll walk out with a smile and feel smarter!
Nick will be your game master and he'll explain everything you need to know and have an amazing time. Let's play Codenames!