有了ChatGPT,人人都是程序员本系列工作坊将介绍如何利用ChatGPT帮你编写Python程序,你只要用自然语言表达你的需求,便可以得到一段满足你需求,并可以运行的Python程序。帮助你高效的完成重复与模式化的工作,比如文件处理,数据提取/整理/分析与报表生成等工作。同时本工作坊也会带领编程0基础的朋友入门Python语言,掌握ChatGPT+Python这个最高效的生产力工具。👉 ChatGPT技术的基础知识,包括如何使用ChatGPT进行自然语言处理、对话生成和自动化文本处理等方面的应用;
👉 Python编程语言的基础知识,包括如何使用Python进行数据处理、自动化重复性任务、Web数据处理等方面的应用;
👉 如何将ChatGPT和Python技术结合起来,实现更高效的工作流程和自动化处理;
👉 结合参与者真实的工作场景与案例,通过ChatGPT生成有效的解决方案;工作坊中将提供各种的案例研究和实践机会,现场解決动手问题,让您能够快速掌握这项技术。无论您是编程小白还是经验丰富的程序员,都欢迎您参加本系列工作坊。让我们一起学习ChatGPT,训练ChatGPT,让其成为我们工作与生活的超级助手与助理。I'm Alex, a very atypical IT guy. I love learning language and cultures, taking part in networking events, meeting interesting people. It was fortunate that I met many amazing friends and learned a lot from them. They inspired me and made me realize something more meaningful for my life. So I started to establish an English community, "Post English Time"(PET), since June 2011. I hope more people benefit from it as what I experienced. My goal is to make it a trustworthy and interesting community that can help others. I used to work for IT/Internet companies for years. And now I'm focusing on running and growing PET, and devoting to create a platform which can get more interesting people involved. Hope one day, when you want more possibilities in your life, PET can be your top choice.
The PET Workshop mainly concerns knowledge sharing and hands-on experience learning. Each two-hour session we will invite one experienced expert from certain field to share his or her theme stories such as scuba diving, baking workshop, image enhancement and western linguistics, etc. By combining knowledge input with practical experience, each participant not only can acquire rich ideas, but also gain positive experience in practicing knowledge and collecting feedback.PET工作坊 是一个注重价值分享与动手体验的主题分享活动,每次我们会邀请一位在某一领域的资深专家进行2小时的主题分享,如潜水,烘焙,形象管理,西方语言学等,强调把知识输入与动手实践相结合,让每一位参与者不仅学习到知识,而且获得使用知识并收集反馈的正向体验。 Knowledge and skill sharingHands-on and problem solving
Please bring your own laptop, we learn by doing.Please sign up in advance, or pay extra ¥30The event will be cancelled if the number of participants is less than 1/3 of the expected number报名人数不足期望人数的1/3活动自动取消,请务必报名,谢谢If you're unable to attend, please postpone the participation on the registration page. If refunded, deduct 10% registration fee.因特殊情况无法参加,请自己在报名成功页面点击延期参加;如果退款,扣除10%报名费。